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从塞维利亚的都市阳伞俯瞰城市,西班牙 View of the city from the Setas de Sevilla (Metropol Parasol) in Seville, Spain (© LucVi/Shutterstock)

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塞维利亚的都市阳伞俯瞰城市,西班牙 View of the city from the Setas de Sevilla (Metropol Parasol) in Seville, Spain (© LucVi/Shutterstock)

500年前,是谁回到了这座城市? What returned to this city 500 years ago?

Seville, Spain

The first recorded expedition to circumnavigate the Earth set sail from Seville, Spain—seen in our homepage image—500 years ago on this day. 'Yes!' you cry, 'Ferdinand Magellan!' Well, you're partly right.

While Magellan gets the glory as leader of the Spanish expedition, he didn't actually complete the marathon voyage—he was killed in a fight in the Philippines in March 1521. His place as leader of the five-ship voyage was filled by Juan Sebastián de Elcano, whose command ship the 'Vittoria' was the only one in the convoy that survived the trip, reaching Seville in 1522. Harsh conditions and poor-quality vessels had taken their toll: Of the 239 crew members who set out, only 18 returned with the expedition.

Although he only made half of this globe-circling journey, Magellan is rightly honored as an outstanding navigator, especially given the rudimentary knowledge and tools of the time. He discovered and crossed the strait that now bears his name near the tip of South America, trailblazing the first known passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Magellan's and de Elcano's combined effort was also the first practical proof of a notion many 16th century people were still skeptical about: The Earth is round.



虽然麦哲伦获得了西班牙远征队队长的荣誉,但他实际上并没有完成马拉松之旅。他于1521年3月在菲律宾的一场战斗中丧生。他的五艘航行的领导者由胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·德·埃尔卡诺(Juan Sebastián de Elcano)担任,他的指挥船“维托利亚号”是车队中唯一一艘幸存下来的船,于1522年抵达塞维利亚。恶劣的条件和劣质的船只造成了他们的损失:在出发的239名船员中,只有18人随探险队返回。


伊莎贝尔二世桥,塞维利亚 Seville, Spain’s Guadalquivir River and Triana Bridge for the 500th anniversary of Magellan’s departure (© Zu Sanchez Photography/Getty Images)

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伊莎贝尔二世塞维利亚 Seville, Spain’s Guadalquivir River and Triana Bridge for the 500th anniversary of Magellan’s departure (© Zu Sanchez Photography/Getty Images)

Seville celebrates first world tour

Today in 1519, Ferdinand Magellan departed from Seville on his quest for a western passage to the Spice Islands. He sailed five ships and a crew of more than 230 men down the Guadalquivir, the river in today's image. The Triana Bridge, the oldest in Seville, was built 330 years after the expedition's return to the city in 1522. While successful in finding a western route to the Pacific Ocean and returning with valuable spices, it came at great cost. Only one ship, under the command of Juan Sebastián Elcano, and 17 other crew members completed the global circumnavigation. Magellan didn't. He was killed on April 27, 1521, at the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines.

Seville and other Andalusian cities will celebrate these milestone anniversaries as part of the 'V Centenario.' For the next three years—the same amount of time it took Magellan's fleet to sail around the world—there will be a slate of activities, including academic conferences, museum exhibits, nautical tours, educational events, and much more, to recognize, detail, and celebrate various aspects of this historic voyage.