罗奇斯山脊,英格兰峰区 The Roaches, Peak District, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

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罗奇斯脊,英格兰峰区 The Roaches, Peak District, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

峰区一瞥 Where is this rocky ridge?


在今天的图片中,阳照射在英格兰北部峰区的罗奇斯山脊上。但这个奇怪名字的由来是什么呢?它来自法语“les roches”,意思是“岩石”。罗奇斯山脊是峰区国家公园的一部分,它矗立在斯塔福德郡利克镇的上方,高度超过1600英尺,是登山者和徒步旅行者的热门目的地。在这里,你可以俯瞰荒野的壮丽景色,如果幸运的话,你甚至还能看到沙袋鼠!20世纪30年代,一些澳大利亚有袋动物从附近的私人动物园逃脱,至今仍有原始沙袋鼠后代的目击记录。


The Roaches ridge in the Peak District, England

In today's image, the sun encroaches on the Roaches, a rocky ridge in the Peak District, northern England. Its strange name comes from the French 'les roches,' which means 'the rocks.' Rising to a height of over 1,600 feet, the ridge is a popular destination for climbers and hikers in the Peak District National Park. It offers stunning views over the moorland and, if you're lucky, you may spot a wallaby! A number of these Australian marsupials escaped from a nearby private zoo in the 1930s, and there are still recorded sightings of the descendants of the original wallabies.

The Roaches is a protected habitat for other animals too; its blanket bogs and upland moorlands are home to a range of birds, including curlews, red grouse, tree pipits, and peregrine falcons. A very different sort of creature is said to live at the top of the ridge. Local legend has it that Doxey Pool—a small pond—is home to a malevolent mermaid who tempts people into the water.

标签: 英格兰

