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昆士兰州内陆海峡地区,澳大利亚 Channel Country, Outback Queensland, Australia (© Southern Lightscapes-Australia/Getty Images)

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昆士兰州内陆海峡地区,澳大利亚 Channel Country, Outback Queensland, Australia (© Southern Lightscapes-Australia/Getty Images)

从干涸的沙漠变成田园 From parched to pastoral



Channel Country, Australia

Narrow waterways run like veins through the Australian Outback's Channel Country, a sprawling, ancient flood plain named after its crisscrossing river channels. The huge flat area is transformed from a parched desert canvas to a vibrant tapestry of wildflowers when rainfall is abundant. Indigenous Australians have lived off this land for tens of thousands of years and some offer tours and classes about how to survive in the Outback. This unspoiled region is also home to a bonanza of wildlife—kangaroos that bounce along the plains, strutting emus, and preening purple-crowned fairywrens. If you're lucky, you might even spot a bilby—a nocturnal marsupial with rabbit-like ears. So, are you ready to 'channel' your inner explorer?

马可罗尼企鹅,德雷克海峡,智利 Macaroni penguins, Drake Passage, Chile (© Paul Souders/Getty Images)

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马可罗尼企鹅,德雷克海峡智利 Macaroni penguins, Drake Passage, Chile (© Paul Souders/Getty Images)

极地的马可罗尼企鹅 Macaroni and freeze



Penguin Awareness Day

Let's flap our flippers and dive into Penguin Awareness Day! Today's image features macaroni penguins swimming in the plankton-rich waters of the Drake Passage off the coast of Chile. These charming creatures, one of 18 different species of penguin in the Southern Hemisphere, can be recognized by their flashy amber crests and orange beaks. The name is said to have been coined by English sailors, derived from a term used to describe flamboyant dressers in the late 18th century.

Macaroni penguins can be a bad-tempered bunch who get into noisy fights. To avoid this, males often ease their way through crowded colonies with their heads tucked down to their chests. The main threats though, are not their fellow penguins. Reduced food availability, fishing nets, and the impact of climate change on sea ice are among challenges faced by this species, which has been classified as vulnerable due to population decline.

博斯普鲁斯海峡的如梅利堡垒,土耳其伊斯坦布尔 Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus Strait at Istanbul, Türkiye (© Drone in Wonderland/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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博斯普鲁斯海峡的如梅利堡垒土耳其伊斯坦布尔 Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus Strait at Istanbul, Türkiye (© Drone in Wonderland/Amazing Aerial Agency)

两大洲交接的地方 Where two continents meet



Rumelihisarı in Istanbul, Türkiye

Though Türkiye usually lives up to expectations as a warm Mediterranean country, snow occasionally falls here. This winter dusting of Istanbul, Türkiye's largest city, brings into sharper focus the lines of Rumelihisarı in the center of our image. The structure, also known as Rumeli Fortress, was built in the 15th century by an Ottoman sultan as a way to choke naval traffic through the narrow Bosporus Strait. The Bosporus connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea, separating Istanbul into what is often referred to as its 'European side' and 'Asian side.' Today, the fortress isn't used to fire upon ships but serves as a museum and concert venue. While the place has changed over the centuries, the killer view hasn't.

科托尔湾的圣乔治海峡和圣母湾,黑山 Saint George Island and Our Lady of the Rocks in the Bay of Kotor, Perast, Montenegro (© Dmitrii Sakharov/Shutterstock)

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科托尔的圣乔治海峡和圣母湾,黑山 Saint George Island and Our Lady of the Rocks in the Bay of Kotor, Perast, Montenegro (© Dmitrii Sakharov/Shutterstock)

用誓言打造的屿 An island made from a vow

Our Lady of the Rocks

Local legend here in Perast, Montenegro, has it that two brothers were returning from a dangerous sea voyage in 1452 when they spotted an icon of the Virgin Mary and Child in the waters near Saint George, a natural island in the Bay of Kotor. One of the brothers had injured his leg on the journey, but in the morning it had healed. Taking this as an omen, they vowed to honor the Virgin Mary by building her a church on the spot where they'd spotted the icon. They began dropping stones there, and even scuttling old ships. A tradition was born, and over decades, the fishermen of Perast would drop a stone in the water at that spot before heading to sea.

Over time an island rose out of the bay and a church was erected on it. The centuries since have seen tumult, war, pirate attacks, and at least one devastating earthquake, but Our Lady of the Rocks still stands. The tiny isle continues to grow, as each summer on the evening of July 22, the town celebrates Fašinada, a ritual procession of barges and boats that take more stones to Our Lady of the Rocks. The church is decorated with 68 frescos by local artist Tripo Kokolja (1661-1713) and boasts more than 2,500 silver votives donated by locals.


