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泰晤士河,伦敦,英国 River Thames, London, England (© Puthipong Worasaran/Getty Images)

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泰晤士河伦敦英国 River Thames, London, England (© Puthipong Worasaran/Getty Images)

小船轻轻划过泰晤士 Row your boat gently down the Thames




River Thames, London

Welcome to the Totally Thames Festival in London, England. Each year it brings together communities, artists, and nature enthusiasts in a month-long tribute to the river. Highlights for 2024 include the annual boat marathon, Great River Race, and the Clean Thames Challenge.

The Thames, the longest river entirely in England, contains more than 80 islands along its course. Starting in Gloucestershire in southwest England, it winds through cities like Oxford, Windsor, and London, pictured above, flowing for 215 miles before merging with the North Sea on the southeast coast. Once heavily polluted, it is now said to be one of the world's cleanest rivers flowing through a major city and is a haven for an array of wildlife including mute swans and bottlenose dolphins.

白金汉宫, 英国伦敦 Buckingham Palace in London, England (© Pajor Pawel/Shutterstock)

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白金汉宫, 英国伦敦 Buckingham Palace in London, England (© Pajor Pawel/Shutterstock)

白金禧年庆典 Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Buckingham Palace in London

Any royal watcher will tell you that the Brits know how to throw a good party. For Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee—she's been monarch for an amazing 70 years—a slew of events are planned, hitting all the notes from pomp and ceremony to picnics on the village green. Of course, the Trooping of the Colour will take center stage today as the official birthday parade, with 1,400 soldiers in full military regalia, 200 horses, and 400 military band musicians. The royal family will watch the parade and then turn their gaze to the skies as the Royal Air Force flies past. The rest of the jubilee week will include a service of Thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, a live concert here at Buckingham Palace, and a special pageant featuring people from throughout Britain.

Locally, beacons will be lighted the length of the land, and we can't deny that we're excited about a nationwide baking contest to discover a new dessert fit for the queen. Another delicious way to celebrate the jubilee is with the Big Lunch. The idea took off in 2009 and is now a beloved annual tradition. Communities get together to celebrate and enjoy themselves, sharing food and friendship in gatherings large and small. The lunch can be a neighborhood barbecue or a street party—or even an impromptu wine-and-cheese affair, with people sitting on folding chairs in someone's driveway. While no one really needs an excuse to show their national pride, a platinum jubilee is quite a remarkable reason to celebrate.


任何一位皇家观察家都会告诉你,英国人知道如何举办一个好的派对。伊丽莎白女王二世(Queen Elizabeth II)的白金周年纪念日,她担任国王长达70年之久,计划举办一系列活动,从盛大的仪式到乡村绿地上的野餐,无不引人注目。当然,今天的官方生日阅兵式将以彩色骑兵为中心,1400名士兵身着华丽的军装,200匹马,400名军乐团音乐家。王室将观看阅兵式,然后在皇家空军飞过时将目投向天空。庆祝周的其余时间将包括在伦敦圣保罗教堂举行的感恩节仪式、在白金汉宫举行的现场音乐会,以及由来自英国各地的人们参加的特别盛会。


以圣保罗大教堂为背景的千禧桥,英国伦敦 London Millennium Bridge with St. Paul's Cathedral in the background, London, England (© Scott Baldock/Getty Images)

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圣保罗教堂为背景的千禧英国伦敦 London Millennium Bridge with St. Paul's Cathedral in the background, London, England (© Scott Baldock/Getty Images)

The Millennium at 20

The view you're seeing was first made possible exactly 20 years ago, but a photo from the same spot on June 10, 2000, might've come out a tad blurry. That's because when the London Millennium Bridge opened to flocks of pedestrians on that date, it wobbled so much it was closed after just two days. But the bridge reopened with improvements in 2002, and today it's stable in terms of not only lateral g-force but also photo-op popularity.

Famous for its hodgepodge of bleeding-edge design and preserved historic architecture, the London cityscape is full of anachronistic scenes like this. The bridge and St. Paul's Cathedral, seen a few blocks north across the Thames, were built about 300 years apart (just a fraction of London's nearly 2,000-year history). If we could about-face, the contrast of eras would be even more pronounced: Behind us near the bridge's south end lies a reconstruction of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre neighboring the Tate Modern, an art museum converted from a mid-20th-century power plant.

The Cutty Sark in Greenwich, London, England for her 150th anniversary (© Grant Rooney Premium/Alamy)

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The Cutty Sark in Greenwich, London, England for her 150th anniversary (© Grant Rooney Premium/Alamy)

The Cutty Sark turns 150

We're featuring the Cutty Sark in today's image to mark the 150th anniversary her launch on November 22, 1869. Built for speed, this extreme clipper ship began its abbreviated career as a tea clipper racing across oceans 'at a clip' (hence the designation 'clipper ship') to deliver the season's first tea harvest to England. While at times the Cutty Sark was considered one of the fastest ships in the world, its practical use as a cargo ship was ending almost as soon as it was launched. That's because steamships using the much shorter route through the newly opened Suez Canal were able to deliver the highly anticipated tea harvest faster and cheaper. In 1883, the Cutty Sark began hauling wool from Australia, but within 10 years steamships also disrupted this business.

By 1922, she was the last clipper ship still in use when she was sold to Wilfred Dowman, who had her restored and turned into a cadet training ship. In 1954, the Cutty Sark was docked at Greenwich, restored again, and opened to the public. After a devastating fire in 2006 she was closed again for the Cutty Sark Conservation Project which was completed in 2012. Today, visitors to the Royal Museums Greenwich can explore all facets of this onetime pinnacle of sailing technology, which is part of Maritime Greenwich, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

大英博物馆独特的屋顶及其周边地区 The distinctive roof of the British Museum and the surrounding area (© Vladimir Zakharov/Getty Images)

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跨年烟火表演,伦敦 Fireworks in London for the New Year (© Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

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