祖卡里宫,罗马,意大利 Palazzo Zuccari, Rome, Italy (© Photon-Photos/Getty Images)

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祖卡里宫,罗马意大利 Palazzo Zuccari, Rome, Italy (© Photon-Photos/Getty Images)

可怕的外墙 Fearsome façade



Palazzo Zuccari, Rome

At the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome, take a left underneath the imposing Catholic church. Down an unassuming side street, there's a surprise waiting for you: a house of monsters. Welcome to the Palazzo Zuccari, a 16th-century palace where myths seem to come to life on its façade—grotesque faces swallow up its doors and windows. Federico Zuccari, who built the palace, was well-versed in monsters. His painting of the Last Judgment in Florence Cathedral and his illustrations of Dante's Inferno are replete with mythical beings. The monster door originally led to the palazzo's garden because Zuccari enjoyed making his guests experience the contrast between the scary entrance and the beautiful serenity of the garden. These days, the door leads to the Bibliotheca Hertziana, a library specializing in Italian art history, from the Middle Ages to the modern day, which has occupied the site of the garden since 1912.

If you're looking for more monstrous mouths in Rome, not far from the Palazzo Zuccari is the Bocca della Verità, an ancient Roman mask. According to legend, it will bite off any liar's hand that's placed in its mouth.

乔治·史密斯州立公园的柏树,佐治亚州,美国 Cypress trees in George L. Smith State Park, Georgia (© Chris Moore/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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乔治·史密斯州立公园的柏佐治亚州美国 Cypress trees in George L. Smith State Park, Georgia (© Chris Moore/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

秋天里傲然挺立 Standing tall in fall



Cypress trees in George L. Smith State Park, Georgia

The sturdy, swamp-loving, cypress trees pictured in the mist on our homepage can grow over 100 feet tall. These towering specimens are found in George L. Smith State Park, which spans 1,634 acres in Emanuel County, Georgia. The park's centerpiece is a 412-acre mill pond, a favorite spot for fishing and canoeing. Out of its waters grow pond cypress and bald cypress trees, two varieties that are native to the southeastern US. Winding through the park are over 7 miles of nature trails, leading visitors through sandy landscapes past a bird sanctuary and tortoise habitat. The hardwood trees here are a haven for woodpeckers and other birds, while the soft soil provides ideal burrowing ground for tortoises. No matter the season, this park promises a peaceful retreat for all.

哈索尔神庙,邓德拉神庙群,基纳,埃及 Temple of Hathor, Dendera Temple Complex, Qena, Egypt (© Nick Brundle Photography/Getty Images)

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哈索尔神庙,邓德拉神庙群,基纳,埃及 Temple of Hathor, Dendera Temple Complex, Qena, Egypt (© Nick Brundle Photography/Getty Images)

立足现在,发掘过去 Uncovering the past for the present



埃及是较早开展国际考古日活动的国家之一,从今天的图片中可以看到埃及哈索尔神庙的天板。哈索尔神庙是丹德拉神庙群的一部分,也是保存最完好的古埃及神庙之一。虽然目前的神庙可以追溯到托勒密十二世和克利奥帕特拉七世(约公元前 50 年),但有证据表明,以前供奉埃及爱情和生育女神哈索尔的神庙可以追溯到数千年前。

International Archaeology Day

Today, dig deep and unearth your inner Indiana Jones or Lara Croft on International Archaeology Day. The event celebrates archaeology's benefits for society, and includes exhibits and hands-on excavations, some of which run throughout the month. Many US national and state parks, historic landmarks, and local museums also hold events.

Egypt is steeped in ancient history and home to many internationally renowned archaeological sites, including the Temple of Hathor, the ceiling of which can be seen in today's image. Part of the Dendera Temple Complex in Qena, Hathor is one of the best-preserved ancient Egyptian temples. While the current temple dates to Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra VII (around 50 BCE), evidence suggests that previous temples dedicated to Hathor, an Egyptian goddess of love and fertility, go back thousands of years earlier.

曼哈顿中央公园的秋天,纽约,美国 Autumn in Central Park, Manhattan, New York (© mapman/Shutterstock)

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曼哈顿中央公园秋天纽约美国 Autumn in Central Park, Manhattan, New York (© mapman/Shutterstock)

邂逅日的林荫道 Fall in the Mall




Autumn in Central Park, New York

Every autumn, many of the 18,000 trees in Central Park, New York, are painted in shades of yellow, red, and orange. It's one of Central Park's most photographed seasons, and fall in the park has provided iconic backdrops for movies like 'When Harry Met Sally…' and 'Hair.' Trees sense the coming of winter not only by temperature, but by the angle at which sunlight hits their leaves. Because of New York's buildings, the unique interaction of light, shadows, and temperatures often results in fall foliage occurring later in the park than the rest of the city.

Today's image features fall in the Mall, a pedestrian walkway designed and built in the mid-1800s. Flanked by benches and American elm trees, the Mall's canopy was meant to evoke an architectural space like a cathedral. The quarter-mile promenade is the park's only straight path, and it was intended to be a place for New Yorkers of all classes and backgrounds to gather, stroll, sit, and perhaps ponder the passing seasons.

地肤草,茨城县,日本 Kochia, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan (© DigiPub/Getty Images)

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地肤草,茨城县,日本 Kochia, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan (© DigiPub/Getty Images)

随风摆动,进入秋天 Rolling into fall




可可海滩上的渔船,果阿邦,印度 Fishing boats at Coco Beach in Goa, India (© Abhinav Sah/Shutterstock)

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可可海滩上的渔,果阿邦,印度 Fishing boats at Coco Beach in Goa, India (© Abhinav Sah/Shutterstock)

沙滩的秘密和日落 Sandy secrets and sunsets



塞维利亚王宫少女庭院,西班牙 Courtyard of the Maidens, Alcázar of Seville, Spain (© Danny Lehman/Getty Images)

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塞维利亚王宫少女庭院,西班牙 Courtyard of the Maidens, Alcázar of Seville, Spain (© Danny Lehman/Getty Images)

辉煌的塞维利亚 The splendor of Seville




Royal Alcázar of Seville, Spain

Today we're stepping into the heart of the historic empire of Islamic Spain. The Royal Alcázar of Seville, in the southern region of Andalusia, stands on the site of a 10th-century citadel, which was expanded over the following 200 years. When Christian forces captured the city in 1248, this historic palace was almost totally rebuilt in the Mudejar style, which takes inspiration from the intricate patterns and decorative motifs found in Islamic architecture. Within the Alcázar, there are several courtyards lined with delicately carved columns. One of these is the Patio de las Doncellas, or Courtyard of the Maidens, pictured here today.

In the center of this beautiful space is a pool, whose still waters provide reflections of not only the blue Andalucian sky above, but of the intricate latticework of the courtyard's arches. Look a little closer at these arches, and you'll see carved shells, Hands of Fatima—a symbol said to bring protection—plants, and Arabic script. Behind the columns, the walls are decorated with colorful ceramic tiles decorated with geometric patterns. These tiles, known as azulejos, are a hallmark of Andalusian decoration. Outside, there is a large garden full of fountains and tree-lined paths—a perfect spot to cool off from the hot Spanish sun.

黄山云海,安徽省,中国 Sea of clouds over Huangshan Mountain, Anhui , China (© yangyang1991/Getty Images)

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黄山海,安徽省,中国 Sea of clouds over Huangshan Mountain, Anhui , China (© yangyang1991/Getty Images)

云海奇观 Sea of clouds wonders





马布尔附近的白杨树,科罗拉多州,美国 Aspens near Marble, Colorado (© Jason Hatfield/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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马布尔附近的白杨科罗拉多州,美国 Aspens near Marble, Colorado (© Jason Hatfield/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

色彩斑斓的秋天 Colorado in full color



Aspens in the White River National Forest, Colorado

Slender white trunks reaching skyward and leaves fluttering even in the gentlest breeze—aspen trees are a symbol of the American wilderness. Found across the western states, especially in Utah and Colorado, these trees are the most widespread native species in North America. Their fall foliage is breathtaking, with their leaves turning a vibrant yellow that lights up the landscape, as seen in today's photo, which was taken in the White River National Forest, Colorado.

Aspens are not only beautiful but also biologically fascinating. They grow in large colonies that originate from a single root system, making them some of the largest living organisms on Earth. Each tree in the colony is genetically identical. When an aspen tree is cut down or damaged, the root system remains alive, allowing new shoots to emerge and grow, which helps create a tenacious network that can survive harsh conditions, including wildfires. This species quickly colonizes areas that have been recently burned down and can regenerate even after frequent fires. Aspen trees are more than just a treat for the eyes; they are an example of nature's resilience.

索拉诺,托斯卡纳,意大利 Sorano, Tuscany, Italy (© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo)

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索拉诺,托斯卡纳意大利 Sorano, Tuscany, Italy (© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo)

托斯卡纳的石头小镇 The stone town of Tuscany



