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帕侬蓝寺,武里南府,泰国 Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Buriram province, Thailand (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

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帕侬蓝,武里南府,泰国 Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Buriram province, Thailand (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

通往过去的大门 Doorway to the past



这条500英尺高的长廊是这个公园里最引人注目的特色之一,长廊上面不仅有泥土露台,还布满了错综复杂的石雕。长廊的前方是一个叫“Phlab Phla”的地方,据说是皇室成员在进入寺庙前的沐浴区。旁边还有一条绵延500多英尺的通道,通道两侧是砂岩石柱,通向三座那伽(神话中的蛇)中的第一座,象征着从凡间到神界的过渡。而寺庙顶部保存完好的神殿则展示了丰富的宗教图案,以及与印度教故事有关的雕塑。每年四月举行的帕侬蓝节吸引许多人在此齐聚一堂,观看阳穿过寺庙上层圣殿的十五个门,照亮圣殿内部。

Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Thailand

Today, let us step into the Phanom Rung Historical Park in Buriram province, Thailand. Here, Khmer architecture and history come to life. Built between the 10th and 13th centuries, this remarkable site served as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Shiva. It is on the rim of an extinct volcano, offering views of the surrounding paddy fields and the towering Dongrek Mountains of Cambodia in the distance.

With its earthen terraces, the 500-foot promenade leading up to the main gate is one of the most striking features in the park. A long passage lined with sandstone pillars, it leads to the first of three bridges symbolizing the transition from the mortal realm to the divine. At the top, the shrine showcases a wealth of religious motifs, including Hindu sculptures. The annual festival of Phanom Rung, held in April, attracts many who gather to witness the sun's rays aligning with the 15 doorways of the temple and lighting up the inner sanctum.