红球项目艺术装置,安特卫普中央车站, 比利时 The RedBall Project art installation, Centraal Station, Antwerp, Belgium (© Brit Worgan/Getty Images)

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红球项目艺术装置,安特卫普中央车站, 比利时 The RedBall Project art installation, Centraal Station, Antwerp, Belgium (© Brit Worgan/Getty Images)

激发创造力 Bouncing into creativity


“艺术是所有科学的女王,将知识传达给世界上的每一代人。”让我们在4月15日世界艺术日,也就是这位文艺复兴时期著名艺术家的生日,思考一下达的这些鼓舞人心的话。从他标志性的蒙娜丽莎画作到他详细的飞行机器草图,莱昂纳多在广泛的领域突破了知识和才华的界限。今天的主页展示了比利时安特卫普中央车站的红球项目。这个巡回公共艺术装置由美国艺术家Kurt Perschke创作,被认为是世界上运行时间最长的街头艺术作品。自2001年以来,这个15英尺高的充气红球已经被楔入从澳大利亚英国的数十个国家的地标。

World Art Day

'Art is the queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world.' Let’s ponder these inspirational words by Leonardo da Vinci on World Art Day, April 15, which was also the birthday of the renowned Renaissance artist. From his iconic painting of the Mona Lisa to his detailed sketches of flying machines, Leonardo pushed the boundaries of knowledge and talent in a wide range of fields. Today's homepage shows the RedBall Project at Centraal Station in Antwerp, Belgium. Created by the American artist Kurt Perschke, this traveling public art installation is considered to be the world's longest-running street artwork. Since 2001, the 15-foot inflated red ball has been wedged into dozens of landmarks in countries from Australia to England.

标签: 比利时

