标签 河 下的文章

泰晤士河,伦敦,英国 River Thames, London, England (© Puthipong Worasaran/Getty Images)

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泰晤士河伦敦英国 River Thames, London, England (© Puthipong Worasaran/Getty Images)

小船轻轻划过泰晤士 Row your boat gently down the Thames




River Thames, London

Welcome to the Totally Thames Festival in London, England. Each year it brings together communities, artists, and nature enthusiasts in a month-long tribute to the river. Highlights for 2024 include the annual boat marathon, Great River Race, and the Clean Thames Challenge.

The Thames, the longest river entirely in England, contains more than 80 islands along its course. Starting in Gloucestershire in southwest England, it winds through cities like Oxford, Windsor, and London, pictured above, flowing for 215 miles before merging with the North Sea on the southeast coast. Once heavily polluted, it is now said to be one of the world's cleanest rivers flowing through a major city and is a haven for an array of wildlife including mute swans and bottlenose dolphins.

罗布森山附近的弗雷泽河,大不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 The Fraser River near Mount Robson, British Columbia, Canada (© phototropic/Getty Images)

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罗布森附近的弗雷泽,大不列颠哥伦比亚省加拿大 The Fraser River near Mount Robson, British Columbia, Canada (© phototropic/Getty Images)

时而潺潺细流,时而奔腾咆哮 Trickle, babble, or roar




World Rivers Day

If you are a nature enthusiast, or simply enjoy listening to the sound of rumbling rivers, you might like to know that today is World Rivers Day. First held in 2005 during the United Nations' 'Water for Life’ campaign, it was proposed by Canadian river conservationist Mark Angelo, who founded BC Rivers Day in western Canada in 1980. World Rivers Day is held on the fourth Sunday of September to celebrate and raise awareness of the benefits that rivers provide to people and the planet.

The star of today's image, the Fraser River, is the longest river in British Columbia and the 11th longest in Canada. The stream meanders from the Rocky Mountains, traveling more than 850 miles over slopes and flatlands before it merges with the Strait of Georgia, just south of Vancouver.

克罗夫附近的摩泽尔河,德国 Moselle River loop near Kröv, Germany (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

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克罗夫附近的摩泽尔德国 Moselle River loop near Kröv, Germany (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

 Staying in the loop



Moselle River loop near Kröv, Germany

The Moselle River, a tributary of the powerful Rhine, meanders through the landscapes of France, Luxembourg, and Germany. Along the way, it carves out valleys of breathtaking natural beauty, dotted with towns and historic landmarks. Lush, sun-drenched vineyards cling to the steep slopes overlooking the river, producing some of the finest wines in the world, including riesling, pinot blanc, and pinot gris, to name a few. The river's gentle flow and sparkling waters invite visitors to embark on leisurely cruises or peaceful walks along its shores. The Moselle creates a haven for nature lovers, wine enthusiasts, and history buffs alike.

斯太尔河, 奥地利 Steyr River, Austria (© guenterguni/Getty Images)

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斯太尔, 奥地利 Steyr River, Austria (© guenterguni/Getty Images)

大自然的蓝色奇观 Nature's blue wonder



Steyr River, Austria

These whitewater rapids are found in Upper Austria, where the Steyr River crashes down from the barren Totes Gebirge (the Dead Mountains) through this verdant landscape. When it comes to the ancient town of Steyr, at the foot of the Alps, it will meet the Enns River, which flows into the Danube.

What gives the Steyr that stunning blue hue? The answer is found in the mountains themselves. When there's rainfall or the surrounding snow melts, eroded sediment flows into the river. Heavier sediment sinks to the bottom and finer sediment stays suspended in the water. Sunlight is scattered or reflected by the sediment, allowing us to see a vibrant shade of blue, as the Steyr crashes through this lush landscape.

横贯图尔库的奥拉河, 芬兰 Aura River in Turku, Finland (© Jarmo Piironen/Alamy)

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横贯图尔库的奥拉, 芬兰 Aura River in Turku, Finland (© Jarmo Piironen/Alamy)

皑皑的芬兰 Frosty Finland



Aura River in Turku, Finland

The Turku Cathedral rises above the frosted forests near the mouth of the Aura River, which runs through the middle of Turku, Finland.

Originally built out of wood in the late 13th century, the cathedral was expanded in the 14th and 15th centuries, mainly using stone as construction material. This would prove wise, as the Great Fire of Turku consumed much of the city in 1827 and badly damaged the cathedral. It was rebuilt over the next few years.

犹他州锡安国家公园的维尔京河,美国 Virgin River in Zion National Park, Utah (© Jonathan Ross/Getty)

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犹他州锡安国家公园的维尔京美国 Virgin River in Zion National Park, Utah (© Jonathan Ross/Getty)

历经百年的锡安国家公园 103 years of Zion



Virgin River in Zion National Park

Our photo brings us to a 16-mile stretch of the Virgin River where it cuts a spectacular thousand-foot-deep gorge through the upper reaches of Utah's Zion Canyon. Flowing through Zion National Park (which turns 103 today!), the Virgin River is home to unique plants and animals that aren't found anywhere else, due to the unique intersection of biomes found where the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, and Mojave Desert all meet. Without the water of the Virgin River system, creatures like the woundfin minnow, one of rarest species on the planet, couldn't exist.

凯恩戈姆斯的奎奇河上的圆形凹地, 苏格兰阿伯丁郡凯恩戈姆斯 Punch Bowl on the River Quoich in the Cairngorms, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

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凯恩戈姆斯的奎奇上的圆形凹地, 苏格兰阿伯丁郡凯恩戈姆斯 Punch Bowl on the River Quoich in the Cairngorms, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

从大酒钵里喝一口 Take a sip from the Punchbowl



这一被称为“Punch Bowl”的自然景观已成为那些游览河流并沿着河岸徒步3英里的游客的明星景点。据传说,拥有这些森林的18世纪贵族马尔伯爵会在洞顶上放一个仪式用的冲头碗,在成功猎鹿后从中喝水。英国在位时间最长的君主维多利亚女王也经常光顾这些松林,并在瀑布附近建了一座现已废弃的小屋。虽然奎奇河的美丽适合女王,但你不必成为皇室成员就可以享受它。

River Quoich in Aberdeenshire, Scotland

In the eastern Highlands of Scotland, tucked into the forested plateaus of the Cairngorms mountain range is a small but beloved river that runs through a ravine. The River Quoich is frequented by nature lovers, hikers, and intrepid paddlers willing to brave its surprisingly swift currents and its several waterfalls, including the one featured here, the Linn of Quoich. These falls are famous for the bowl-shaped cavity in the rock that you see on the left side of this image.

Called the Punch Bowl, this natural feature has become the star attraction for those who visit the river and take the 3-mile hike along its banks. According to lore, the Earl of Mar, the 18th-century nobleman who owned these woods, would place a ceremonial punch bowl atop the hole and drank from it after a successful deer hunt. Queen Victoria, Britain's longest-reigning monarch, also frequented these pine woods and built a now derelict lodge near the falls. While the beauty of the River Quoich is fit for a queen, you don't have to be royalty to enjoy it.

两头穿越苏西特纳河的驯鹿,美国阿拉斯加 Caribou crossing the Susitna River during the autumn rut, Alaska (© Tim Plowden/Alamy)

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两头穿越苏西特纳驯鹿美国阿拉斯加 Caribou crossing the Susitna River during the autumn rut, Alaska (© Tim Plowden/Alamy)

令人印象深刻的时刻 Time to make an impression

Caribou rutting season in Alaska

It's that time of year when Alaskan caribou are beginning to feel a little frisky. From late September until early November, males will be strutting their stuff, locking antlers with one another, and competing for the attention of females in hopes of furthering the species. Successful males will mate with 15-20 females a season. After the rutting season males will shed their antlers while females keep theirs until spring. In today's photo we're looking at some caribou in southcentral Alaska crossing the Susitna River.

Alaska has 32 distinct caribou herds. It's likely today's caribou are members of the Nelchina herd, which roams across about 20,000 square miles in the high basin surrounded by the Talkeetna, Chugach, Wrangell, and Alaska ranges. The Nelchina herd is among the most studied and recognized of Alaskan caribou partly because their range is relatively close to the major human population centers of the state. The herd has provided food for Alaskans for hundreds of years and its population is maintained through carefully monitored hunting regulations. But caribou populations can fluctuate from one year to the next depending on the availability of food and severity of the weather.




亚马逊河鸟瞰图,巴西 Aerial view of the Amazon River in Brazil (© Curioso.Photography/Shutterstock)

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亚马逊鸟瞰图,巴西 Aerial view of the Amazon River in Brazil (© Curioso.Photography/Shutterstock)

匆匆而逝的河流 The rivers run through us

World Rivers Day

On World Rivers Day, we honor what may be thought of as the queen of them all—the Amazon, which flows more than 4,000 miles mostly through the South American countries of Peru and Brazil. The Amazon discharges a whopping 58 million gallons of fresh water into the ocean every second, enough to fill 83 Olympic-sized swimming pools, far more water than any other river in the world. It accounts for 20% of all fresh water that flows into the world's seas and oceans. It's also the vital heart of the largest and most diverse rain forest in the world—the Amazon Rain Forest is home to a third of the world's animal species and its trees and plants pull billions of tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year, making it one of the Earth's best defenses against climate change.

Mark Angelo, a river conservationist from British Columbia, launched World Rivers Day in 2005 to recognize the importance of rivers to the survival of humanity and millions of species all over the world. Rivers are our best source of fresh water, they can be an important energy source, they're the foundations of complex ecosystems, and provide crucial sources of irrigation for our crops, among other contributions to our way of life. Besides, who doesn't love a float down a lazy river?



来自不列颠哥伦比亚省的河流保护主义者马克·安吉洛(Mark Angelo)于2005年发起了世界河流日活动,以认识到河流对全世界人类和数百万物种生存的重要性。河流是我们最好的淡水来源,它们可以是重要的能源,是复杂生态系统的基础,为我们的作物提供重要的灌溉资源,以及对我们生活方式的其他贡献。此外,谁不喜欢沿着懒惰的河流漂流?