哈索尔神庙,邓德拉神庙群,基纳,埃及 Temple of Hathor, Dendera Temple Complex, Qena, Egypt (© Nick Brundle Photography/Getty Images)

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哈索尔神庙,邓德拉神庙群,基纳,埃及 Temple of Hathor, Dendera Temple Complex, Qena, Egypt (© Nick Brundle Photography/Getty Images)

立足现在,发掘过去 Uncovering the past for the present



埃及是较早开展国际考古日活动的国家之一,从今天的图片中可以看到埃及哈索尔神庙的天板。哈索尔神庙是丹德拉神庙群的一部分,也是保存最完好的古埃及神庙之一。虽然目前的神庙可以追溯到托勒密十二世和克利奥帕特拉七世(约公元前 50 年),但有证据表明,以前供奉埃及爱情和生育女神哈索尔的神庙可以追溯到数千年前。

International Archaeology Day

Today, dig deep and unearth your inner Indiana Jones or Lara Croft on International Archaeology Day. The event celebrates archaeology's benefits for society, and includes exhibits and hands-on excavations, some of which run throughout the month. Many US national and state parks, historic landmarks, and local museums also hold events.

Egypt is steeped in ancient history and home to many internationally renowned archaeological sites, including the Temple of Hathor, the ceiling of which can be seen in today's image. Part of the Dendera Temple Complex in Qena, Hathor is one of the best-preserved ancient Egyptian temples. While the current temple dates to Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra VII (around 50 BCE), evidence suggests that previous temples dedicated to Hathor, an Egyptian goddess of love and fertility, go back thousands of years earlier.

标签: 埃及, 神庙


