暮色中的曼哈顿下城联合广场,纽约,美国 Union Square in lower Manhattan at twilight, New York (© Sean Pavone/Getty Images)

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暮色中的曼哈顿下城联合广场纽约美国 Union Square in lower Manhattan at twilight, New York (© Sean Pavone/Getty Images)

灯光,相机,纽约! Lights, camera, New York!


“纵横交错的街道令人焕然一新,璀璨的霓虹灯让人热血沸腾。” 流行歌手艾丽西亚·凯斯在歌曲《帝国之心》中这样描述大苹果市(纽约的别称)的繁华与活力。今天,主页的图片将我们带到 “不夜城 ”的其中一个景点:曼哈顿下城的联合广场。在这个历史悠久的十字路口,您可以看到乔治·华盛顿雕像,它是纽约市所有公园中最古老的雕像,以及雕塑家亨利·柯克·布朗创作的亚伯拉罕·林肯的雕像。1882年,工人们行使他们言论自由和集会自由的权利,在联合广场组织了第一次劳动节游行。正因如此,联合广场在美国劳工史上具有特殊的意义,1997年美国内政部将其认定为国家历史地标。时飞逝,如今的曼哈顿更加繁华,当你漫步在街头,或许会在广场上看到街头棋手、音乐家、滑板爱好者、舞蹈团体和各类小贩。

Union Square, Manhattan

'These streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you.' Alicia Keys sure knows how to serenade the vibrant, bustling life of the Big Apple. Today's homepage image takes us to Union Square in lower Manhattan. At this historic intersection, you can find statues of George Washington—the oldest statue in any park in NYC—and Abraham Lincoln, crafted by the sculptor Henry Kirke Brown. In 1882, workers exercised their rights to free speech and assembly, organizing the first Labor Day parade here. In 1997, Union Square was recognized as a National Historic Landmark due to its importance in US labor history. These days, you're more likely to see street chess players, musicians, skateboarders, dance crews, and vendors of all types in the square.

标签: 美国, 纽约, 广场

