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日落时的南斯塔克灯塔,霍利希德,威尔士,英国 South Stack Lighthouse at sunset, Holyhead, Wales, UK (© mariotlr/Getty Images)

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日落时的南斯塔克灯塔,霍利希德,威尔士英国 South Stack Lighthouse at sunset, Holyhead, Wales, UK (© mariotlr/Getty Images)

潮涨潮落,灯火通明 High tides and bright lights



South Stack Lighthouse, Holy Island, Wales

Built on the rugged cliffs of Holy Island, Wales, the South Stack Lighthouse stands watch over the deep waters of the Irish Sea. The 91-foot-tall white tower has guided sailors since its completion in 1809; it provides safe passage for ships on the Dublin-Holyhead-Liverpool route. When it was built, sperm whale oil was used to light the lamps; however, over the years, the mechanism has been upgraded to more advanced technology like LED bulbs and Fresnel lenses. Automated in 1984, the lighthouse continues to serve as a vital navigational aid, with its powerful beam shining up to 28 miles. As the sun sets and the sky fills with colors, the silhouette of the South Stack Lighthouse in the dusk makes for a stunning sight. Visitors brave the 400-step descent down the steep cliff face to explore the lighthouse, including its engine room and exhibition area.

Kinder Scout,峰区国家公园,英国 (© john finney photography/Getty Images)

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Kinder Scout,峰区国家公园英国 (© john finney photography/Getty Images)




圣德温教堂的废墟,莫纳岛,威尔士,英国 Ruins of St. Dwynwen's Church, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales, United Kingdom (© Photos by R A Kearton/Getty Images)

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圣德温教堂废墟,莫纳威尔士英国 Ruins of St. Dwynwen's Church, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales, United Kingdom (© Photos by R A Kearton/Getty Images)

通往过去的入口 A portal to the past


兰德温岛是英国威尔士安格尔西岛(又名莫纳岛)西海岸外的一个田园诗歌般的小岛。该岛与恋人的守护神圣德温有着深厚的渊源,这一点从岛名上便可窥见一斑:“兰德温”的意思是 “德温的教堂”。据说在五世纪时,德温公主在经历了一段悲惨的恋情后,来到这座岛上寻求慰藉,随后便隐居于此。当时这位年轻的公主爱上了一位平民,但由于她的国王父亲禁止他们在一起,德温公主便暂时将她的爱人变成了一块,然后搬到了这座岛上,并建立了一个修道院。她毕生致力于修行,过着隐士般的生活,帮助人们解决情感问题。德温教堂的遗迹、一口水井和修道院的废墟都是德温公主在这座岛上生活过的证明。1月25日圣德温节被视为威尔士最浪漫的日子,因为它是威尔士的情人节

Ruins of St. Dwynwen's Church, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales

Ynys Llanddwyn is a tiny tidal island which, at low tide, is attached to the Isle of Anglesey in Wales. Ynys means 'island' in Welsh and Llanddwyn means 'the church of Dwynwen,' the country's patron saint of lovers.

Legend has it that Dwynwen, a 5th-century Welsh princess, sought solace on this island after a tragic love story. The young woman fell in love with a commoner, but because her royal father forbade the union—and briefly turned her beloved into a block of ice—she moved to the island and set up a convent. She dedicated her life to spirituality, living as a hermit and helping others with matters of the heart. The ruins of Dwynwen's church, a well, and a convent remain on Ynys Llanddwyn and St. Dwynwen's Day, on January 25, is the most romantic day in Wales—the country's very own Valentine's Day.

卡塞里格石圈,湖区国家公园 ,坎布里亚,英国 Castlerigg Stone Circle near Keswick, Lake District National Park, Cumbria, United Kingdom (© John Finney Photography/Getty Images)

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卡塞里格石圈湖区国家公园坎布里亚英国 Castlerigg Stone Circle near Keswick, Lake District National Park, Cumbria, United Kingdom (© John Finney Photography/Getty Images)

古石圈 ancient stone circle



斯托尔,斯凯岛上展露的岩石尖峰,苏格兰,英国 The Storr, a rock outcrop on the Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

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斯托尔,斯凯岛上展露的岩石尖峰,苏格兰英国 The Storr, a rock outcrop on the Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

守望的老人 The Old Man on his watch



Saint Andrew's Day

Scotland's fantastical landscapes are steeped in folklore and myths. The Old Man of Storr—a 164-foot rocky pinnacle on the Isle of Skye—is no exception. So named because it is said to resemble a craggy man when viewed from the right angle, it has long inspired tales of giants and magic. The Old Man towers over the Trotternish Ridge, a 20-mile-long landslip that is home to many stunning and strange rock formations, each with their own stories.

It is also a suitably stunning site to toast Saint Andrew, who was named as Scotland's patron saint when the country declared its independence in 1320. The celebration of St. Andrew's Day was popularized by Scottish people in the US who wanted to connect to their roots. However, Scotland is not the only country to celebrate the saint. From Romania to Barbados, many nations celebrate the historic figure, applying their own traditions. Are you celebrating today?

科奇城堡,Tongwynlais,卡迪夫,威尔士,英国,欧洲 (© Billy Stock/robertharding/Alamy Stock Photo)

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科奇城堡,Tongwynlais,卡迪夫,威尔士英国,欧洲 (© Billy Stock/robertharding/Alamy Stock Photo)




Castell y Gwynt,格莱德法赫山,雪墩山国家公园,英国北威尔士 (© Alan Novelli/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Castell y Gwynt,格莱德法赫墩山国家公园英国威尔士 (© Alan Novelli/Alamy Stock Photo)





哈德良长城,诺森伯兰郡国家公园,英国 (© daverhead/Getty Images)

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哈德良长城,诺森伯兰郡国家公园英国 (© daverhead/Getty Images)





巴斯圆形广场,萨默塞特 ,英国 The Circus townhouses in Bath, Somerset, England (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

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巴斯圆形广场萨默塞特英国 The Circus townhouses in Bath, Somerset, England (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

简·奥斯汀的文学圈 Jane Austen's literary circle




International Literacy Day

Jane Austen, author of 'Pride and Prejudice,' is one of the best-known writers in English literature, so it's not a surprise that there are multiple festivals honoring her legacy. The largest is held here, in the English city of Bath, where Austen lived from 1801 to 1806. On September 8, International Literacy Day, the city begins its annual 10-day Jane Austen Festival with hundreds of Austen fans walking the streets dressed in costumes from Britain's Regency era, in the early 19th century.

International Literacy Day has been celebrated since 1967 and aims to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals and society. A global conference is held in Paris, France, including the awards ceremony of UNESCO's International Literacy Prizes.

起点灯塔,德文郡,英国 Start Point Lighthouse, South Devon, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

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起点灯塔德文郡英国 Start Point Lighthouse, South Devon, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

海上哨兵 Sentinel of the sea




International Lighthouse Weekend

To mark International Lighthouse Weekend, we're on England's southwest coast, where Start Point Lighthouse looks out over the turbulent waters of the English Channel. The lighthouse is perched upon a rugged cliff on one of the country's most exposed peninsulas, which stretches nearly a mile into the sea in the county of Devon. Built in 1836, the elegant lighthouse was designed by civil engineer James Walker in the Gothic style, as seen in its castle-like parapet. It has undergone many changes since then and more accommodation was added in the 1870s, but no lighthouse keepers live there now—it has been automated since 1993.