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丹翠雨林的诺亚海滩,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Noah Beach in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland, Australia (© bjeayes/Getty Images)

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丹翠雨林的诺亚海滩昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Noah Beach in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland, Australia (© bjeayes/Getty Images)

邂逅美丽海岸线 A coastal encounter



Daintree Rainforest and Noah Beach, Queensland, Australia

Welcome to a land where greenery meets the endless blue. On the North Queensland coast of Australia, encircled by dense foliage, is Noah Beach. A fascinating blend of two ecosystems, here the Daintree Rainforest seamlessly meets the azure waters of the Coral Sea. This secluded area of the Daintree National Park boasts a stretch of soft, golden sands while elsewhere there are towering trees, lush ferns, and other plant species unique to the area. The Daintree is believed to have been around for up to 180 million years, making it the oldest tropical rainforest in the world. It is also Australia's largest uninterrupted stretch of tropical rainforest and home to rare species like Bennett's tree-kangaroo, found nowhere else on our planet.

昆士兰州内陆海峡地区,澳大利亚 Channel Country, Outback Queensland, Australia (© Southern Lightscapes-Australia/Getty Images)

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昆士兰州内陆海峡地区,澳大利亚 Channel Country, Outback Queensland, Australia (© Southern Lightscapes-Australia/Getty Images)

从干涸的沙漠变成田园 From parched to pastoral



Channel Country, Australia

Narrow waterways run like veins through the Australian Outback's Channel Country, a sprawling, ancient flood plain named after its crisscrossing river channels. The huge flat area is transformed from a parched desert canvas to a vibrant tapestry of wildflowers when rainfall is abundant. Indigenous Australians have lived off this land for tens of thousands of years and some offer tours and classes about how to survive in the Outback. This unspoiled region is also home to a bonanza of wildlife—kangaroos that bounce along the plains, strutting emus, and preening purple-crowned fairywrens. If you're lucky, you might even spot a bilby—a nocturnal marsupial with rabbit-like ears. So, are you ready to 'channel' your inner explorer?

魔鬼大理石保护区,澳大利亚 Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve, Australia (© Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott/Minden Pictures)

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魔鬼大理石保护区,澳大利亚 Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve, Australia (© Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott/Minden Pictures)

大自然的平衡术 Nature's balancing act



Old Rock Day

These aren't your ordinary rocks! One of the oldest-known religious locations, the Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve is a sacred site to Aboriginal Australians. The site, also called Karlu Karlu, in Australia’s Northern Territory, is home to a collection of giant, gravity-defying boulders. These rocks are composed of granite, and their peculiar shape is the result of millions of years of weathering and erosion.

And what better occasion than Old Rock Day, to appreciate such geological wonders? Did you know that the Earth's oldest rock is truly out of this world? Lunar sample 14321, or 'Big Bertha,' is approximately 4.46 billion years old—just a smidge younger than the Earth itself—and was recovered from the moon during the Apollo 14 mission. Scientists believe that the rock was a meteorite from Earth that hit the moon, only to be brought back home, millions of years later. Whether you're a geology nerd or just a nature lover, today's the day to rock on!

白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)

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白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)

圣灵群之旅 Whitsunday wanderlust



Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Australia

sand, and sea come together to create the stunning beaches of the
Whitsunday Islands, made up of 74 islands off the coast of Queensland,
Australia. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park surrounds and protects the
islands, once home to the Ngaro people of Australia, an Aboriginal
group known as the 'canoe people' due to their seafaring lifestyle.
Today, the island's primary visitors are travelers, divers, campers, and
adventure seekers. So, pack your sunscreen and explore the pristine
white sand beaches on your next vacation down under!

土著艺术品,Ngaruwanajirri艺术中心,Wurrumiyanga,巴瑟斯特岛,澳大利亚 Indigenous artwork, Ngaruwanajirri Art Centre, Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island, Australia (© Robert Wyatt/Alamy)

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土著艺术品,Ngaruwanajirri艺术中心,Wurrumiyanga,巴瑟斯特澳大利亚 Indigenous artwork, Ngaruwanajirri Art Centre, Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island, Australia (© Robert Wyatt/Alamy)

世界土著人民的一天 A day for the world's Indigenous populations



International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

Earth is home to an estimated 476 million Indigenous people, a term meaning 'sprung from the land' or native, which refers to the descendants of an area's first-known inhabitants. They represent about 6% of the global population but speak more than half of the world's estimated 7,000 languages. Our homepage today showcases the art of the Tiwi people of Australia, who speak a unique language unlinked to another other known language, in their community of only 2,000 people. Colonization has long impacted Indigenous people, contributing to high rates of poverty and loss of language and traditional lands. The UN first held the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples in 1994, and every August 9 they bring attention to the fight to preserve the rights, dignity, and existence of the world's oldest cultures.

大堡礁的航拍图,澳大利亚 Aerial image of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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大堡礁的航拍图,澳大利亚 Aerial image of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

一望无际的湛蓝 Blue as far as the eye can see



World Reef Awareness Day

The Great Barrier Reef runs for 1,430 miles along Australia's northeastern coast, providing a home for thousands of species, including more than 1,500 types of fish. Here, you'll find whales, dolphins, turtles, sharks, dugongs, and algae, all living together in a delicate ecosystem that relies on the coral reef. Sadly, climate change and pollution threaten this iconic site, the largest reef in the world. On June 1, we observe World Reef Awareness Day to remind people of the importance of safeguarding coral reefs, which provide food and shelter for about 25% of all marine life, to maintain the balance of nature.

阿德莱德国际风筝节,澳大利亚 Adelaide International Kite Festival, Australia (© Andrey Moisseyev/Alamy)

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阿德莱德国风筝节,澳大利亚 Adelaide International Kite Festival, Australia (© Andrey Moisseyev/Alamy)

去放风筝吧! Go fly a kite!



Go Fly a Kite Day

Is there a simpler joy than flying a kite on a windy day? The date of this magical invention is unknown, but the first written documentation of kite flying comes from China in 200 BCE. There they were initially used to measure distance, but over the years they have been tapped for fishing, sport, science, celebration, communication, and recreation. Kites can take many shapes and be made of various materials, but all of them have a wing surface, a tether, and a bridle that keeps the surface at an angle to the wind. In fact, you can easily make your own, and there's no better time than today: Go Fly a Kite Day.

新年跨年夜烟花, 悉尼悉尼海港大桥, 澳大利亚 New Year's Eve fireworks, Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia (© Wendell Teodoro/Getty Images)

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新年跨年烟花, 悉尼悉尼海港, 澳大利亚 New Year's Eve fireworks, Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia (© Wendell Teodoro/Getty Images)

跨年夜新年快乐 Happy New Year's Eve from down under

迎接2023年 / 澳大利亚悉尼跨年夜




New Year's Eve in Sydney, Australia

With New Year's Eve landing in midsummer, many Aussies choose to usher in the new year with a boat trip around beautiful Sydney Harbour to take in the annual fireworks display With the Sydney Harbour Bridge and world-famous Sydney Opera House as a dramatic backdrop, the first fireworks show will fire off this year at 9 pm local time, followed by a second show at midnight. Australia is one of the first nations to reach the new year, and more than 1.5 million people are typically in attendance for this spectacular celebration in Sydney.

悉尼奥林匹克公园里的湾标瞭望台,澳大利亚 Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia (© ai_yoshi/Getty Images)

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悉尼奥林匹克公园里的标瞭望台,澳大利亚 Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia (© ai_yoshi/Getty Images)

螺旋上升…… Spiraling upward...

Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia

It's an easy, circular trail to the Bay Marker Lookout, but you have to make it under your own steam—sorry, no cars allowed. This is one of the five Sydney Olympic Park Markers, cone-shaped earth mounds installed for the 2000 Olympics in Australia. They are cleverly placed to look from the air like the Australian flag's Southern Cross. From the ground, the Bay Marker gives a stunning full-360-degree view of Wentworth Common—a large grassy park—and the larger Olympic Park and stadium. You can also look over Homebush Bay (the community and the body of water) to the north. It's a dramatic melding of urban landscape, the city skyline, the wetlands and greenery, rivers, and beaches.


这是一条通往海湾标志了望台的简单的环形小道,但你必须在自己的蒸汽下到达。对不起,不允许开车。这是悉尼奥林匹克公园为2000年澳大利亚奥运会安装的五个圆锥形土墩之一。它们被巧妙地放置在空中,看起来像澳大利亚国旗的南十字。从地面上看,海湾标志物可以360度全方位俯瞰温特沃斯公园(Wentworth Common),这是一个长满青草的大型公园,以及更大的奥林匹克公园和体育场。你也可以在北边俯瞰Homebush湾(社区和水体)。这是城市景观、城市天际线、湿地和绿化、河流海滩的戏剧性融合。

阿克拉曼火山口, 澳大利亚 The Acraman crater, Australia (© USGS/NASA Landsat data/Orbital Horizon/Gallo Images/Getty images)

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阿克拉曼火山口, 澳大利亚 The Acraman crater, Australia (© USGS/NASA Landsat data/Orbital Horizon/Gallo Images/Getty images)

Will we be ready for the 'big one'? 我们准备好迎接“大挑战”了吗?

Asteroid Day

Today is Asteroid Day, and it's a reminder that as our planet follows its path around the sun, it encounters a lot of stuff. Science tells us that, every day, Earth's atmosphere is hit with roughly 100 tons of dust and particles the size of a grain of sand. And every year, at least 30 small meteors make it through, only to burn up before touching the ground. NASA says it's pretty much guaranteed that at least one of them will be about the size of a car. As time progresses, the likelihood increases that even larger celestial rocks will hit the ground and cause significant damage.

Across the globe, there are plenty of reminders of this in the form of craters, like the one in today's photo. The Acraman crater is a point of impact in South Australia. It's believed to have been created about 590 million years ago when hit by an asteroid with a diameter that could have been as large as 56 miles across. For comparison, the asteroid thought to have killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago was 6.2 miles across. NASA says that an asteroid the size of a football field would cause significant damage. One that could really threaten civilization hits every few million years. Hopefully, with Asteroid Day being observed across 78 countries since its inception in 2015, we'll be prepared when the 'big one' shows up.


