
石林,日落点,布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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石林日落点,布莱斯峡谷国家公园犹他州美国 (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)




圣吉米尼亚诺,锡耶纳,托斯卡纳大区,意大利亚 San Gimignano, Siena, Tuscany, Italy (© MNStudio/Shutterstock)

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圣吉米尼亚诺,锡耶纳,托斯卡纳大区,意大利亚 San Gimignano, Siena, Tuscany, Italy (© MNStudio/Shutterstock)

中世纪曼哈顿 A medieval Manhattan



圣吉米尼亚诺最著名的景观是由14座塔楼组成的天际线。这些高低错落的塔楼是两个家族争相建造最高塔楼的结果。到中世纪末期,小镇上共有72座塔楼,但由于战争、其他灾难和建筑工程,许多塔楼都已不复存在。如今,最高的塔楼是格罗萨塔楼(其名“Torre Grossa”在意大利语中意为 “大塔”),建于1310年,高177英尺,令人难以置信。难怪这个小镇常被人们称为“中世纪的曼哈顿”。

San Gimignano, Siena Tuscany, Italy

These medieval towers stand tall over San Gimignano, a small town near Siena in north central Italy. In the Middle Ages, a town grew up around a church dedicated to St. Geminianus (San Gimignano in Italian). As well as being a popular stop for pilgrims on their way to Rome, the town prospered thanks to its trade in local Vernaccia wine and in saffron, which is grown in the nearby hills. However, when the Black Death struck in 1348, half the population was lost, slowing the town's development and preserving its medieval character to this day.

San Gimignano's most recognizable feature is its skyline, made up of 14 towers. These impressive structures were the result of a rivalry between two families, each competing to build the tallest tower-house. By the end of the medieval period, there were 72 towers in the town, although because of wars, other catastrophes, and building projects, many were lost. Today, the tallest tower still standing is the Torre Grossa (Big Tower). Built in 1310, it stands at an incredible 177 feet. It's no wonder that the town is sometimes called the Manhattan of the Middle Ages.

斯科讷省海滩上的浴场小屋,瑞典 Bathing huts on the beach in Skåne County, Sweden (© Martin Wahlborg/Getty Images)

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斯科讷省海滩上的浴场小屋,瑞典 Bathing huts on the beach in Skåne County, Sweden (© Martin Wahlborg/Getty Images)

色彩斑斓的海岸线 Chromatic coastline




Bathing huts in Skåne County, Sweden

When it comes to vibrant beach scenes, Skåne County in Sweden, doesn't disappoint. Today's image features pastel huts in Skanörs Havsbad, a sandy beach section in the town of Skanör. This is one of the most popular parts of the beach, which stretches for over 6 miles, on the western side of the Falsterbonäset peninsula. Located near the Skanör marina, this part of the beach is a favorite spot for bathers in the summer months.

Along with sandy shores, this area is home to rapeseed fields, beech forests, ancient monuments, castles, and museums that bring the region's history to life, from the Romanesque grandeur of Lund's cathedral to the modern energy of Malmö. So, next time you're in Skåne, don't forget to take a stroll along the shore and soak in the colorful charm of these iconic beach huts.

摩泽尔河谷的葡萄园,莱茵兰-法尔茨,德国 Vineyards in the Moselle Valley, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

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摩泽尔河谷葡萄园,莱茵兰-法尔茨,德国 Vineyards in the Moselle Valley, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

完美的葡萄酒 'Riesling' to perfection




Vineyards in the Mosel Valley, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Welcome to the Palatinate, a wine lover's dream come true. This wine-growing region in western Germany has rolling hills, fertile soils, and a warm climate, allowing the cultivation of a diverse variety of grapes. While riesling reigns supreme, other notable varieties include chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, pinot blanc, Müller-Thurgau, and Dornfelder. The Palatinate is the largest red wine-producing region in the country, with over 40% of the vineyards devoted to it.

Visitors can try schorle, a drink made by mixing wine with sparkling water that is a popular choice at annual wine festivals held in the Palatinate's wine-producing towns. The region is also home to the Wurstmarkt, recognized as the world's largest wine festival, held in Bad Dürkheim. It draws over 600,000 visitors every year. So, let's raise a toast to the Palatinate. Prost!

塞纳河上的新桥,巴黎,法国 Pont Neuf over the Seine, Paris, France (© f11photo/Getty Images)

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塞纳上的新巴黎法国 Pont Neuf over the Seine, Paris, France (© f11photo/Getty Images)

比赛开始 Let the Games begin!




Summer Olympics begin in Paris

Welcome to Paris, the City of Light, which is hosting the Summer Olympics for the third time. What makes these Games unique is the opening ceremony, which will be held outside a stadium for the first time. Participants will parade along the Seine on a flotilla of boats, passing under the Pont Neuf, pictured here, and cheered by spectators lining both banks. Paris is no stranger to historic firsts; the 1900 Games included women competing for the first time, although they made up only 22 of 997 athletes.

These Games are set to be rather special: Breakdancing will make its Summer Olympic debut in Paris. Competitors will be scored by a panel of nine judges who will look out for creativity and personality, along with other criteria. This could be a one-off, as breakdancing hasn't been included in the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. The surfing event at Paris 2024 is also rather unique: the competition will take place in Tahiti, part of French Polynesia. Almost 10,000 miles away from the host city, Tahiti was chosen because the island's huge waves make it perfect for surfing.

大烟山国家公园的森林小道,田纳西州,美国 Forest path in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© putmanphoto/Getty Images)

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大烟国家公园森林小道,田纳西州,美国 Forest path in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© putmanphoto/Getty Images)

深入其中 Into the thick of it

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee

Fancy a walk through the Smokies in Tennessee, seen in today's image? Spanning over 522,000 acres between North Carolina and Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a treasure trove of natural beauty and biodiversity. Home to more than 19,000 documented species, scientists estimate that tens of thousands more remain undiscovered. Miles of hiking trails wind through the dense woodlands, leading adventurers to cascading waterfalls and scenic overlooks. The park also boasts some of the highest mountains in the eastern United States, including Clingmans Dome, which rises to 6,643 feet. Visitors are often enchanted by the mist that blankets the peaks each morning, giving the park its mystical name. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve.

In every season, it offers a unique spectacle: the wildflower bloom in spring, vibrant foliage in fall, and serene snow-covered landscapes in winter. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a haven for nature lovers and adventurers alike, promising unforgettable experiences and a deeper connection to the natural world.

迈索尼城堡,麦西尼亚州,希腊 Methoni Castle, Messenia, Greece (© Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock)

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迈索尼城堡,麦西尼亚州,希腊 Methoni Castle, Messenia, Greece (© Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock)

历史的回响 Echoes of history




Methoni Castle, Messenia, Greece

Perched on a rocky headland is Methoni Castle, a symbol of medieval might on the shores of the Ionian Sea. The fortress, on the Peloponnese peninsula in southern Greece, was built by the Venetians in the early 13th century as a trading post and defensive bastion, protecting the coastline from invaders. Its Bourtzi tower, an extension of the fortress standing on a small islet, was once connected to the main castle by a stone bridge.

Many conquerors, from the Ottomans in 1500 to the French in 1828, aimed to win Methoni's strategic position. Some original structures, like the castle itself, still stand, allowing visitors to walk through the same gates where soldiers once marched. The village's blend of architecture, with Byzantine, Venetian, and Ottoman influences, narrates a storied past where European powers battled for dominance.

肯杜瓦村的木制渔船,桑给巴尔,坦桑尼亚 Wooden fishing boats at Kendwa village, Zanzibar, Tanzania (© Lubos Paukeje/Alamy Stock Photo)

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肯杜瓦村的木制渔,桑给巴尔,坦桑尼亚 Wooden fishing boats at Kendwa village, Zanzibar, Tanzania (© Lubos Paukeje/Alamy Stock Photo)

香料之旅 The Spice Island escape



Kendwa village, Zanzibar, Tanzania

Off the coast of East Africa in the archipelago of Zanzibar is the village of Kendwa. This serene village plays a modest role in the islands' fishing industry, with traditional wooden boats, known as dhows, etching patterns across the waters. The local dhow builders offer a glimpse into an artisanal craft that has sailed through generations. Venture deeper and you'll find lush spice farms where the air tingles with the scent of nutmeg and black pepper. Here, traditional Swahili dishes, including nyama choma, a roasted meat dish, and samaki wa kaupaka, fish with coconut sauce, blend spices with the bounty of the sea and land. As the sun sets, bonfires flicker into life and the island pulses with Taarab, a fusion of African, Arabic, and Indian music. With so much to see, Zanzibar proves that variety really is the spice of life.

月球 The moon (© Victor Blum/Getty Images)

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月球 The moon (© Victor Blum/Getty Images)

月亮上去 To the moon and back




International Moon Day

Today we're celebrating small steps and giant leaps—it's International Moon Day. This day honors the legacy of the Apollo 11 mission. Initially celebrated as National Moon Day, it was recognized by the United Nations in 2021. Human civilizations have gazed at the sky for millennia, contemplating the origins and mysteries of the moon. The advent of space exploration transformed it into the target of numerous missions.

On July 20, 1969, the pioneering Apollo 11 space mission culminated in astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin taking the first steps on the moon. Moon Day commemorates this historic event, and the significant efforts required to launch the space program. Moon missions have found no signs of life, but it could be a future site for human colonization. The discovery of water ice, especially in the dark craters at the poles, makes it more hospitable for potential settlers. So, until you have a chance to live there, keep dreaming under the same moon that has captivated humanity since time immemorial.

印度洋珊瑚礁, 马约特岛, 法国 Coral reef in the Indian Ocean, Mayotte, France (© Gabriel Barathieu/Minden Pictures)

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印度珊瑚礁, 马约特, 法国 Coral reef in the Indian Ocean, Mayotte, France (© Gabriel Barathieu/Minden Pictures)

意义深远 Deep and meaningful




Coral Reef Awareness Week

Blooming pillar corals, green sea turtles, and colorful reef fishes—welcome to the underwater universe of coral reefs. They are formed by tiny marine organisms called coral polyps, which create vast colonies housing many species. As we celebrate their beauty and benefits, it's vital to recognize the lurking threats of climate change, pollution, and harmful human activities.

This underwater scene was photographed at Mayotte, a French island region in the Indian Ocean. Mayotte boasts one of the world's largest and deepest lagoons, encircled by a coral reef nearly 100 miles long. It is home to over 250 species of coral and more than 3,500 marine species. But it is facing numerous threats, including overfishing and coral bleaching, where corals expel the algae that live in their tissues, leading to a loss of color and essential energy sources. So, in Coral Reef Awareness Week, let's pledge to preserve coral reefs like this one.