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哈索尔神庙,邓德拉神庙群,基纳,埃及 Temple of Hathor, Dendera Temple Complex, Qena, Egypt (© Nick Brundle Photography/Getty Images)

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哈索尔神庙,邓德拉神庙群,基纳,埃及 Temple of Hathor, Dendera Temple Complex, Qena, Egypt (© Nick Brundle Photography/Getty Images)

立足现在,发掘过去 Uncovering the past for the present



埃及是较早开展国际考古日活动的国家之一,从今天的图片中可以看到埃及哈索尔神庙的天板。哈索尔神庙是丹德拉神庙群的一部分,也是保存最完好的古埃及神庙之一。虽然目前的神庙可以追溯到托勒密十二世和克利奥帕特拉七世(约公元前 50 年),但有证据表明,以前供奉埃及爱情和生育女神哈索尔的神庙可以追溯到数千年前。

International Archaeology Day

Today, dig deep and unearth your inner Indiana Jones or Lara Croft on International Archaeology Day. The event celebrates archaeology's benefits for society, and includes exhibits and hands-on excavations, some of which run throughout the month. Many US national and state parks, historic landmarks, and local museums also hold events.

Egypt is steeped in ancient history and home to many internationally renowned archaeological sites, including the Temple of Hathor, the ceiling of which can be seen in today's image. Part of the Dendera Temple Complex in Qena, Hathor is one of the best-preserved ancient Egyptian temples. While the current temple dates to Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra VII (around 50 BCE), evidence suggests that previous temples dedicated to Hathor, an Egyptian goddess of love and fertility, go back thousands of years earlier.

赫马库塔山上的神庙,汉皮,卡纳塔克邦,印度 Temples on Hemakuta Hill, Hampi, Karnataka, India (© Images of india/Alamy Stock Photo)

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赫马库塔上的神庙,汉皮,卡纳塔克邦,印度 Temples on Hemakuta Hill, Hampi, Karnataka, India (© Images of india/Alamy Stock Photo)

往事的低语 Whispers of the past




Hemakuta Hill, Hampi, India

Hampi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Karnataka, India. The group of monuments—ancient temples, majestic palaces, and intricate ruins—are remnants of the former capital city of the Vijayanagara Empire, which ruled much of South India between the 14th and 16th centuries.

The city grew during the reign of King Krishnadevaraya, from 1509 to 1529, and was famed for its art and architecture, attracting visitors from all over the world. However, Hampi lost its Midas touch in 1565, when it was destroyed after the defeat of its army at the Battle of Talikota.

Today, Hampi still houses about 1,000 ancient monuments and has become popular with modern backpackers, giving the lost city a new life. One of the most visited parts is Hemakuta Hill, with its well-preserved temples and shrines. While exploring the hill, visitors can stop by to offer prayers at the Virupaksha Temple, a pilgrimage site dedicated to Lord Shiva.

塞利努斯的神庙,西西里岛,意大利 (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock)

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塞利努斯的神庙西西里岛意大利 (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock)




意大利西西里岛康科迪亚神庙前的一棵橄榄树 An olive tree in front of the Temple of Concordia on the island of Sicily, Italy (© Alfio Finocchiaro/Shutterstock)

发布于 , 531 次浏览

意大利西西里岛康科迪亚神庙前的一棵橄榄 An olive tree in front of the Temple of Concordia on the island of Sicily, Italy (© Alfio Finocchiaro/Shutterstock)

和平的象征 A symbol of peace




World Olive Tree Day

While not everyone would recognize this as an olive tree, most of us understand the meaning of the phrase, 'extending an olive branch,' long known as a gesture of peace and friendship. That sentiment of compassion, harmony and wisdom is at the heart of UNESCO's World Olive Tree Day, created in 2019 and observed every November 26. The intent of the day is to bring attention to the resolution of conflict worldwide and to the preservation of the olive tree itself, like this one standing in front of the Temple of Concordia in Agrigento, Italy. The well-preserved, Greek Doric temple was built on what is now the south shore of Sicily, around 440 BCE. Olive trees are native to the coastal regions of the Mediterranean and are cultivated today in places with similar climates, like parts of California and Israel. About 90 percent of harvested olives are used to make olive oil, the quintessential ingredient in Mediterranean cooking.

The cultivation of olives is about as old as human civilization itself, as are some of the trees themselves. Although olive trees do not grow very tall, usually no more than 30 feet, they live a very long time. One of the oldest known trees in the world, in Portugal, is believed to be 3,350 years old. Many live for millennia, their trunks growing thick and gnarled, and their branches bearing fruit century after century. As civilizations rise and fall around them, these hardy trees remain resilient and steadfast.

哈特谢普苏特女王神庙鸟瞰图,埃及卢克索古城 Aerial view of the Temple of Hatshepsut near Luxor, Egypt (© Ratnakorn Piyasirisorost/Moment/Getty Images)

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哈特谢普苏特女王神庙鸟瞰图,埃及卢克索古城 Aerial view of the Temple of Hatshepsut near Luxor, Egypt (© Ratnakorn Piyasirisorost/Moment/Getty Images)

Unearthing a queen's lost tale

Almost 3,500 years ago under Queen Hatshepsut's reign, Egypt enjoyed decades of peace and flourishing culture, and this elegant temple is just one piece of her larger-than-life legacy. But the pharaoh who succeeded Hatshepsut forbade all mention of her rule, taking credit for her monuments and leaving her name all but unknown for millennia.

By the 19th century, many archaeologists had noticed a gap in the recorded succession of pharaohs. Through their efforts decoding hieroglyphics, cataloging artifacts, and finally excavating Hatshepsut's great temple in 1906, the greatest woman ruler of her time began reclaiming her place in the history books.

Isn't it lucky we have people willing to dirty their hands and dig up the truth? On International Archaeology Day, which happens every third Saturday of October, we're celebrating those who solve human history's mysteries: the archaeologists of the past, present, and future.





The interior of the Abu Simbel Great Temple in Egypt (© George Steinmetz/Getty Images)

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The interior of the Abu Simbel Great Temple in Egypt (© George Steinmetz/Getty Images)

A temple, preserved

These temples, commissioned by Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II around 1264 BCE, would not be around for us to photograph if it weren't for the efforts of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). A couple centuries after the Abu Simbel temples were completed, Ramesses' empire had collapsed and the sands of the Nubian region of North Africa began to consume them. European explorers 'discovered' Abu Simbel in the early 1800s, leading to massive efforts to excavate and preserve the ruins of the great pharaoh's monument to himself.

But it wasn't until the 1950s, when the Egyptian government began drawing up plans for the Aswan High Dam, that preservation of Abu Simbel and other historic sites took on extra urgency. Planners knew the dam would flood the banks of the Nile, submerging the temples. So, the United Nations' UNESCO branch set to work on a solution to keep Abu Simbel preserved and accessible. In 1968, UNESCO's first major project was to literally move the massive temples to higher ground. They succeeded, of course, safeguarding one of the world's great archaeological sites. Out of this effort emerged UNESCO's drive to protect the world's most important sites of both cultural and natural heritage. To date, UNESCO has protected more than 1,000 World Heritage Sites across 167 countries that are ‘irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration.'

古罗马广场上的萨图尔诺农神庙,意大利罗马 Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

发布于 , 1419 次浏览


古罗马广场上的萨图尔诺农神庙意大利罗马 Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

When in Rome...celebrate Saturnalia

We're looking at the Temple of Saturn, one of the oldest structures of the Forum in Rome. It was here that ancient Romans began their celebrations of Saturnalia, which began on December 17. Both the temple and the festival are dedicated to the agricultural god Saturn, whose reign was associated with a golden age of prosperity and peace. Saturnalia festivities kicked off with a sacrifice at the temple, followed by a public banquet and a week of general merrymaking. Activities included gambling, eating, drinking, and playing music. Businesses and schools closed, and even slaves were free from work and allowed to participate in the merrymaking. Many Saturnalia customs evolved into Christmas traditions, such as gift-giving, decorating homes with wreaths, and drinking spiced wine.