标签 海滩 下的文章
日出时的海滩,海湾岛国家海岸,佛罗里达,美国 Beach at sunrise, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida, USA (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)
日出时的海滩,海湾岛国家海岸,佛罗里达,美国 Beach at sunrise, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida, USA (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)
阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)
阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)
香料红和水晶蓝 Spicy red and crystal blue
日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头,加利福尼亚州,美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头,加利福尼亚州,美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
一个无与伦比的码头 Pier today ...
Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset
In today's image, we see the sun disappearing below the pier at Huntington Beach, California. First built in 1902, the pier was damaged by a storm and had to be rebuilt just nine years later. During World War II, a submarine lookout post was installed on the pier to help with the war effort. These days, it's a popular spot for fishing and watching surfers ride the waves out in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington Beach has been nicknamed Surf City, and it's not hard to see why. Its 9.5-mile-long sandy beach gets great waves all year round. And it is home to the International Surf Museum, where visitors can learn about the history of the sport and see historic surfboards. Whether you're hitting the waves or watching from the pier, Huntington Beach is a peerless destination.
斯科讷省海滩上的浴场小屋,瑞典 Bathing huts on the beach in Skåne County, Sweden (© Martin Wahlborg/Getty Images)
斯科讷省海滩上的浴场小屋,瑞典 Bathing huts on the beach in Skåne County, Sweden (© Martin Wahlborg/Getty Images)
色彩斑斓的海岸线 Chromatic coastline
Bathing huts in Skåne County, Sweden
When it comes to vibrant beach scenes, Skåne County in Sweden, doesn't disappoint. Today's image features pastel huts in Skanörs Havsbad, a sandy beach section in the town of Skanör. This is one of the most popular parts of the beach, which stretches for over 6 miles, on the western side of the Falsterbonäset peninsula. Located near the Skanör marina, this part of the beach is a favorite spot for bathers in the summer months.
Along with sandy shores, this area is home to rapeseed fields, beech forests, ancient monuments, castles, and museums that bring the region's history to life, from the Romanesque grandeur of Lund's cathedral to the modern energy of Malmö. So, next time you're in Skåne, don't forget to take a stroll along the shore and soak in the colorful charm of these iconic beach huts.
丹翠雨林的诺亚海滩,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Noah Beach in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland, Australia (© bjeayes/Getty Images)
丹翠雨林的诺亚海滩,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Noah Beach in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland, Australia (© bjeayes/Getty Images)
邂逅美丽海岸线 A coastal encounter
Daintree Rainforest and Noah Beach, Queensland, Australia
Welcome to a land where greenery meets the endless blue. On the North Queensland coast of Australia, encircled by dense foliage, is Noah Beach. A fascinating blend of two ecosystems, here the Daintree Rainforest seamlessly meets the azure waters of the Coral Sea. This secluded area of the Daintree National Park boasts a stretch of soft, golden sands while elsewhere there are towering trees, lush ferns, and other plant species unique to the area. The Daintree is believed to have been around for up to 180 million years, making it the oldest tropical rainforest in the world. It is also Australia's largest uninterrupted stretch of tropical rainforest and home to rare species like Bennett's tree-kangaroo, found nowhere else on our planet.
保龄球海滩的日落,门多西诺县,加利福尼亚,美国 Sunset on Bowling Ball Beach, Mendocino County, California (© Melo Qiao/Getty Images)
保龄球海滩的日落,门多西诺县,加利福尼亚,美国 Sunset on Bowling Ball Beach, Mendocino County, California (© Melo Qiao/Getty Images)
岩石保龄球 Rock 'n' bowl
Bowling Ball Beach in Mendocino County, California
Welcome to nature's bowling alley. Bowling Ball Beach on the Mendocino Coast in California is named after the striking rock formations strewn across the shore. These sandstone balls—a phenomenon known as concretions—formed over millions of years as sedimentary layers built up around a central core of sand and stone held together by mineral cements. Erosion gradually wore away the outer layers to expose the spherical shapes we see today. This created a fascinating spectacle that only appears at low tide. Concretions are rare, and there has been plenty of wild speculation about where they come from, with some believing them to be extraterrestrial debris while others wonder if they are dinosaur fossils. The answer, however, is quite simple: It is the forces of nature at play.
班堡城堡,诺森伯兰郡,英格兰 Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England (© Blackbeck/Getty Images)
班堡城堡,诺森伯兰郡,英格兰 Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England (© Blackbeck/Getty Images)
随波逐流 Grow with the flow
Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England
Bamburgh Castle perches on a crag of volcanic rock, overlooking sand dunes and the coast of Northumberland, England. The fortress, once a strategic Anglo-Saxon stronghold, evolved over centuries into the imposing structure seen today. The site was the seat of the ancient Northumbrian kingdom—an early medieval Anglo-Saxon kingdom covering present-day northern England and southeast Scotland. The original castle was destroyed by invading Vikings in 993 and a new castle was built here by the Normans. Today's castle is the result of various restorations in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. After surviving its share of attacks, Bamburgh Castle has made its way to the limelight due to its impressive silhouette against the North Sea, featuring in productions like 'Macbeth,' 'Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,' and 'Ivanhoe.'
石英岩地层,普拉亚德尔锡伦西奥,西班牙 Quartzite formation, Playa del Silencio, Asturias, Spain (© Jean-Philippe Delobelle/Minden Pictures)
石英岩地层,普拉亚德尔锡伦西奥,西班牙 Quartzite formation, Playa del Silencio, Asturias, Spain (© Jean-Philippe Delobelle/Minden Pictures)
宁静之地 A quiet place, indeed
Playa del Silencio, Spain
Spain's Asturias region, known for its greenery, artistic legacy, and excellent food, has many hidden gems. Our homepage image shows Playa del Silencio, or Beach of Silence, a shell-shaped cove with a natural rock amphitheater. Far away from urban areas and noisy crowds, the beach enjoys a sense of isolation and solitude. Rugged cliffs surround golden sands perfect for soaking up its peaceful vibes, while nearby caves and water activities provide exciting adventures for those who crave them.
The rocky shoreline seen here is made of quartzite, formed over millions of years. This spectacular display was created when quartz grains gradually replaced the original rock while maintaining its texture. With their intricate patterns and colors, some of these rocks resemble ancient wood.
白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)
白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)
圣灵群岛之旅 Whitsunday wanderlust
Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Australia
sand, and sea come together to create the stunning beaches of the
Whitsunday Islands, made up of 74 islands off the coast of Queensland,
Australia. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park surrounds and protects the
islands, once home to the Ngaro people of Australia, an Aboriginal
group known as the 'canoe people' due to their seafaring lifestyle.
Today, the island's primary visitors are travelers, divers, campers, and
adventure seekers. So, pack your sunscreen and explore the pristine
white sand beaches on your next vacation down under!
马苏阿的甜面包海蚀柱,撒丁岛,意大利 (© DaLiu/Getty Images)
马苏阿的甜面包海蚀柱,撒丁岛,意大利 (© DaLiu/Getty Images)
马苏阿是意大利伊格莱西亚斯市的一个小镇,周围环绕着地中海植物群,两侧是高耸的石灰岩悬崖。 那些喜欢钓鱼、浮潜或水肺潜水的人会喜欢这个位置,因为这里晶莹剔透的海水和极佳的能见度。然而,壮丽的甜面包海蚀柱是一个巨大的石堆,从海滩前的水面上浮现出来——事实证明是它是该海湾的主要景点。它的名字来源于巴西里约热内卢的一个命名为甜面包的海蚀柱岩层,由于与它惊人的相似,游客们都会与它联系在一起。尽管甜面包海蚀柱的表面积只有30平方米,但它却异常高大,高出海面133米。小岛的西北和东南两侧有天然的拱门和画廊,石头是在这些地方被侵蚀而雕刻出来的。 如果有人敢的话,一艘小船可以穿过那里的一条隧道。