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英国拉德克里夫图书馆和万灵学院,牛津大学,英格兰 The Radcliffe Camera and All Souls College, University of Oxford, England (© atiger/Shutterstock)

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英国拉德克里夫图书馆和万灵学院,牛津大学英格兰 The Radcliffe Camera and All Souls College, University of Oxford, England (© atiger/Shutterstock)

尽享欢乐时 Ring in the fun


“冒险是否会有尽头?我想不会吧,因为总有人要继续讲述这个故事。” 今天是托尔金日,全球的读者们共同纪念这位创造了中土世界史诗冒险故事的大师:托尔金。托尔金可能是故事的开创者,但他的读者才是故事的传承者,一代又一代的读者沉浸在《霍比特人》、《指环王》等作品中。托尔金的读者们每年都会组织传统的祝酒活动庆祝托尔金的生日,在当地时间的晚上9点站起来并举起酒杯,说一声“敬教授”,然后喝一口即可。


Happy Birthday, J.R.R. Tolkien!

'Don't adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story.' Today, on Tolkien Day, fans around the world honor the master storyteller who crafted the epic adventures of Middle-earth: J.R.R. Tolkien. While Tolkien may have started the tale, it's his readers who carry it forward, generation after generation, diving into the pages of 'The Hobbit,' 'The Lord of the Rings,' and beyond. Tolkienists are encouraged to celebrate the author's birthday with a toast at 9 PM local time—to participate, all you must do is stand and raise a glass of your choice, say 'The Professor,' and take a sip.

For today's featured image, it is only fitting to visit a place that might have inspired the literary legend: the Radcliffe Camera, or Rad Cam, at the University of Oxford in England. Originally a science library, the domed, circular building now serves as a reading room for the Bodleian Library. This 18th-century building is said to be an inspiration for Sauron's temple to Morgoth on Númenor in Tolkien's fiction. Though Tolkien himself didn't study there—he was a student at Exeter College—he would have passed by the Rad Cam countless times during his years as a professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford. This building, with its extraordinary exterior, continues to captivate visitors and Tolkien enthusiasts alike.

莫斯霍尔港的圣诞灯饰,康沃尔,英格兰 Christmas lights at Mousehole Harbour, Cornwall, England (© ianwool/Getty Images)

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莫斯霍尔圣诞灯饰,康沃尔英格兰 Christmas lights at Mousehole Harbour, Cornwall, England (© ianwool/Getty Images)

节日还在继续 The holidays continue




Boxing Day

As the last notes of Christmas carols linger in the air, Boxing Day arrives. This day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada, and several other Commonwealth countries. In the past, it was customary for the wealthy to give boxes filled with gifts to their servants on the day after Christmas. The tradition evolved into a day for charitable giving to the less fortunate. Today, while the spirit of giving remains, it has transformed into a holiday about enjoying bustling sales and a lineup of soccer matches.

Let's visit Mousehole, a fishing village in Cornwall, England, to keep the merriment going. Featured in today's image, Mousehole Harbour is known for its Christmas illuminations. The Mousehole lights were first lit in the early 1960s, thanks to local artist Joan Gillchrest. A few humble strings of lights soon turned into a full-blown spectacle, growing over the years to include iconic scenes, nautical motifs, and Cornish themes. Today, the lights, switched on from December until early January, span the entire harbor, wrapping buildings, boats, and even the water's edge in a soft glow.

被雪覆盖的康沃尔天涯海角小径,康沃尔郡兰德恩德,英格兰 The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England (© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images)

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覆盖的康沃尔天涯海角小径,康沃尔郡兰德恩德,英格兰 The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England (© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images)

世界的尽头?不完全是 The end? Not quite.




Land's End, Cornwall, England

Windswept cliffs, rugged beauty, and dramatic ocean views—welcome to Land's End in Cornwall, England. Since ancient Greek times, when it was known as 'Belerion' or 'Place of the Sun,' or in Arthurian legends about the lost land of Lyonesse, Land's End has always been a place of fascination. Land's End is the most southwestern point on mainland Britain. It's often the starting point or end of charity races that run the length of the island of Great Britain from Land's End to John o'Groats at Britain's northeastern tip.

The first thing you'll notice about Land's End is the cliffs towering above the crashing waves. The sea carved these granite walls over millennia, creating one of the most striking coastlines in the United Kingdom. These cliffs are part of the South West Coast Path, a 630-mile trail popular among hikers that runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset. The Cornish Coastal Path, featured in today's image, is a section of this trail, and snow here is a rare occurrence because of Cornwall's mild coastal climate and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. So, whether you're here to hike, relax, or just stand at the frozen edge, Land's End is a memorable cliffhanger.

坎布里亚湖区,格拉斯米尔,英格兰 Grasmere, Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Thomas Molyneux/Getty Images)

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坎布里亚湖区,格拉斯米尔,英格兰 Grasmere, Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Thomas Molyneux/Getty Images)

胜过千言万语 Worth a thousand words



Grasmere, Lake District, Cumbria, England

A place where poetry, history, and nature blend—welcome to Grasmere in England's Lake District. The village was once the cherished residence of the celebrated poet William Wordsworth, who described Grasmere, with its valley and lake of the same name, as 'the loveliest spot that man hath found.' Here, visitors are greeted by old cottages and homes built from local bluish-green slate. Dove Cottage, Wordsworth's humble abode from 1799 to 1808, and the adjacent museum offer a dive into the poet's life. His later residence, Rydal Mount, continues the story just a short journey away. The heart of the village is St. Oswald's Church, which dates to the 13th century and is Wordsworth's final resting place. Not far from the church, the aroma of the renowned Grasmere Gingerbread, made from a secret recipe, will set visitors' mouths watering.

巴特米尔湖,湖区国家公园,英格兰,英国 Buttermere, Lake District National Park, England (© Alan Novelli/Alamy Stock Photo)

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巴特米尔湖区国家公园英格兰英国 Buttermere, Lake District National Park, England (© Alan Novelli/Alamy Stock Photo)

陷入沉思 Fall into reflection


秋天正式登场了。在北半球,九月分点标志着从繁茂的夏季向温润的季过渡,而在南半球,它则预示着春天的开始。“Equinox”一词源于拉丁语,意为 “相等的夜晚”。在这一时刻,地轴与太阳垂直,这意味着太阳从正东升起,从正西落下,这是难得的全球平衡的时刻。这种平衡的出现是因为地轴既没有向太阳倾斜,也没有远离太阳。


Autumnal equinox

Fall is in the air—officially. The September equinox marks the transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, while in the Southern Hemisphere, spring is just beginning. The term 'equinox,' derived from Latin, means 'equal night.' It marks one of two points during the year when the sun sits directly over the equator, and the Earth receives roughly equal amounts of daylight and darkness.

To welcome autumn, we're at Buttermere in England's Lake District, where the season's changing colors are reflected in its tranquil waters. Here, a Norse leader, Jarl Buthar, defied Norman conquests during the 12th century. Some believe 'Buttermere' is derived from his name, but as it means 'the lake by the dairy pastures,' it is more likely to be a reference to its rural setting. This picturesque lake offers the perfect place to take a break from the hustle, immerse yourself in autumnal hues, and let nature refresh your spirit.

薰衣草田,赫特福德郡 ,英格兰,英国 Lavender field, Hertfordshire, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

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薰衣草田,赫特福德郡 ,英格兰英国 Lavender field, Hertfordshire, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

一片紫色的海洋 A sea of purple

薰衣草田,赫特福德郡 ,英格兰



Lavender field, Hertfordshire, England

This lavender landscape stretching over fields in the English county of Hertfordshire is the quintessential summer scene. A member of the mint family, lavender has been popular through various civilizations. It was used by the Egyptians for mummification; traces of lavender were discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun. It was also treasured by the Romans for its healing and cleansing properties.

Lavender is planted during the spring season, reaching its peak bloom in July. It doesn't just look good, it smells great too, and the scent is said to help people relax. The fragrant oil is a staple in wellness practices, including aromatherapy, where it's used for stress relief, and is a valued ingredient in the perfume industry. This plant is also used in the kitchen, adding a floral touch to dishes and drinks. So, next time you feel stressed let a few drops of lavender essential oil calm you down.

冈纳塞德,斯韦尔代尔,约克郡谷地国家公园,英格兰 (© Derek Croucher/Alamy Stock Photo)

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冈纳塞德,斯韦尔代尔,约克郡谷地国家公园英格兰 (© Derek Croucher/Alamy Stock Photo)



英国约克郡谷地国家公园里,古老的冈纳塞德村充满着英式风情的魅力和历史的气息。想象一下,当你漫步在冈纳塞德狭窄的小巷中,周围是连绵起伏的群、郁郁葱葱的牧场和石头小屋,耳边只有斯维尔的咆哮声,这个画面是多么的美好!该国家公园成立于1954年,占地841平方英里,有1000多个农场。该地区最具特色的景观之一是干石墙,据说山谷里的城墙长达5000多英里。这些城墙没有使用任何砂浆,却可以维持数百年之久。冈纳塞德村的名字来自古斯堪的纳维亚语“Gunnar's saetr”,意思是冈纳的山丘或牧场。从17世纪到19世纪,冈纳塞德村附近的一个山谷曾是一个繁荣的铅矿开采中心。村里的老铁匠铺和博物馆已有229年的历史,里面陈列着历史悠久的铁匠工具和采矿器具。无论您是在寻求宁静的度假胜地,还是在探索英格兰的传奇历史,冈纳赛德都将为您带来难忘的回忆。

蓝鲸骨架名为“希望”,英国伦敦自然历史博物馆 Blue whale skeleton named Hope, Natural History Museum, London, England (© Bailey-Cooper Photography/Alamy)

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骨架名为“希望”,英国伦敦自然历史博物馆 Blue whale skeleton named Hope, Natural History Museum, London, England (© Bailey-Cooper Photography/Alamy)

鲸鱼的尾巴 Tail of the whale




International Museum Day

In the grand Hintze Hall of the Natural History Museum in London, UK, a skeleton named Hope soars overhead—a blue whale caught mid-dive above the heads of awestruck visitors. As we mark International Museum Day, there's no better time to celebrate our world's repositories of history, art, and science. The event emphasizes the importance of museums as a means of cultural exchange, the development of mutual understanding, and cooperation among people.

The Natural History Museum in London, pictured, was established in 1881 and boasts 80 million specimens, including fossils, minerals, and taxidermy exhibits. Hope's 83-foot-long frame is the entrance hall's centerpiece. Let Hope inspire a visit to your local museum this International Museum Day, reignite curiosity, and spark wonder in your heart.

罗奇斯山脊,英格兰峰区 The Roaches, Peak District, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

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罗奇斯脊,英格兰峰区 The Roaches, Peak District, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

峰区一瞥 Where is this rocky ridge?


在今天的图片中,阳照射在英格兰北部峰区的罗奇斯山脊上。但这个奇怪名字的由来是什么呢?它来自法语“les roches”,意思是“岩石”。罗奇斯山脊是峰区国家公园的一部分,它矗立在斯塔福德郡利克镇的上方,高度超过1600英尺,是登山者和徒步旅行者的热门目的地。在这里,你可以俯瞰荒野的壮丽景色,如果幸运的话,你甚至还能看到沙袋鼠!20世纪30年代,一些澳大利亚有袋动物从附近的私人动物园逃脱,至今仍有原始沙袋鼠后代的目击记录。


The Roaches ridge in the Peak District, England

In today's image, the sun encroaches on the Roaches, a rocky ridge in the Peak District, northern England. Its strange name comes from the French 'les roches,' which means 'the rocks.' Rising to a height of over 1,600 feet, the ridge is a popular destination for climbers and hikers in the Peak District National Park. It offers stunning views over the moorland and, if you're lucky, you may spot a wallaby! A number of these Australian marsupials escaped from a nearby private zoo in the 1930s, and there are still recorded sightings of the descendants of the original wallabies.

The Roaches is a protected habitat for other animals too; its blanket bogs and upland moorlands are home to a range of birds, including curlews, red grouse, tree pipits, and peregrine falcons. A very different sort of creature is said to live at the top of the ridge. Local legend has it that Doxey Pool—a small pond—is home to a malevolent mermaid who tempts people into the water.

班堡城堡,诺森伯兰郡,英格兰 Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England (© Blackbeck/Getty Images)

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班堡城堡,诺森伯兰郡,英格兰 Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England (© Blackbeck/Getty Images)

随波逐流 Grow with the flow



Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England

Bamburgh Castle perches on a crag of volcanic rock, overlooking sand dunes and the coast of Northumberland, England. The fortress, once a strategic Anglo-Saxon stronghold, evolved over centuries into the imposing structure seen today. The site was the seat of the ancient Northumbrian kingdom—an early medieval Anglo-Saxon kingdom covering present-day northern England and southeast Scotland. The original castle was destroyed by invading Vikings in 993 and a new castle was built here by the Normans. Today's castle is the result of various restorations in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. After surviving its share of attacks, Bamburgh Castle has made its way to the limelight due to its impressive silhouette against the North Sea, featuring in productions like 'Macbeth,' 'Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,' and 'Ivanhoe.'