标签 黄昏 下的文章

黄昏时分的圣母百花大教堂,佛罗伦萨,意大利 Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore at dusk, Florence, Italy (© Elena Pueyo/Getty Images)

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黄昏时分的圣母百教堂佛罗伦萨意大利 Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore at dusk, Florence, Italy (© Elena Pueyo/Getty Images)

“甜蜜的”穹顶 Dome sweet dome



Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence

Welcome to Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance. Let the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore transport you through time. More than just a church, this Gothic structure, with its red-tiled dome, is steeped in centuries of history. Built over an older cathedral, construction began in 1296 under the supervision of architect Arnolfo di Cambio. Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi engineered its dome, the largest brick dome ever constructed. Its completion in 1436 was the final stage of the cathedral's construction. It's not just the outside that dazzles; inside there are artistic treasures to discover, from Giorgio Vasari's fresco 'The Last Judgment' to Paolo Uccello's intricate clock face. The cathedral complex is also home to the Baptistery, a small basilica, and Giotto's Campanile, a free-standing bell tower.

Step inside, and you're walking on history—every visit gives a glimpse of the past and a demonstration of human potential.

黄昏时分的亚历山大三世桥,巴黎,法国 Pont Alexandre III at twilight, Paris, France (© Sizun Eye/Getty Images)

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黄昏时分的亚历大三世巴黎法国 Pont Alexandre III at twilight, Paris, France (© Sizun Eye/Getty Images)

在飞马珀伽索斯的守望之下 Under the watch of Pegasus



Pont Alexandre III, Paris, France

The 'golden hour' just before sunset is the perfect time to take in views of Paris' most ornate bridge, the Pont Alexandre III. Arching over the Seine, the bridge was opened in 1900 and named after a Russian tsar, celebrating a new alliance between the two countries. Befitting the nobility of the event, two 56-foot columns sit on each bank of the river, crowned with gilt-bronze sculptures of the winged horse Pegasus. From the center of the bridge, standing above reliefs decorated with nymphs and beneath Art Nouveau-style lamps, you can admire some famous Parisian monuments. Views include the Esplanade des Invalides, the Grand Palais and Petit Palais museums, and the Eiffel Tower.

黄昏下的马拉加老城,西班牙 Old town of Málaga, Spain (© Sean Pavone Photo/Getty Images)

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黄昏下的马拉加老城西班牙 Old town of Málaga, Spain (© Sean Pavone Photo/Getty Images)

2800年历史的老城 2,800 years of history

Málaga, Spain

Today we're visiting a city with over 2,800 years of history, one of the oldest in Europe. Málaga is said to have been founded by the Phoenicians in 770 BCE and today its year-round exceptional weather has made it the capital of tourism in Spain. Situated perfectly along the Costa Del Sol, an estimated six million tourists make the trip to this culturally rich mecca every year. If you can pull yourself away from the beautiful beaches, you'll find yourself abound in historical architecture, museums and the local cuisine of espetos, specially skewered sardines cooked over an open fire.

Aside from paying Pablo Picasso's birthplace a visit, the most well-known reason people make the journey to Málaga is to celebrate Holy Week. Handled differently than the silent and meditative celebrations throughout the rest of Spain, Málaga's 45 processions are essentially colorful, loud, and exciting parties throughout the streets commemorating The Passion of Jesus from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday. The event has happened for more than 500 years with a vast number of floats and other processional materials being carried over from year to year.


