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光绘摄影下的滑板公园,美国阿瓦达市 Arvada Skatepark, Arvada, Colorado (© Jon Paciaroni/Getty Images)

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绘摄影下的滑板公园美国阿瓦达市 Arvada Skatepark, Arvada, Colorado (© Jon Paciaroni/Getty Images)

与光同行 Go with the glow

Light show at the skatepark

The art of light painting combines with the artistry of skateboarding to bring you this provocative image from Arvada Skatepark in Colorado. At 40,000 square feet, the park, which opened in 2012, is the third-largest in the country. The massive park includes a snake run, large bowl, medium bowl, street plaza with manual pads, banks, granite pieces, ledges, rails, step ups, stair set, benches, Jersey barrier, brick stamped china bank, and a pyramid. And if you know what all those things are, you're probably a steezy sk8r.

This image was created using a technique called 'light painting,' a photographic technique that involves moving a light source while taking a long-exposure photograph. In this way, the artist can 'draw' with light on the photo. How would you imagine the artist created this image?


光绘艺术与滑板艺术相结合,为您带来这张来自科罗拉多州阿瓦达滑板公园的挑衅性图片。该公园占地40000平方英尺,于2012年开放,是美国第三大公园。这座大型公园包括一条蛇径、大碗、中碗、带手动垫的街道广场、银行、岗岩块、壁架、栏杆、台阶、楼梯组、长凳、球衣护栏、砖印中国银行和金字塔。如果你知道这些都是什么,你很可能就是steezy sk8r。
