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加泰罗尼亚北部的圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院 ,法国 (© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images)

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加泰罗尼亚北部的圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院法国 (© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images)


圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院 ,法国



罗萨诺修道院,迈泰奥拉,色萨利 ,希腊 Roussanou Monastery, Meteora, Thessaly, Greece (© Marius Roman/Getty Images)

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罗萨诺修道院,迈泰奥拉,色萨利 ,希腊 Roussanou Monastery, Meteora, Thessaly, Greece (© Marius Roman/Getty Images)

屹立于世界之巅 On top of the world



The Monastery of Roussanou, Greece

Welcome to the Roussanou Monastery, nestled amidst the towering cliffs of the Meteora rock formation in Thessaly, northern Greece. Roussanou is one of the six monasteries that remain active in this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite the construction difficulties, 24 monasteries were founded on these 'columns of the sky' in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Once you've conquered the climb, you'll be greeted by stunning panoramic views, but the real treasures lie within the monastery itself—a world of Byzantine art and architecture. This style emerged in the Eastern Roman Empire, which lasted from the 4th century CE until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Are you ready to take the climb?

斯凯利格·迈克尔岛上一座古老修道院的废墟,爱尔兰 The ruins of an ancient monastery on the island of Skellig Michael, Ireland (© MNStudio/Getty Images)

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斯凯利格·迈克尔上一座古老修道院废墟爱尔兰 The ruins of an ancient monastery on the island of Skellig Michael, Ireland (© MNStudio/Getty Images)

愿原力与你同在! May the Fourth be with you!



'Star Wars' Day

May the Force be with you on May 4, adopted by 'Star Wars' fans as the day to celebrate their favorite franchise. Many will recognize Skellig Michael, the island on our homepage, as the location of scenes from the 'Star Wars' sequels 'The Force Awakens' and 'The Last Jedi.' This UNESCO World Heritage Site appears in the movies as the planet Ahch-To, where Jedi master Luke Skywalker seeks refuge. Home to a 6th-century monastery with beehive huts and stone staircases, it also hosts a large seabird population that inspired the penguin-like porgs that roost on Ahch-To. Skellig Michael is about 7 miles off Ireland's southwestern coast, daily visitors are limited, and boat trips are canceled if it is too stormy. Still, the island attracts 'Star Wars' fans and others keen to see this ancient site, not so very far, far away.

Haghartsin修道院,迪利扬国家公园,亚美尼亚 Haghartsin Monastery, Dilijan National Park, Armenia (© Alexey Kharitonov/Shutterstock)

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Haghartsin修道院,迪利扬国家公园亚美尼亚 Haghartsin Monastery, Dilijan National Park, Armenia (© Alexey Kharitonov/Shutterstock)

老鹰起舞的地方 Where eagles dance

Haghartsin 修道院,亚美尼亚

Haghartsin 修道院隐藏在亚美尼亚北部的森林之中,被迪利扬国家公园郁郁葱葱的风景所环绕,是亚美尼亚中世纪建筑的瑰宝。修道院的建筑群由几座华丽的建筑组成,包括圣母教堂、圣格雷戈里教堂和圣斯特帕诺斯教堂。这些建筑的历史可以追溯到10世纪,上面装饰着精雕细琢的石碑、十字拱门以及其他装饰物,展现了那个时代的精湛工艺。修道院的名字“Haghartsin”的意思是“鹰之舞”,它为那些想要感受亚美尼亚悠久历史的人提供了一个宁静的去处。当你漫步在幽静的庭院中,探索周围的森林时,一种永恒的感觉油然而生。

Haghartsin Monastery, Armenia

Hidden among the forests of northern Armenia, Haghartsin Monastery is a gem of medieval Armenian architecture. Surrounded by the lush landscapes of Dilijan National Park, the monastery complex consists of several ornate structures, including the Church of the Holy Mother of God, St. Gregory's Church, and St. Stepanos' Church. The buildings date back to the 10th century and are adorned with intricately carved stone monuments, crossing arches, and other decorative details, showcasing the skilled craftsmanship of the era. Haghartsin, which translates to 'dance of the eagles,' offers a serene escape for those seeking to connect with the country's rich history. A sense of timelessness pervades as you wander through its quiet courtyards and explore the forested surroundings.

廷特恩修道院,威尔士 Tintern Abbey, Wales (© matthibcn/Getty Images)

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廷特恩修道院威尔士 Tintern Abbey, Wales (© matthibcn/Getty Images)

一扇通向过去的窗 A cantilevered window to the past



Tintern Abbey, Wales

Set deep in a gorge of the UK's River Wye, Tintern Abbey has an enduring presence. Originally built in wood, this Gothic masterpiece in Monmouthshire, Wales, was rebuilt in stone in 1269. It was in use for centuries until the dissolution of the monasteries in the 1530s, when Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church. The building fell into ruin but, as the centuries passed, word of its intricate stones and romantic, pastoral setting spread. From painter J. M. W. Turner to poet William Wordsworth, many artists were drawn to the abbey over the years. This majestic ruin is now a national icon on the Welsh bank of the River Wye, on the border between Wales and England. There's another abbey in County Wexford, Ireland, of the same name. Back in olden days, the one in Wales was often known as 'Tintern Major,' while the Ireland one was called 'Tintern de Voto' (Tintern of the Vow).

伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园,英国萨福克郡 Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园英国萨福克郡 Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)

绝妙的对称性 Stunning symmetry

Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, England

Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds comprise a living, vibrant park, and just not because of their 14 acres of colorful displays and ornate flowerbeds—they have changed with the times, all while still jealously guarding their history. The site here in the county of Suffolk, in eastern England, was originally home to a powerful Benedictine Abbey in medieval times—in fact, 2022 marks the 1000th anniversary of the storied abbey. You can still visit the abbey ruins and marvel at the 14th-century Great Gate and Norman Tower, which have survived through the ages. Nathaniel Hodson took the original Abbey Gardens and designed them as a botanic garden in 1831, using the Royal Botanic Gardens in Brussels, with its concentric circles, as his inspiration.

A century later, the people of Bury St Edmunds saw the popular park's circular beds replaced by 64 island beds in honor of George VI's coronation, which they celebrated in 1937, all set off by specially designed illuminations. A water garden and rose garden added more dimensions to the park, followed by an herb garden (the monks of yesteryear would be happy) and a sensory garden for the visually impaired. Today, gardeners plant about 20,000 plants in the spring to dazzle summer visitors, and then they do the same with 12,000 plants and 20,000 bulbs each fall in anticipation of a colorful display the next spring.


伯里圣埃德蒙的修道院园是一个充满活力的公园,但这并不是因为它们14英亩的彩色展示和华丽的花坛,它们随着时代的变化而变化,同时仍在嫉妒地守护着它们的历史。该遗址位于英格兰东部萨福克郡,中世纪时曾是一座强大的本笃会修道院的所在地。事实上,2022年是这座历史悠久的修道院的1000周年纪念日。你仍然可以参观修道院遗址,并惊叹于14世纪的大门和诺曼塔,它们历久弥新。1831年,纳撒尼尔·霍德森(Nathaniel Hodson)以布鲁塞尔皇家植物园(Royal botanic Gardens)及其同心圆为灵感,将修道院最初的花园设计为植物园。


邓弗里斯和加洛韦的甜心修道院,苏格兰 Sweetheart Abbey, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland (© Westend61/Getty Images)

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邓弗里斯和加洛韦的甜心修道院苏格兰 Sweetheart Abbey, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland (© Westend61/Getty Images)

一场明正大的示爱 A very public display of affection

Sweetheart Abbey, Scotland

They say Paris is 'the city of love' but there's a lesser-known place where love is the whole reason it even exists. We're in a Scottish village now known as New Abbey, about 6 miles south of Dumfries. We've stepped inside the ruins of Sweetheart Abbey, the testament to a 13th-century love between a husband and wife. Founded in 1273 by 'lady of substance' Dervorguilla of Galloway, the abbey was constructed solely to commemorate her love for English nobleman John de Balliol upon his death in 1268.

Her devotion didn't end there, though. It's said she had his heart embalmed and placed into an ivory casket bound with silver. She then carried it with her everywhere she traveled for the rest of her life. Dervorguilla and the heart were eventually laid to rest alongside John at the abbey when she passed in 1290. As time progressed, sadly, the lovers' graves were lost to war.

The ruins of Sweetheart Abbey aren't the only remnants of this ancient love still standing today. Dervorguilla, far wealthier than her husband, paid off one of his debts after he died by founding Balliol College of the University of Oxford. She also provided the capital for a permanent endowment for the college, which still exists today—the history students' society is even called the Dervorguilla Society.





杜拉通河谷中的Nuestra Señora de la Hoz老修道院,西班牙塞哥维亚 Nuestra Señora de la Hoz, an old monastery in the Duratón River gorge, Segovia, Castile and León, Spain (© Arco Images GmbH/Alamy)

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杜拉通河谷中的Nuestra Señora de la Hoz老修道院西班牙塞哥维亚 Nuestra Señora de la Hoz, an old monastery in the Duratón River gorge, Segovia, Castile and León, Spain (© Arco Images GmbH/Alamy)

A gorge-ous spot for a monastery

Lace up your walking shoes and let’s head into the Hoces del Rio Duratón, in the Spanish region of Castile and León. This imposing 17-mile-long limestone gorge boasts towering vertical walls that can reach up to 100 metres high. The Duratón river which carved it meanders through a landscape rich in history and archaeological treasures.

Inside the cliffs are several caves with ancient paintings dating back to the Bronze Age, and a dark Visigothic grotto which is thought to be the first Christian temple in the region. Above one of the bends in the canyon sits a 12th century Romanesque church, just a few miles away from the ruins of the long-abandoned and isolated Franciscan monastery you see in our homepage image.

格加尔德修道院,亚美尼亚 Geghard Monastery, Armenia (© traumlichtfabrik/Getty Images)

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格加尔德修道院亚美尼亚 Geghard Monastery, Armenia (© traumlichtfabrik/Getty Images)

A monastery in the mountain

Built into the side of a mountain in the Azat Valley of Armenia, Geghard Monastery is one of the most-visited tourist destinations in the country. The location of the monastery has been inhabited for millennia and venerated by locals since the pre-Christian era due to the spring which emanates from one of the caves in the mountainside. The monastery was originally founded in the 4th century by Saint Gregory the Illuminator—the patron saint of the Armenian church—though none of the original buildings survive.

The buildings comprising the existing complex were begun in the 13th century and are now regarded as some of the best-preserved examples of medieval Armenian architecture. But what really makes the complex unique are the monastic cells and chapels hewn directly into the mountain itself, with elaborate bas relief ornamentations and multiple exquisite examples of Armenian stone crosses, or 'khachkar,' throughout. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, protections extend to both the monastery complex and the surrounding countryside, making a trip there an opportunity to step back into the medieval world.