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Wahclella Falls,哥伦比亚河峡谷,俄勒冈州,美国 Wahclella Falls in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Eric Vogt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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Wahclella Falls,哥伦比亚峡谷俄勒冈州,美国 Wahclella Falls in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Eric Vogt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

尽情地嬉戏玩水吧! Get your splash on



Wahclella Falls, Oregon

Nestled in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, there's something special awaiting hikers: the Wahclella Falls. Fed by Tanner Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River, these waterfalls were named after a Native American village by members of the Mazama Mountaineering Club. At the end of a trail, visitors can see the spectacular two-tiered cascade that crashes down 350 feet into a pool below, which is the perfect place to take a dip and cool off. While you're swimming, keep an eye out for the water ouzel—also known as the American dipper—a species of bird that lives here. They can be spotted flying along the stream and occasionally diving into the water.

胡德山,俄勒冈州,美国 Mount Hood, Oregon (© Inigo Cia/Getty Images)

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胡德俄勒冈州,美国 Mount Hood, Oregon (© Inigo Cia/Getty Images)

沉睡的巨人 A sleeping giant



Mount Hood, Oregon

Mount Hood graces Oregon's skyline with a pointed, snow-capped peak. At nearly 11,250 feet high, this dormant stratovolcano is the tallest mountain in the state, drawing adventurers and nature aficionados alike. With 12 named glaciers and numerous snow fields, Mount Hood offers a wintry playground all year round. It also nurtures ancient forests and provides a haven for wildlife, including cougars and wolves. Over the past 1,800 years, the volcano has erupted three times. While considered dormant, there is still a chance that it could erupt one day.

哥伦比亚河上的阿斯托里亚-梅格勒大桥,阿斯托里亚区,俄勒冈州,美国 Astoria-Megler Bridge on the Columbia River, Astoria, Oregon (© Dan Mihai/Getty Images)

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哥伦比亚上的阿斯托里亚-梅格勒大,阿斯托里亚区,俄勒冈州,美国 Astoria-Megler Bridge on the Columbia River, Astoria, Oregon (© Dan Mihai/Getty Images)

一条用桁架架起来的公路 A road you can truss



Astoria-Megler Bridge, Oregon

Imagine traveling for nearly two years across plains, mountains, and forests and finally arriving at this setting, where the mighty Columbia River empties into the Pacific near present-day Astoria, Oregon. That is the sight that greeted explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in 1805 at the culmination of their legendary 8,000-mile North American expedition that originated near St. Louis.

The expedition's success opened the way for further exploration and development of the Pacific Northwest and by 1811, Fort Astoria, the first US-owned settlement on the West Coast, was established. Oregon became the 33rd state in 1859. The Astoria-Megler Bridge opened in 1966, the final piece connecting Los Angeles to Olympia, Washington, via US Route 101.

Water from seven states and two Canadian provinces flows through the Columbia, passing under the 4-mile structure, the longest continuous truss bridge in North America.

约翰迪化石床国家纪念地中的彩绘山,俄勒冈州,美国 The Painted Hills in John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon (© Ben Herndon/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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约翰迪化石床国家纪念地中的彩绘俄勒冈州,美国 The Painted Hills in John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon (© Ben Herndon/Tandem Stills + Motion)

消失的回声 Echoes of extinction



National Fossil Day

For National Fossil Day, we're looking at the mesmerizing Painted Hills, found in the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Oregon. Those stripes of red, tan, orange, and black were formed over tens of millions of years, the different layers in the claystone hills reflecting changes in the climate over that period. The monument itself is divided into three units, Painted Hills, Clarno, and Sheep Rock. In the latter, you'll find the Thomas Condon Visitor Center with a paleontology lab and a museum displaying hundreds of fossils. In the fossil beds, the remains of more than 100 species of mammals have been found, including saber-toothed tigers, turtles, and opossums, as well as many fossilized plant species. While the landscape might sometimes look otherworldly, it offers us a peek into Earth's dynamic and fascinating history.

英仙座流星雨,白杨木峡谷州立公园,俄勒冈州,美国 Perseid meteor shower, Cottonwood Canyon State Park, Oregon (© Joshua Meador/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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英仙座流星雨白杨峡谷州立公园俄勒冈州,美国 Perseid meteor shower, Cottonwood Canyon State Park, Oregon (© Joshua Meador/Tandem Stills + Motion)

抬头看,它来了 Look up, incoming…



Perseid meteor shower over Oregon

What must our ancestors have thought when they saw meteors light up the night sky? Was it terrifying or an event of wonder? Thankfully, we now know that this celestial cascade is a harmless annual event. The Perseid meteor shower thrills stargazers from mid-July to late August and is due to peak today. The Perseids are caused by Earth passing through debris left behind by the Comet Swift-Tuttle. When the cosmic debris hits our atmosphere, it disintegrates in a colorful, fiery light display. It's a good night to catch the Perseids if you can—the moon is projected to only be 10% illuminated, so the meteors should really stand out against the dark sky.

哥伦比亚河峡谷,俄勒冈州,美国 Mossy Grotto Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images/Getty Images)

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哥伦比亚峡谷俄勒冈州,美国 Mossy Grotto Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images/Getty Images)

这个隐秘的瀑布在哪里? Where is this hidden waterfall?



Mossy Grotto Falls, Oregon

Mossy Grotto Falls is a tiny 20-foot waterfall in Oregon's Columbia River Gorge, home to around 90 waterfalls. This winsome waterfall became popular in recent years after several renowned photographers snapped it following its discovery in 2006. Waterfalls around the world draw our attention and inspire emotions (and even themes for pop songs). In contrast to the serene, burbling Mossy Grotto Falls, Angel Falls in Venezuela is the tallest in the world, where water plunges 2,648 feet before reaching the ground. This roaring wonder is awe-inspiring and one of the top tourist-draws in the country. If you need a moment of reflection, we recommend searching for the nearest waterfall and taking a trip to connect with nature.

哈萨塔角灯塔,佛罗伦萨,俄勒冈州 Heceta Head Light, Florence, Oregon (© Tom Schwabel/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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哈萨塔角灯塔佛罗伦萨俄勒冈州 Heceta Head Light, Florence, Oregon (© Tom Schwabel/Tandem Stills + Motion)

黑夜海岸边的一盏灯 A light in the coastal darkness

Heceta Head Light, Florence, Oregon

Heceta Head Light is perched 205 feet above the Pacific Ocean on Oregon's central coast. The headland is named for Spanish Basque explorer Don Bruno de Heceta, who led a secret expedition in 1775 to bolster Spain's claim to the Pacific Coast of North America. Having sailed from Mexico, by the time the voyage reached these shores, the crew was ravaged by scurvy and Heceta made the call to turn back—but not before he became the first to map and record a written description of the mouth of the Columbia River as well as this rocky 1,000-foot-high headland that would eventually bear his name. By the 19th century, seafarers making their way up and down the coast made the call for a lighthouse to guide their way. Construction of the 56-foot-tall lighthouse was complicated by the steep bluffs and remote location, but the first light beam pierced through the darkness on March 30, 1894.

The first lightkeepers at Heceta Head found the location too isolated, prompting several of them to leave the job after just a short period. Staffing turnover persisted until the 1930's when nearby Oregon Coast Highway was put into service and the area received electricity. The lighthouse played a minor role in World War II when 75 members of the Coast Guard and their dogs were stationed here to guard the beaches. The lighthouse became fully automated in 1963, and by 1970 the lightkeeper's house entered a new era as a satellite campus for a nearby community college. These days the area is on the National Registry of Historic Places and the lightkeeper's cottages have a new life as rooms of a bed and breakfast.




日出时的麦克拱岩,俄勒冈南海岸 Mack Arch Rock at sunrise on the southern Oregon coast (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

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日出时的麦克拱岩,俄勒冈海岸 Mack Arch Rock at sunrise on the southern Oregon coast (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

Southern Oregon coast, Mack Arch Rock

One of the common sights along the Oregon coast are the colossal rock formations known as sea stacks that jut from the Pacific and form an indelible, craggy imprint in your memory. The sea stacks you see here run next to a grassy promontory in the southern part of the state that overlooks a mostly inaccessible stretch of coastline.

In the background of this image is the Mack Arch, one of the largest naturally formed arches on the Pacific Coast and part of the Mack Reef archipelago. These clusters of sea stacks and beaches are home to a large concentration of seabirds like cormorants, black oystercatchers, gulls, and murres, as well as harbor seals and other marine wildlife. To help preserve this pristine sanctuary, the US Fish & Wildlife Service has designated it part of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge and closed the area off to the public. So have the owners of all the privately-owned land and beach that surround the refuge. So, if you're looking to get a close-up view of Mack Arch, your best bet is to do so by plane or boat.

俄勒冈州南部海岸,Mack Arch Rock



俄勒冈海岸佩蓓角的雷神之井 Thor's Well at Cape Perpetua on the Oregon coast (© Cavan Images/Offset by Shutterstock)

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俄勒冈海岸佩蓓角的雷神之井 Thor's Well at Cape Perpetua on the Oregon coast (© Cavan Images/Offset by Shutterstock)

Welcome to the 'drainpipe of the Pacific'

We are standing here on the craggy Oregon coast looking out to Thor's Well with the help of a photographer's telephoto lens. Only the most daring of visitors would stand this close to the gaping sinkhole at high tide. One misstep combined with a forceful surge from the raging Pacific Ocean, and into the plunging well we'd go.

Thor's Well is one of several defining features of Oregon's magical coastline. Dubbed a 'gaping sinkhole,' the 'drainpipe of the Pacific,' and even a 'gate to hell,' it's accessible by foot at low tide, when you can peer in to see its mechanisms at work. Geologists believe it was once a sea cave formed in the basalt rock by ocean waves. The 'well' was formed when the cave's roof collapsed, creating openings at the top and bottom through which the ocean surges and sprays like a geyser, only to recede, creating the waterfalls we see here.




火山口湖,俄勒冈州 Crater Lake in Oregon (© Steve Bloom Images/Alamy)

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火山口俄勒冈州 Crater Lake in Oregon (© Steve Bloom Images/Alamy)

Travels to the Oregon deep

We're looking out on the deepest lake in the US. Crater Lake, the centerpiece and namesake of the only national park in Oregon, goes down to depths of 1,943 feet—that's enough room to stack three-and-a-half Washington Monuments end to end. Fed mainly by snowfall, this pristine, crystal blue lake came into this world with a bang. Sometime around 5700 BCE, Mount Mazama erupted, losing roughly 3,000 feet of its height. The volcano blew out so much molten rock that it left a giant depression that gradually filled with water, giving us this serene scene today.

Crater Lake National Park is open to visitors year-round, but in the winter many of the facilities as well as the road circumventing the lake are closed. But, as our picture captures so beautifully, the snowy view is worth a (socially distant) trip.


