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雷吉斯坦广场的外立面马赛克,撒马尔罕,乌兹别克斯坦 Mosaic façade in Registan Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan (© da-kuk/Getty Images)

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雷吉斯坦广场的外立面马赛克,撒马尔罕,乌兹别克斯坦 Mosaic façade in Registan Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan (© da-kuk/Getty Images)

瓷砖的故事 Tile tales




Registan, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Welcome to the blue hues of the Registan, a public square at the heart of the city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Meaning 'sandy place' in Persian, Registan was a center of activity during the Timurid Renaissance, a period of cultural and intellectual revival in the Muslim world between the 14th and early 16th centuries.

In this grand square, citizens came together to hear royal proclamations, announced with resounding blasts from colossal copper pipes known as dzharchis. The square is encircled by three Islamic schools, namely the Ulugh Beg Madrasah, the Sher-Dor Madrasah, and the Tilya-Kori Madrasah, characterized by the Islamic architectural style, which typically features elaborate repetitive patterns and ornamental forms. Registan's architectural influence is seen far and wide, from the Safavid monuments of Persia and the Mughal buildings of India and Pakistan to the early 20th-century Saint Petersburg Mosque in Russia.

暮色中的曼哈顿下城联合广场,纽约,美国 Union Square in lower Manhattan at twilight, New York (© Sean Pavone/Getty Images)

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暮色中的曼哈顿下城联合广场纽约美国 Union Square in lower Manhattan at twilight, New York (© Sean Pavone/Getty Images)

灯光,相机,纽约! Lights, camera, New York!


“纵横交错的街道令人焕然一新,璀璨的霓虹灯让人热血沸腾。” 流行歌手艾丽西亚·凯斯在歌曲《帝国之心》中这样描述大苹果市(纽约的别称)的繁华与活力。今天,主页的图片将我们带到 “不夜城 ”的其中一个景点:曼哈顿下城的联合广场。在这个历史悠久的十字路口,您可以看到乔治·华盛顿雕像,它是纽约市所有公园中最古老的雕像,以及雕塑家亨利·柯克·布朗创作的亚伯拉罕·林肯的雕像。1882年,工人们行使他们言论自由和集会自由的权利,在联合广场组织了第一次劳动节游行。正因如此,联合广场在美国劳工史上具有特殊的意义,1997年美国内政部将其认定为国家历史地标。时飞逝,如今的曼哈顿更加繁华,当你漫步在街头,或许会在广场上看到街头棋手、音乐家、滑板爱好者、舞蹈团体和各类小贩。

Union Square, Manhattan

'These streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you.' Alicia Keys sure knows how to serenade the vibrant, bustling life of the Big Apple. Today's homepage image takes us to Union Square in lower Manhattan. At this historic intersection, you can find statues of George Washington—the oldest statue in any park in NYC—and Abraham Lincoln, crafted by the sculptor Henry Kirke Brown. In 1882, workers exercised their rights to free speech and assembly, organizing the first Labor Day parade here. In 1997, Union Square was recognized as a National Historic Landmark due to its importance in US labor history. These days, you're more likely to see street chess players, musicians, skateboarders, dance crews, and vendors of all types in the square.

市政厅广场,塔尔图,爱沙尼亚 Town Hall Square, Tartu, Estonia (© Westend61/Getty Images)

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市政厅广场塔尔图爱沙尼亚 Town Hall Square, Tartu, Estonia (© Westend61/Getty Images)

多么可爱的枝啊! How lovely are your branches



Christmas Eve

There's a certain magic in knowing that, around the world, shops are closing, streets are emptying, and friends and families are gathering to celebrate Christmas Eve. We each have our own traditions, from filling stockings to hosting parties and playing festive music. Today's twilight homepage shows the gleaming lights and Christmas trees of Town Hall Square in Tartu, Estonia's second-largest city. Tartu's Christmas fair has a merry atmosphere, featuring sleigh rides, fire kettles, and wooden animal carousels, while serving up smoked meats, hot drinks, and gingerbread. Whether you're partying or cozying up with a cup of hot cocoa, embrace the Christmas spirit on this peaceful night—and don't forget the milk and cookies!

巴斯圆形广场,萨默塞特 ,英国 The Circus townhouses in Bath, Somerset, England (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

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巴斯圆形广场萨默塞特英国 The Circus townhouses in Bath, Somerset, England (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

简·奥斯汀的文学圈 Jane Austen's literary circle




International Literacy Day

Jane Austen, author of 'Pride and Prejudice,' is one of the best-known writers in English literature, so it's not a surprise that there are multiple festivals honoring her legacy. The largest is held here, in the English city of Bath, where Austen lived from 1801 to 1806. On September 8, International Literacy Day, the city begins its annual 10-day Jane Austen Festival with hundreds of Austen fans walking the streets dressed in costumes from Britain's Regency era, in the early 19th century.

International Literacy Day has been celebrated since 1967 and aims to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals and society. A global conference is held in Paris, France, including the awards ceremony of UNESCO's International Literacy Prizes.

古罗马广场,意大利 The Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Peter Zelei Images/Getty Images)

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古罗马广场意大利 The Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Peter Zelei Images/Getty Images)

前往罗马广场的路上发生了一件趣事…… A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum…

Beware the ides of March

We're at the Roman Forum, or Forum Romanum, for the ides of March, a day made famous as the site of the assassination of Julius Caesar. While Shakespeare's Caesar was warned to 'beware the ides of March,' historians have never attributed the phrase to those who tipped off the actual Caesar about a plot against him. We do know that before March 15, 44 BCE was over, Caesar was assassinated. Afterward, Rome descended into war, ending the Roman Republic, and leading to the rise of the Roman Empire.

The Forum was a city square in which Rome's commercial, political, and religious activity took place, along with the occasional assassination. It was a site of ceremonies and celebrations. It was where Mark Antony's famed funeral oration for Caesar was given, and where Caesar's body was burned before the public. Today the area is a popular tourist attraction, drawing more than 4.5 million visitors in an average year.




布拉索夫中央广场的圣诞市集,罗马尼亚 Christmas Market in Main Square of Braşov, Romania (© Alpineguide/Alamy)

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布拉索夫中央广场圣诞市集,罗马尼亚 Christmas Market in Main Square of Braşov, Romania (© Alpineguide/Alamy)

A Carpathian Christmas celebration

Nestled at the foot of Mount Tampa in the southern Carpathian Mountains of Romania, Brașov is a wonderful example of medieval Europe's intersecting cultures. Founded by Teutonic Knights, settled by Saxons and Hungarians, influenced by the Ottoman Empire, the Tartars, and the native Romanians, the city's Gothic architecture and unique cuisine reflect its rich history. The city's Christmas market is held throughout the month of December and is dominated by a 90-foot-tall, live Christmas tree. The market's numerous stalls feature food, drink, and local crafts.

The festival is known as 'Braşov—the city from the tales,' perhaps because legend has it that this square is where the children of Hamelin emerged after being led away by the Pied Piper. However you arrive, it's a magical place to drink a cup of cheer and toast to your Romanian hosts with a hearty 'Noroc!' But even if you're keeping it local this year, it's easy to be warmed even by the image of this golden glow from 'the city from the tales.'


