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小屋和特尔莫尔灯塔,兰德温岛,威尔士,英国 Cottage with Tŵr Mawr Lighthouse in the background, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales (© Westend61 on Offset/Shutterstock)

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小屋和特尔莫尔灯塔,兰德温威尔士英国 Cottage with Tŵr Mawr Lighthouse in the background, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales (© Westend61 on Offset/Shutterstock)

“威尔士”祝你新年快乐! 'Welsh' you a Happy Hen Galan!


谁说新年一定要在1月1日?在威尔士,1月13日,人们会“时钟倒转”庆祝盖兰节,也就是“旧新年”。 在这一传统中,“Calennig”(意为“新年礼物”)起着核心作用,将庆典与儒略历时代的风俗相连接。尽管1582年世界大部分地区改用格里高利历,但威尔士的一些地区依然坚持旧传统。在传统上,这一天会有孩子们挨家挨户拜访,唱歌送祝福,以此换取硬币、食物或糖果等礼物。其中一大特色是用丁香装饰的苹果,它们并非用来食用,而是象征好运与繁荣的装饰品。

尽管这些古老的传统在威尔士部分地区有所演变,但“Calennig”的精神依然存在。像威尔士的首都卡迪夫这样的城市已将这一庆典演变成了大型活动,包括烟花表演、集市和社区聚会。如果你的新年目标在1月13日已经动摇,“Calennig ”便为你提供了一个”重启“的机会。何不感受威尔士的魔力?举杯庆祝慢生活,或前往兰德温岛,欣赏这里的灯塔与小屋,这正是今天图片的拍摄地。毕竟,在威尔士,庆祝永远不嫌晚!

Happy Welsh New Year!

Who says New Year's Day has to be on January 1? In Wales, the clocks turn back—figuratively—to celebrate Hen Galan, or the 'Old New Year,' on January 13. As part of this tradition, Calennig, meaning 'New Year's gift' in Welsh, plays a central role, linking the celebration to customs from the Julian calendar era. Even after most of the world switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1582, some Welsh communities clung to their old ways. Traditionally, the day involves children going door-to-door, singing songs, and offering good wishes in exchange for gifts like coins, food, or sweets. A unique feature is its clove-decorated apples. These aren't for snacking, though; they're miniature symbols of luck and prosperity.

While these old traditions have evolved in some parts of Wales, the spirit of Calennig thrives. Cities like Cardiff, the capital of Wales, have transformed the celebration into large-scale events, complete with fireworks, markets, and community gatherings. If your New Year's resolutions are already wobbling by January 13, Calennig offers a do-over. So why not embrace a little Welsh magic? Raise a toast to the joys of taking things slow or visit Ynys Llanddwyn for its lighthouse and cottages, featured in today's image. After all, in Wales, it's never too late to celebrate.

鸟瞰冰封的大海和悬崖上的灯塔,大连泊霞湾公园,辽宁省,中国 Colors and shapes,Aerial view of frozen sea and lighthouse on the cliff in Dalian, China (© zhengshun tang/Getty Images)

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鸟瞰封的大海和悬崖上的灯塔,大连泊霞公园辽宁省,中国 Colors and shapes,Aerial view of frozen sea and lighthouse on the cliff in Dalian, China (© zhengshun tang/Getty Images)

一路通往童话之路 All the way to the fairy tale world




波斯考尔灯塔,南威尔士,英国 Porthcawl Lighthouse, South Wales (© Leighton Collins/Alamy)

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波斯考尔灯塔南威尔士英国 Porthcawl Lighthouse, South Wales (© Leighton Collins/Alamy)

一直指引着方向 Guiding the way since 1860



Porthcawl Lighthouse, Wales, UK

With waves crashing against its sturdy base and a stormy sea swirling around, this lighthouse in Porthcawl, on the south coast of Wales, has been standing resilient since 1860. At 30 feet tall, Porthcawl Lighthouse, designed by the eminent engineer James Walker, is often pictured being battered by waves when storms hit. The town's rugged coastline, with its hidden rocky coves, has always posed a perilous challenge to sailors. Porthcawl Lighthouse was built to help guide the increasing maritime traffic along the Bristol Channel. This cast-iron lighthouse was the last one in the UK to be powered by coal and gas. Although it was converted to electric power in 1997, the lighthouse still maintains its historical charm.

奥克拉科克岛上的奥克拉科克灯塔,北卡罗来纳州,美国 Ocracoke Lighthouse on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina (© Chansak Joe/Getty Images)

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奥克拉科克上的奥克拉科克灯塔北卡罗来纳州,美国 Ocracoke Lighthouse on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina (© Chansak Joe/Getty Images)

海盗的最终归宿 A buccaneer's final haven



奥克拉科克岛的历史充满了海盗的故事,其中包括声名狼藉的黑胡子:他是一名英国海盗,因在西印度群岛以及弗吉尼亚和卡罗莱纳海岸一带活动而臭名昭著。他在奥克拉科克岛度过了生命最后的大部分时,直到1718年去世。岛上的居民讲一种融合了伊丽莎白时代的英语、爱尔兰语和苏格兰口音的独特方言,名叫“Hoi Toider”。不过,随着年轻一代采用更标准的美式英语,这种方言正在慢慢消失。尽管奥克拉科克岛的人口不多,但其历史、文化和自然美景使其成为各年龄段游客心驰神往的目的地。

Ocracoke Lighthouse on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina

Welcome to Ocracoke Island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This secluded island, with 16 miles of beaches, can only be reached by ferry or small plane. The Ocracoke Lighthouse, seen in today's image, stands out as a notable landmark. The lighthouse celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2023, making it the oldest continuously operating lighthouse in North Carolina. It boasts an 8,000-candlepower light, which can be seen up to 14 miles offshore.

Ocracoke Island's history is peppered with tales of pirates, including the infamous Blackbeard, an English pirate who was notorious for his operations in the West Indies and along the Virginia and Carolina coasts. He spent much of his final days on Ocracoke Island until his death in battle with British naval forces in 1718. The island's residents speak the unique 'Hoi Toider' dialect, a blend of Elizabethan English, Irish, and Scottish accents. However, this dialect is slowly fading as younger generations adopt more standard American English.

雷耶斯角国家海岸灯塔,加利福尼亚州,美国 Point Reyes National Seashore Lighthouse, California (© RMB Images/Photography by Robert Bowman/Getty Images)

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雷耶斯角国家海岸灯塔加利福尼亚州美国 Point Reyes National Seashore Lighthouse, California (© RMB Images/Photography by Robert Bowman/Getty Images)

自然与人类的天堂 A haven for nature and humans




Point Reyes National Seashore, California

This stunning 71,028-acre coastal haven on the Point Reyes Peninsula in Marin County is a gem of the California coastline. Filled with scenic trails that wind through forests and along cliffs, it boasts breathtaking views and lots of wildlife. Point Reyes National Seashore also has a reputation as the most wind-swept spot on the Pacific Coast and the second-foggiest area in North America, so dress accordingly.

The lighthouse was built in 1870 due to frequent shipwrecks in treacherous coastal waters. This iconic landmark served as a crucial navigation aid for more than 100 years before being replaced by an automated light in 1975. Today, the lighthouse remains a key element of Point Reyes' charm and continues to be a favorite attraction. Whether you're spotting elephant seals, hiking to the picturesque Point Reyes Lighthouse, or simply soaking in the serene beauty of the rolling waves, there's something for everyone.

阿尔凡齐纳灯塔,阿尔加维,葡萄牙 Alfanzina lighthouse, Algarve, Portugal (© Andreas Kunz/Getty Images)

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阿尔凡齐纳灯塔,阿尔加维,葡萄牙 Alfanzina lighthouse, Algarve, Portugal (© Andreas Kunz/Getty Images)

照亮前行之路 Where is this lighthouse?




International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend

The lighthouse featured in today's image stands in southern Portugal's popular Algarve region. Built in 1919, Alfanzina Lighthouse helps ships navigate dangerous waters near the town of Carvoeiro. A popular tourist destination, the lighthouse also has become a symbol of the region's deep links to the sea. If you're lucky enough to live near a lighthouse, this weekend is the perfect time to pay it a visit.

Today marks the start of International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend, celebrating this vital maritime infrastructure. Originally, lighthouses were powered by fires and oil lamps, requiring lighthouse keepers to maintain them. These days, however, most lighthouses have been automated and installed with electric light sources. In waters that are too deep or otherwise unsuitable to build a lighthouse, lightships—moored vessels outfitted with beacon lights—have often been used.

圣约瑟夫北码头内灯和外灯,密歇根州,美国 St. Joseph North Pier Inner and Outer Lights, Michigan (© Kenneth Keifer/Getty Images)

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圣约瑟夫北码头内灯和外灯,密歇根州,美国 St. Joseph North Pier Inner and Outer Lights, Michigan (© Kenneth Keifer/Getty Images)

不止是航海需要它 More than nautical necessity




St. Joseph North Pier Inner and Outer Lights, Michigan

Amid dusky hues, lighthouses mark where a Great Lake meets a river. Two piers were built on Lake Michigan, one either side of the mouth of the St. Joseph River to help protect ships sailing upstream. In the early 20th century, a lighthouse was built at the end of each pier; the St. Joseph North Pier Inner and Outer Lights, pictured here.

Congress designated August 7 as National Lighthouse Day in 1989 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Lighthouse Act and to celebrate these iconic structures. Lighthouses not only mark hazards, and safe entries to harbors; these striking buildings also add a touch of romance to coastal scenes and shine a light onto our maritime history.

菲斯加德灯塔,埃斯奎莫尔特港,科尔伍德,不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 Fisgard Lighthouse, Esquimalt Harbor, Colwood, British Columbia, Canada (© davemantel/Getty Images)

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菲斯加德灯塔,埃斯奎莫尔特,科尔伍德,不列颠哥伦比亚省加拿大 Fisgard Lighthouse, Esquimalt Harbor, Colwood, British Columbia, Canada (© davemantel/Getty Images)

为加拿大干杯 Cheers to Canada!


今天,加拿大迎来了国庆日。它是为了纪念1867年《英属北美条约》的通过,该条约将加拿大联邦、新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省这三个英属殖民地合并为加拿大自治国。在1982年之前,联邦成立纪念日一直被称为 "多米尼克日",直到加拿大完全独立于英国议会,庆祝活动才正式更名为 "加拿大日"。


Canada Day

Today, Canada celebrates its national day. It commemorates the passing of the Constitution Act of 1867, which joined three British colonies, the Province of Canada (later Quebec and Ontario), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, to become the self-governing country of Canada.

Canada is the second-largest country by landmass after Russia. Eighty percent of its land is unoccupied and every corner abounds in natural treasures—like the Great Bear Rainforest, the Northwest Passage, the Columbia Icefield or the Haida Gwaii archipelago. Celebrations including parades, fireworks, and other patriotic festivities will be held across this huge country today. Among those hosting events will be the Fisgard Lighthouse, pictured on our homepage looking out over Esquimalt Harbor in Colwood, British Columbia. The tower was the first lighthouse on the west coast of Canada, built on Fisgard Island in 1860.

佩姬湾灯塔,新斯科舍省,加拿大 Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada (© Pugalenthi/Getty Images)

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佩姬灯塔新斯科舍省加拿大 Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada (© Pugalenthi/Getty Images)

孤独,但不寂寞 Alone but never lonely



普卢马纳克的灯塔,阿摩尔滨海省,法国 Ploumanac'h Lighthouse, Côtes-d'Armor, France (© Christian Handl/Getty Images)

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普卢马纳克的灯塔,阿摩尔滨海省,法国 Ploumanac'h Lighthouse, Côtes-d'Armor, France (© Christian Handl/Getty Images)

黑夜中的一盏明灯 A light in the night



普卢马纳克灯塔矗立在这片壮观景观的中心,又被称为 "Mean Ruz"(该词为布列塔尼语,意为“红色的石头”),这与灯塔建造在岩石上有关。灯塔高15米,与周围的自然环境融为一体。现在的灯塔取代了建于1860年、毁于1944年的初代灯塔房。如今,该灯塔已成为粉红色花岗岩海岸的标志性象征,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。