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尖峰国家公园的高峰步道,圣贝尼托县,加利福尼亚州,美国 High Peaks Trail at Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California (© yhelfman/Getty Images)

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尖峰国家公园的高峰步道,圣贝尼托县,加利福尼亚州美国 High Peaks Trail at Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California (© yhelfman/Getty Images)

诞生于火,历久弥坚 A monumental milestone




Anniversary of Pinnacles National Park, California

Jagged pinnacles and spires, monoliths, and unusual caves—welcome to Pinnacles National Park in central California. President Theodore Roosevelt designated the area as a national monument in 1908, and Pinnacles would earn its status as a national park in 2013. As we celebrate the park's anniversary today, let's take a moment to appreciate this landscape. Pinnacles owes its formations to an ancient volcanic eruption that occurred 23 million years ago. The fiery beginnings made towering spires, cliffs, and talus caves, which are created by falling boulders wedged into narrow canyons. Over millennia, tectonic forces shifted the landmass northward, leaving the park far from its volcanic birthplace. Talk about a journey!

Pinnacles offers a variety of trails, from easy walks to challenging climbs. The High Peaks Trail, featured in today's image, tests your stamina with steep climbs and narrow passages, while Bear Gulch Reservoir provides a more relaxed stroll. Pinnacles is home to a range of wildlife including bobcats, jackrabbits, and black-tailed deer, and bird species like woodpeckers and bats, making it attractive for wildlife enthusiasts. Among the park's many treasures are once-endangered California condors, which were reintroduced here in a successful conservation effort.

水晶码头的圣诞树,太平洋海滩,加利福尼亚州,美国 Christmas tree at Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California (© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images)

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水晶码头圣诞太平洋海滩加利福尼亚州美国 Christmas tree at Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California (© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images)

冲浪沙滩和圣诞老人 Surf, sand, and Santa



Christmas tree on Crystal Pier, San Diego, California

Santa has plenty of runway to land his sleigh, but good luck trying to find a chimney. Today, we're getting ready for Christmas at Pacific Beach in San Diego, California. While it might not snow here, there's still plenty of yuletide spirit leading up to Christmas in sunny Southern California. Among many beautiful examples on San Diego's Christmas Tree Trail is the 20-foot tree at the end of a festively decorated Crystal Pier.

Stretching out 872 feet into the water, the pier has been a Pacific Beach icon since 1927. Once home to a ballroom and carnival-like midway, Crystal Pier has since become a mellower vacation destination and one of the few places on the West Coast with rental accommodations over the ocean. Open to the public during the day and 24/7 for hotel guests, the pier is an ideal place to take in panoramic coastal views, watch whales and surfers at play, do some fishing, or bathe in glorious coastal sunsets. Pacific Beach also has a lively restaurant, bar, and club scene if eggnog isn't your thing. There are certainly colder places to spend Christmas, but perhaps no place cooler than Crystal Pier.

莫诺湖的石灰华地层,加利福尼亚州,美国 Tufa formations on Mono Lake, California (© Susanna Patras/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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莫诺的石灰华地层,加利福尼亚州美国 Tufa formations on Mono Lake, California (© Susanna Patras/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

石灰华塔的崛起 The rise of tufa




Tufa formations in Mono Lake, California

Shaped by the slow passage of time, tufa—a type of porous limestone—emerges as one of nature's most spectacular formations. While these towers can be found in many places, today's image shows some at Mono Lake in Mono County, California. These structures develop when calcium-rich fresh water, percolating up through springs and vents, mixes with carbonate in the lake. Over centuries, this interaction caused calcium carbonate to build up, forming tufa spires above the lake's surface. To preserve the tufa towers, the Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve was established in 1981.

Mono Lake is a fascinating desert lake with hypersaline and alkaline waters and no natural outlet. It supports a thriving ecosystem teeming with billions of brine shrimp and alkali flies. These tiny creatures are essential snacks for a variety of migratory birds, like California gulls and eared grebes. As a food source, Mono Lake is a critical pit stop along the Pacific Flyway, a major migration route for birds journeying from Alaska all the way south to Patagonia.

州立公园,索诺玛海岸,美国加利福尼亚州 Sonoma Coast State Park, California (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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州立公园,索诺玛海岸美国加利福尼亚州 Sonoma Coast State Park, California (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)

潮汐与暮色 Tides and twilight



Sonoma Coast State Park, California

Sonoma Coast State Park offers a picturesque retreat with its sandy beaches, natural arches, and secluded coves. Established in 1934, the park encompasses 17 miles of Northern California coastline between Jenner and Bodega Bay. Wildlife enthusiasts can spot seals, sea lions, whales, and a variety of birds like towhees, warblers, finches, sparrows, and orioles. History buffs will enjoy exploring the sea stack formation with rubbing marks believed to have been made by mammoths that roamed the area 40,000 years ago. The park is also home to historical sites like Bodega Head, where Russians built a fort in the early 1800s.

Fort Ross, near the park, was established in 1812 by the Russian-American Company. This settlement marked the southernmost expansion of Russian colonization in North America. The fort primarily served as a hub for the fur trade, focusing on hunting sea otters along the Pacific coast. By the mid-1830s, the fur trade had declined, and in 1841, the fort was sold to John Sutter, an American entrepreneur.

巨型海藻森林中的加州海狮,下加利福尼亚,墨西哥 California sea lion in a forest of giant kelp, Baja California, Mexico (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

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巨型海藻森林中的加州海狮,下加利福尼亚墨西哥 California sea lion in a forest of giant kelp, Baja California, Mexico (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

海中的“狮子王” The lion king of the sea




Sea lion in a kelp forest, Baja California, Mexico

Take a stroll along almost any marina from Costa Rica to Alaska, and you'll likely hear the playful barks of sea lions echo through the air. California sea lions, like the one pictured, are a common sight basking in the sun along the rocky shores of North America's western coast. These marine mammals, belonging to the pinniped group, are often mistaken for seals. An easy way to distinguish between them is by looking at their ears—sea lions have visible flaps, seals don't.
Sea lions also have a special relationship with giant kelp, seen in today's image from Baja California, Mexico. These towering underwater plants, which can grow up to 175 feet in ideal conditions, sway gently with the currents, creating beautiful scenery. Kelp forests are home to a diverse array of marine life, including sea lions, tiny invertebrates like snails, prawns, and jellyfish, and a wide range of fish, like cod, rockfish, and wrasse. Sea lions twist and turn through the thick kelp strands, hunting fish hiding within the leaves. They also use kelp as refuge from predators like sharks, blending in with the fronds of the brown algae to avoid detection. Kelp's rapid growth makes it an ideal habitat for marine life of all types to thrive.

博迪州立历史公园,莫诺县,加利福尼亚州,美国 Bodie State Historic Park, Mono County, California (© Julien McRoberts/Tetra Images, LLC/Alamy Stock Photo)

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博迪州立历史公园,莫诺县,加利福尼亚州美国 Bodie State Historic Park, Mono County, California (© Julien McRoberts/Tetra Images, LLC/Alamy Stock Photo)

“淘金热”后的鬼城 Ghosts of the gold rush




Bodie State Historic Park, California

In the ghostly silence of Bodie, California, it feels like time stands still. This mining camp became a booming gold rush town in the 1870s, after a cave-in revealed a rich vein of gold. Bodie was named after W.S. Bodey, a prospector who died in a blizzard before seeing the town's rise. When large deposits were found there, it grew to nearly 10,000 residents, with saloons, dance halls, and breweries lining its streets. But as the gold ran dry, so did the town's fortunes. The mines closed, the population dwindled, and by 1915, the place was abandoned. Bodie's streets are now empty, its wooden buildings frozen in decay.

Today, Bodie is one of America's best-preserved ghost towns. Wandering through the streets, you can peer into dusty homes and storefronts, and even find small artifacts like shards of china and square nails from the glory days. Legend has it that Bodie's ghosts fiercely guard the town, and those who take souvenirs risk being cursed with bad luck. Taking items home is also strictly against the park's rules. So, be sure to leave with nothing but memories—lest the town's spirits follow you home.

巨型红杉,红杉国家公园,加利福尼亚州,美国 Giant sequoias, Sequoia National Park, California (© Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock)

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巨型红杉,红杉国家公园加利福尼亚州美国 Giant sequoias, Sequoia National Park, California (© Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock)

古代巨人的王国 The realm of ancient giants



Sequoia National Park's 134th anniversary

On this day in 1890, Sequoia National Park was founded in the southern Sierra Nevada of California to protect one of America's natural splendors. Named after the giant sequoias that dominate the landscape, the park spans more than 629 square miles and is home to wildlife such as black bears, mule deer, and over 200 species of birds, including warblers, vireos, and flycatchers. The giant sequoia trees here have been rooted for more than 2,200 years and are among Earth's oldest living organisms. The park's renowned General Sherman tree rises to an astonishing 275 feet. Named after the American Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman, it's not only tall but is also more than 36 feet wide. Visitors flock to capture moments among these ancient giants, whose reddish-brown, fibrous bark and wide-reaching branches evoke a sense of living history.

雷耶斯角国家海岸灯塔,加利福尼亚州,美国 Point Reyes National Seashore Lighthouse, California (© RMB Images/Photography by Robert Bowman/Getty Images)

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雷耶斯角国家海岸灯塔加利福尼亚州美国 Point Reyes National Seashore Lighthouse, California (© RMB Images/Photography by Robert Bowman/Getty Images)

自然与人类的天堂 A haven for nature and humans




Point Reyes National Seashore, California

This stunning 71,028-acre coastal haven on the Point Reyes Peninsula in Marin County is a gem of the California coastline. Filled with scenic trails that wind through forests and along cliffs, it boasts breathtaking views and lots of wildlife. Point Reyes National Seashore also has a reputation as the most wind-swept spot on the Pacific Coast and the second-foggiest area in North America, so dress accordingly.

The lighthouse was built in 1870 due to frequent shipwrecks in treacherous coastal waters. This iconic landmark served as a crucial navigation aid for more than 100 years before being replaced by an automated light in 1975. Today, the lighthouse remains a key element of Point Reyes' charm and continues to be a favorite attraction. Whether you're spotting elephant seals, hiking to the picturesque Point Reyes Lighthouse, or simply soaking in the serene beauty of the rolling waves, there's something for everyone.

日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头,加利福尼亚州,美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头加利福尼亚州美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

一个无与伦比的码头 Pier today ...




Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset

In today's image, we see the sun disappearing below the pier at Huntington Beach, California. First built in 1902, the pier was damaged by a storm and had to be rebuilt just nine years later. During World War II, a submarine lookout post was installed on the pier to help with the war effort. These days, it's a popular spot for fishing and watching surfers ride the waves out in the Pacific Ocean.

Huntington Beach has been nicknamed Surf City, and it's not hard to see why. Its 9.5-mile-long sandy beach gets great waves all year round. And it is home to the International Surf Museum, where visitors can learn about the history of the sport and see historic surfboards. Whether you're hitting the waves or watching from the pier, Huntington Beach is a peerless destination.

约书亚树国家公园,加利福尼亚州,美国 Joshua Tree National Park, California (© Chris Moore - Exploring Light Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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约书亚树国家公园加利福尼亚州美国 Joshua Tree National Park, California (© Chris Moore - Exploring Light Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

星空下的约 Joshua under a starry blanket




Joshua Tree National Park, California

Happy anniversary, Joshua Tree National Park! This Californian icon was made a national monument on August 10, 1936. At the meeting point of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts, it has been home to various cultures for thousands of years. Its earliest known residents were people from the Pinto Culture, who lived here from 8000 to 4000 BCE. Centuries later, this land was inhabited by the native Cahuilla, Serrano, and Chemehuevi peoples. Its namesake, the Joshua tree, has also put down roots across this 1,242-square-mile park. This striking plant, pictured on our homepage, is not really a tree, but rather a kind of succulent. Native to the Southwest US and northern Mexico, Joshua trees can grow up to 40 feet tall.

Whether it's hiking through Hidden Valley, visiting the Cholla Cactus Garden, or marveling at Skull Rock, this national park has a lot to offer. By night, it becomes a stargazer's paradise. So, whether you seek adventure, or a moment of tranquility, Joshua Tree awaits with open skies.