海水从古老的珊瑚礁上倾泻而下,杭莱,越南 Seawater cascades over an ancient coral reef, Hang Rai, Vietnam (© Thang Tat Nguyen/Getty Images)

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海水从古老珊瑚礁上倾泻而下,杭莱,越南 Seawater cascades over an ancient coral reef, Hang Rai, Vietnam (© Thang Tat Nguyen/Getty Images)

潮汐探戈 A tidal tango



Vinh Hy Bay, Vietnam

Welcome to Hang Rai, a blend of ancient rock formations and vibrant coral reefs. Also called Rai Cave, this cavern is part of the Vinh Hy Bay—enclosed by Nui Chua National Park—in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam. The area's natural coral reefs are surrounded by rock formations that are stacked upon each other to form a group of caves. One origin of the name 'Hang Rai' or 'Rai Cave' comes from otters (rai) that were occasionally seen seeking shelter in the caves. Another explanation is attributed to the abundance of rai trees in the area, whose oil was used to waterproof boats. The landscape is an awe-inspiring sight both under and above water: corals for deep divers and colorful sunsets for those who like camping in the sea breeze.

弗雷泽河谷的郁金香田,阿伯兹福德,不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 (© LeonU/Getty Images)

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弗雷泽河谷郁金香田,阿伯兹福德,不列颠哥伦比亚省加拿大 (© LeonU/Getty Images)





巴西亚马逊上空巨大的砧状云 Large anvil clouds above the Amazon in Brazil (© NASA)

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巴西亚马逊上空巨大的砧状 Large anvil clouds above the Amazon in Brazil (© NASA)

Making a fog-cast



World Meteorological Day

'When clouds appear like rocks and towers, the Earth's refreshed with frequent showers.' There's a whisper of truth to this old proverb for the storm clouds, also known as cumulonimbus or anvil clouds, which are pictured here. Today, on World Meteorological Day, we honor the marvel that is our atmosphere. This observance, first held in 1961, commemorates the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization and recognizes the vital role meteorology plays in our lives. Weather forecasts may not always appear reliable, but thanks to advances in technology like satellites and supercomputers, they have come a long way. Global weather models provide forecasts for up to 16 days and, the average lead time for tornado warnings is now around 15 minutes. Cheers for the progress made and much more to come!

蓝泉,蒂怀霍步道,新西兰 Blue Spring, Te Waihou Walkway, New Zealand (© Ian Beattie/Alamy Stock Photo)

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,蒂怀霍步道新西兰 Blue Spring, Te Waihou Walkway, New Zealand (© Ian Beattie/Alamy Stock Photo)

我们在庆祝“水”? 'Water' we celebrating?



World Water Day

It's World Water Day, a United Nations event that ripples across the globe, reminding us of the importance of this essential resource. Water quenches thirst and irrigates harvests, and its absence can derail prosperity and stability. The World Economic Forum lists the water crisis among the top global risks, with 2.2 billion people still lacking access to clean water. From educational forums to local cleanups, each action, big or small, contributes to the wave of change needed to address the crisis. This year's theme, 'Water for Peace,' invites us to reflect on water's power to foster unity. So, are you ready to dive into a current that flows deeper than New Zealand's Blue Spring at Te Waihou Walkway, pictured on our homepage? This clear spring is renowned for its purity, supplying about 70% of the country's bottled water. For those in regions without easy access to safe water, World Water Day is here to promote greater cooperation to help conserve this crucial resource, for everyone.

布恩迪国家公园,乌干达 Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest, Uganda (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)

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布恩迪国家公园乌干达 Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest, Uganda (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)

森林多美好呀! Woodn't it be nice



International Day of Forests

Today we're rooting for woodlands worldwide as we celebrate the International Day of Forests. Established by the UN 11 years ago, the day draws attention to the need to preserve these essential ecosystems, which supply food, water, medicines, and other resources. Covering over 30% of land on Earth, it is thought that woodlands around the world contain more than 60,000 tree species. Featured here is the Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest in Uganda, which is home to 160 species of trees and 100 species of ferns, as well as an extraordinary 50% of the world's mountain gorilla population. The forest has thickets of bamboo growing between the trees, making access on foot difficult, giving the Impenetrable Forest its name.

鸟瞰春日盛开的樱花,中国 Aerial view of cherry blossom in Spring, China (© outcast85/Getty images)

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鸟瞰春日盛开的樱花中国 Aerial view of cherry blossom in Spring, China (© outcast85/Getty images)

粉嫩的春日美景 Pink spring scenery




盛开的扁桃树, 加利福尼亚州,美国 Almond trees in full bloom, California (© Jeffrey Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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盛开的扁桃, 加利福尼亚州美国 Almond trees in full bloom, California (© Jeffrey Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

春日私语 Whispers of spring

盛开的扁桃树, 加利福尼亚


大象岩,古城欧拉,沙特阿拉伯 Elephant Rock, Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia (© Lubo Ivanko/Shutterstock)

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大象岩,古城欧拉,沙特阿拉伯 Elephant Rock, Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia (© Lubo Ivanko/Shutterstock)

温柔的“沙丘巨人” Gentle giant of the dunes




Elephant Rock, Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia

Over millions of years, the dazzling sandstone formation known as Elephant Rock was carved by nature. Thanks to the wind and water erosion, this 117-foot-high rock near the city of Al-Ula in Saudi Arabia took on the shape of an elephant and has become a prominent landmark in the region. As the sun sets, it casts a warm glow upon the red-hued mammoth and the golden sand of the surrounding desert.

About 7 miles from the Elephant Rock, the city of Al-Ula traces its roots back to ancient civilizations and has witnessed the passage of traders, pilgrims, and caravans crossing its arid landscapes. The surrounding area, including rock formations and Hegra's Nabataean tombs, boasts petroglyphs and inscriptions, some dating as far back as 644 CE.

圣菲尼安湾,凯里郡,爱尔兰 St. Finian's Bay, County Kerry, Ireland (© Atlantide Phototravel/Getty Images)

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圣菲尼安,凯里郡,爱尔兰 St. Finian's Bay, County Kerry, Ireland (© Atlantide Phototravel/Getty Images)

今天,让我们穿绿衣裳吧! Let's wear green today!




St. Patrick's Day

Today, we're looking out to sea from the green pastures of St Finian's Bay in County Kerry, Ireland, to celebrate St Patrick's Day. The country's patron saint introduced Christianity to Ireland around the year 432, and his passing on March 17, 461, became a day of commemoration in his homeland.

The holiday holds cultural significance in the United States, where there are over 30 million people who claim Irish ancestry, specifically in cities like Boston, New York, and Chicago. The first festivity in America took place in Boston in 1737, organized by homesick Irish soldiers to honor their heritage. The modern celebration typically includes parades, traditional Irish music, and dance performances, wearing green clothes, and indulging in Irish cuisine and beverages. Have you pinned a shamrock to your jacket yet?

安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园,美国加利福尼亚州 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园美国加利福尼亚州 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一抹春色 Where is this colorful desert?



Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

The first day of spring may be just days away, but the season's wildflowers at California's largest state park—Anza-Borrego Desert State Park—are already here to say hello! Every spring, this barren desert floor undergoes a dramatic makeover. Flowers like heliotrope, brittlebush, and desert dandelion burst into a riot of bloom, creating a spectacle of color. For those seeking a more adventurous experience, this park has a lot to offer—from the mountains of the Peninsular Ranges and cactus-studded hills to slot canyons, badlands, and natural palm oases. In addition, as a designated International Dark Sky Park, it is an exceptional spot for stargazing. Beyond its natural wonders, the park, spanning over 600,000 acres, is also home to a rich cultural and historical legacy, including ancient pictographs, or rock paintings, from the Native American tribes that once lived here.

