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大烟山国家公园的森林小道,田纳西州,美国 Forest path in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© putmanphoto/Getty Images)

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大烟国家公园森林小道,田纳西州,美国 Forest path in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© putmanphoto/Getty Images)

深入其中 Into the thick of it

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee

Fancy a walk through the Smokies in Tennessee, seen in today's image? Spanning over 522,000 acres between North Carolina and Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a treasure trove of natural beauty and biodiversity. Home to more than 19,000 documented species, scientists estimate that tens of thousands more remain undiscovered. Miles of hiking trails wind through the dense woodlands, leading adventurers to cascading waterfalls and scenic overlooks. The park also boasts some of the highest mountains in the eastern United States, including Clingmans Dome, which rises to 6,643 feet. Visitors are often enchanted by the mist that blankets the peaks each morning, giving the park its mystical name. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve.

In every season, it offers a unique spectacle: the wildflower bloom in spring, vibrant foliage in fall, and serene snow-covered landscapes in winter. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a haven for nature lovers and adventurers alike, promising unforgettable experiences and a deeper connection to the natural world.

盛开的白延龄草,安大略省,加拿大 White trillium blooming in Ontario, Canada (© Jun Zhang/Getty Images)

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盛开的白延龄草,安大略省,加拿大 White trillium blooming in Ontario, Canada (© Jun Zhang/Getty Images)

嘿,今天长势如何? Hey, how's it growing today?



White trilliums blooming in Ontario, Canada

Three petals, three leaves, and three stigmas—that's the white trillium for you, whose name derived from the Latin word for 'three.' Native to eastern North America, the spring-blooming species is one of the most common woodland wildflowers. Unlike some impulsive blossoms that burst into color at the slightest hint of warmth, this plant is a slow bloomer. From gracing US postage stamps to being the state wildflower of Ohio and an official symbol of Canada's Ontario, the white trillium is ingrained in our culture. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the plant has earned its stripes in the world of herbal medicine. So, next time you find yourself wandering through the woodland realm, keep an eye out for this floral gem!

布恩迪国家公园,乌干达 Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest, Uganda (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)

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布恩迪国家公园乌干达 Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest, Uganda (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)

森林多美好呀! Woodn't it be nice



International Day of Forests

Today we're rooting for woodlands worldwide as we celebrate the International Day of Forests. Established by the UN 11 years ago, the day draws attention to the need to preserve these essential ecosystems, which supply food, water, medicines, and other resources. Covering over 30% of land on Earth, it is thought that woodlands around the world contain more than 60,000 tree species. Featured here is the Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest in Uganda, which is home to 160 species of trees and 100 species of ferns, as well as an extraordinary 50% of the world's mountain gorilla population. The forest has thickets of bamboo growing between the trees, making access on foot difficult, giving the Impenetrable Forest its name.

铜瀑布州立公园的巴德河,威斯康星州,美国 Bad River in Copper Falls State Park, Wisconsin (© Big Joe/Getty Images)

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瀑布州立公园的巴德威斯康星州,美国 Bad River in Copper Falls State Park, Wisconsin (© Big Joe/Getty Images)

该给靴子系上鞋带了! Time to lace up those boots



National Take a Hike Day

Take a hike, buddy! No, not the 'get out of here' version but the 'get out there' version. It's time to lace up those boots and take advantage of our national trails, which span over 91,000 miles. Back in the 1960s, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the National Trails System Act into law, to preserve, promote, and develop scenic and historic trails across the country. Can't decide where to start? Our homepage image offers up one option which is awash with fall colors—Copper Falls State Park in Wisconsin. With 17 miles of trails along the Bad River, past waterfalls and ancient lava flows, this park has a lot to offer. Whether it's a rugged mountain path, a serene forest walk, or an oceanside stroll, this country has a trail waiting for you. But remember to respect nature, follow 'leave no trace' principles, and take nothing but photographs. Happy hiking!

天门洞,湖南天门山国家森林公园,中国 Heaven's Gate Cave in Tianmen Mountain National Park, China (© Shane P. White/Minden Pictures)

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天门湖南天门山国家森林公园中国 Heaven's Gate Cave in Tianmen Mountain National Park, China (© Shane P. White/Minden Pictures)

通往天门的阶梯 Stairway to heaven



Heaven's Gate Cave, Tianmen Mountain National Park, China

The rock arch formation you're looking at today is Heaven's Gate Cave, a popular landmark in Hunan province, China. This busy tourist destination is located on Tianmen (Heaven's Gate) Mountain in Tianmen Mountain National Park. To reach the arch, you must either ride a cable car or take a bus up a twisty, winding road with 99 turns. (The number 9 represents eternity in Chinese numerology.) Once off the bus, you'll need to walk 999 steps up a 45-degree incline—a stairway to the heavens. It's no easy feat, but this is no ordinary cave. At an elevation of 4,100 feet, the arch is 440 feet high and 180 feet wide.

位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 Statue of Robert Burns in the Birks of Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images)

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位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 Statue of Robert Burns in the Birks of Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images)

谁写下了友谊天长地久? Celebrating the Scottish Bard



Burns Night

Today we're wishing a very happy birthday to the man regarded as Scotland's national poet and a pioneer of the Romantic movement, Robert Burns. Perhaps you can celebrate by visiting his statue at the Birks of Aberfeldy in Perth and Kinross, as seen in today's photo. The birch trees here ('birks' in the Scots language) and a local waterfall inspired him to write a song lyric, 'The Birks of Aberfeldy,' in 1787.

You might also take part in Burns Night, a worldwide celebration that involves a lavish, multicourse dinner, a recital of Burns' 'Address to a Haggis,' and a serving of that poem's titular dish. After much discussion and several poetry readings, the night traditionally ends with guests singing the New Year's standard, 'Auld Lang Syne,' with words written by Burns himself in 1788.

穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 Muniellos Nature Reserve in Asturias, Spain (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures)

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穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 Muniellos Nature Reserve in Asturias, Spain (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures)

木之美 Beauty comes in trees




Muniellos Nature Reserve

The Muniellos Nature Reserve is one of Spain's best-preserved forests of Quercus robur, otherwise known as common oak, European oak, or English oak. The 13,560-acre reserve in Asturias province also includes sessile oaks, seen in our photo alongside beech trees.

In the 1970s logging was banned in the reserve. Soon after, hunting was also banned. Today, even human access to this UNESCO-designated biosphere is carefully controlled. There's a visitor center, and that's about as far as most tourists are allowed. We're just glad we have photos of this incredible forest.

博罗韦茨,保加利亚 Borovets, Bulgaria (© Grigor Ivanov/Cavan Images)

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博罗韦茨,保加利亚 Borovets, Bulgaria (© Grigor Ivanov/Cavan Images)

季仙境 Winter wonderland for your wallet



该度假区曾被保加利亚皇室用作狩猎场。Borovets覆盖了保加利亚和巴尔干半岛最高的山峰Musala Peak的麓和山脊,位于国家首都索非亚以南几十英里的东部Rila山脉

Borovets ski resort in Bulgaria

Borovets is Bulgaria's oldest winter resort, established in 1896. It's a cheaper European skiing alternative to the more expensive resorts in the Alps, especially for novice skiers and those looking for fun on the slopes without shelling out the big bucks.

The resort area was once used by Bulgarian royalty as hunting grounds. Borovets covers the foothills and ridge-spine of Musala Peak, the highest mountain in Bulgaria and the Balkans, in the eastern Rila Mountains only a few dozen miles south of the national capital, Sofia.

威拉米特国家森林麦肯齐河步道上的桥,美国 Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail, Willamette National Forest, Oregon (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

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威拉米特国家森林麦肯齐步道上的美国 Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail, Willamette National Forest, Oregon (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

徒步旅行 Take a hike!


我们的照片显示俄勒冈州的麦肯齐河国家休闲步道,威拉米特国家森林的一部分。这条小径蜿蜒于泊、河流泉水之间,引导您穿过荫蔽的古老森林。其中一个亮点是可以俯瞰塔莫利奇蓝池(Tamolich Blue Pool),这是一个清澈见底的游泳池,由河水注入其中而成。

Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail

Our photo shows Oregon's McKenzie River National Recreation Trail, part of the Willamette National Forest. This trail winds by lakes, rivers, and springs, guiding you through shady old-growth forests. One highlight: the view overlooking Tamolich Blue Pool, a crystal-clear pool created by the river bubbling up into it.