圣米歇尔山,诺曼底,法国 Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France (© Captain Skyhigh/Getty Images)

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圣米歇尔山诺曼底法国 Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France (© Captain Skyhigh/Getty Images)

时间与潮汐之 An island of time and tide


欢迎来到法国北部诺曼底的圣米歇尔山,这里是潮汐奇观和中世纪生活的缩影。这个“西方奇迹 ”的故事可以追溯到8世纪初,据说当时大天使米迦勒在异象中出现在阿夫朗什的主教面前。神谕非常明确:在这块岩石上建造一座圣殿。这位主教认真听取了天使的建议,并为目前主宰这座岛屿的修道院奠定了基础。几个世纪以来,这座联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产的规模和声誉不断扩大,吸引着众多修道士、朝圣者以及入侵者。


Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France

A tidal marvel and a slice of medieval life all rolled into one rocky outcrop—welcome to Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, northern France. The story of this 'Wonder of the West' goes back to the early 8th century, when St. Michael the archangel was said to have appeared to the bishop of Avranches in a vision. The divine message was clear: build a sanctuary on this rock. Taking this angelic advice seriously, the bishop laid the foundations of what would eventually become the abbey that dominates the island today. Over the centuries, this UNESCO World Heritage Site grew in size and reputation, attracting monks, pilgrims, and invaders alike.

One of the things that makes Mont-Saint-Michel such a striking place is its dramatic tidal range. When the tide is low, you can stroll across the sandy flats and approach the island on foot. But when the tide rushes in, the sea encircles the mount, turning it back into an island that can only be reached over a bridge. It's easy to see why it attracts over 3 million visitors a year.

标签: 法国, 诺曼底, 修道院

