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扎哈拉德拉谢拉,安达卢西亚,西班牙 (© Francesco Carovillano/eStock Photo)

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扎哈拉德拉谢拉,安达卢西亚西班牙 (© Francesco Carovillano/eStock Photo)





意大利卡,桑蒂蓬塞的一座古罗马城市,塞维利亚,安达卢西亚,西班牙 Italica, an old Roman city in Santiponce, Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain (© Moses Palermo/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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意大利卡,桑蒂蓬塞的一座古罗马城市,塞维利亚安达卢西亚西班牙 Italica, an old Roman city in Santiponce, Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain (© Moses Palermo/Amazing Aerial Agency)

昔日城市的“灵魂” Ghosts of cities past




The ruins of Italica, Andalusia, Spain

It was the year 206 BCE. In the wake of the decisive Roman victory against the Carthaginians at the Battle of Ilipa, General Publius Cornelius Scipio built a settlement for veterans on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, in modern-day Spain. It was named Italica and was the first Roman settlement on the Iberian Peninsula. The city flourished in the following centuries and was the birthplace of two Roman emperors, Trajan and Hadrian.

The ruins of Italica, close to Seville, include the impressive amphitheater seen in today's image. One of the largest in the Roman Empire, it could accommodate up to 25,000 spectators, more than double the city's population. Beyond this, there are remains of public buildings, a temple built in honor of Trajan, baths, and villas decorated with stunning mosaics. Italica is an archeological gem, offering a glimpse into the grandeur of the Roman Empire.

巴尔德纳斯雷亚尔斯自然公园,巴德纳斯,纳瓦拉,西班牙 Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Bardenas, Navarra, Spain (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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巴尔德纳斯雷亚尔斯自然公园,巴德纳斯,纳瓦拉西班牙 Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Bardenas, Navarra, Spain (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

令人窒息的寂静 Breathtaking silence




Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Spain

The surreal landscape of the Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park in northern Spain has been sculpted by millennia of erosion. Featuring rocky plateaus, canyons, and whimsically shaped clay formations called cabezos, the park, in the province of Navarre, is a playground of geological wonders.

Designated as a natural park in 1999 and a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2000, Bardenas Reales is also a haven for animals and plants that can withstand its arid conditions. The park is home to a variety of wildlife including great bustards, golden eagles, vultures, mountain cats, wild boars, and numerous reptiles. Spread across around 104,000 acres, the park's semi-desert environment and unique geological formations make it an important site for scientific research and conservation efforts. If you wish to discover a place where natural beauty meets wild surprises around every bend, Bardenas Reales should be on your bucket list.

阿尼斯克洛峡谷,奥德萨和佩尔迪多山国家公园,韦斯卡,西班牙 Añisclo Canyon, Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Huesca, Spain (© Marisa Estivill/Shutterstock)

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阿尼斯克洛峡谷,奥德萨和佩尔迪多国家公园韦斯卡西班牙 Añisclo Canyon, Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Huesca, Spain (© Marisa Estivill/Shutterstock)

一路到顶峰 All the way to the top




European Day of Parks

Today is European Day of Parks! On this day in 1909, Europe's first nine national parks were founded in Sweden. This year, the celebration highlights how protected areas help shape nature policies and contribute to building sustainable societies. These areas are more than just guardians of biodiversity; they are also pillars of our collective well-being, reminding us to preserve our natural heritage.

Today's image showcases Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park in the Pyrenees Mountains of northeastern Spain. The park was established with the primary aim of preserving the high mountain landscape of the surrounding region. Characterized by its rugged terrain, the area has limestone formations and a plethora of karst features, including sinkholes and caves.

维戈的兰德大桥,西班牙 (© Julio Conde/Getty Images)

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维戈的兰德大西班牙 (© Julio Conde/Getty Images)






中世纪城墙,阿维拉,西班牙 Medieval city walls, Ávila, Spain (© Scott Suriano/Getty Images)

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中世纪城墙,阿维拉,西班牙 Medieval city walls, Ávila, Spain (© Scott Suriano/Getty Images)

名誉之墙 Wall of fame



International Day for Monuments and Sites

Happy International Day for Monuments and Sites! Also called World Heritage Day, the event highlights efforts to conserve our cultural heritage. Some of the amazing heritage sites around the world include Machu Picchu in Peru and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. The stone structure in today's image is part of the medieval city walls of Ávila in Spain. Built between the 11th and 14th centuries to defend the city against attack, these fortifications stretch for 1.5 miles around Ávila. Nowadays, visitors can walk around sections of the walls, enjoying views of the city and the surrounding countryside.

Roques de Benet,埃尔斯港自然公园,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙 Roques de Benet, Els Ports Natural Park, Catalonia, Spain (© Sergi Boixader/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Roques de Benet,埃尔斯自然公园,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙 Roques de Benet, Els Ports Natural Park, Catalonia, Spain (© Sergi Boixader/Alamy Stock Photo)

攀登新的高峰 Reaching new heights

Roques de Benet,埃尔斯港自然公园,西班牙


Roques de Benet, Els Ports Natural Park, Catalonia, Spain

Jutting into the sky above Els Ports Natural Park, the Roques de Benet are a cluster of rock formations in Catalonia, Spain, whose tallest peak stands about 3,330 feet above sea level. Overlooking the vast wetlands of the Ebro Delta, the peak offers views of streams and pine forests, with trails that lead into the mountains. The word 'Benet' comes from Arabic, hinting at the area's varied past, including both Arabic and Christian settlers. These days, the park is home to a variety of wildlife, from ibex and otters to vultures and eagles. Animals aren't the only inhabitants of the area. The villages nestled at the base of this massif still maintain their shared traditions, such as the age-old craft of using vegetable fibers to create baskets and kitchen utensils.

鸟瞰克鲁斯港色彩斑斓的房屋,特内里费岛,西班牙 Aerial view of colourful houses on a headland in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

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鸟瞰克鲁斯色彩斑斓的房屋,特内里费岛西班牙 Aerial view of colourful houses on a headland in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

一年四季都有鲜艳的色彩! Vibrant colors all year round!





艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

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艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

西班牙的小瑞士 Spain's little Switzerland

艾纳,阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙

说起西班牙,你脑海中首先浮现的可能不是,但从高耸入山峰到阳温暖的海滩,西班牙拥有各种地貌。图片中的小村庄艾纳坐落于由蒙多河冲刷而成的陡峭山谷中,周围环绕着塞古拉脉,人口不足1000人。季,这里白雪皑皑,因此人们常把这个小镇称为 “曼切根瑞士”。而这个名称中的“曼切根”则指的是艾纳所属的卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰自治区。艾纳距离西班牙首都马德里以南约150英里,是西班牙乡村生活的独特一瞥。

Aýna, Albacete, Spain

Welcome to the tiny Spanish village of Aýna, in a steep valley carved by the River Mundo in the Sierra del Segura range. This part of the Castile-La Mancha region is sometimes called Manchegan Switzerland, thanks to those snow-capped peaks during the winter months. The steep, rocky terrain here means the villagers, of whom there are less than 1,000, cultivate the land on terraces dug into the mountainside. To see Aýna from this perspective, you'll need to visit the Mirador del Diablo, or Devil's Viewpoint, one of several viewing areas dotted around this picturesque valley.

托莱多,西班牙 Toledo, Spain (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

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托莱多西班牙 Toledo, Spain (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

永恒之城托莱多 Toledo's timeless tale



Toledo, Spain

Built on a hill and surrounded on three sides by the Tagus River, the Spanish city of Toledo is a UNESCO World Heritage Site packed with history. Its towering Alcázar fortress and impressive Gothic cathedral dominate the skyline, but the city is also home to mosques and synagogues. Toledo bears strong cultural influences from the Moors, who ruled here for centuries, following their arrival in Spain in 711. It was known as the City of the Three Cultures during the Middle Ages, when its Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities coexisted harmoniously. Toledo has been the home of sword making since Roman times and is also famous for its marzipan. In the 16th century, the city was home to the famous painter El Greco, who was inspired to create some of his greatest masterpieces here.