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斯卡拉布雷的新石器时代遗迹, 奥克尼群岛, 苏格兰 The neolithic settlement of Skara Brae, Orkney, Scotland (© Paul Williams - FunkyStock/Getty Images)

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斯卡拉布雷的新石器时代遗迹, 奥克尼群岛, 苏格兰 The neolithic settlement of Skara Brae, Orkney, Scotland (© Paul Williams - FunkyStock/Getty Images)

挖掘过去 Digging into the past



Skara Brae, Orkney, Scotland

Imagine standing amid Skara Brae's ancient stone houses on Scotland's Orkney archipelago, pictured here, where Neolithic settlers thrived over 5,000 years ago. Village life ended sometime around 2500 BCE and for centuries the homes were buried beneath sand and earth, until they were uncovered by a storm in 1850. This prehistoric marvel is sometimes dubbed the 'Scottish Pompeii' due to its astonishing preservation—older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids. It's part of the wider Heart of Neolithic Orkney UNESCO World Heritage Site, alongside other prehistoric survivors including the huge Ring of Brodgar stone circle. If digging up the past appeals, the Festival of British Archaeology is running July 13-28. So, grab your trowel and get ready to dig deep into the incredible, storied past. Who knows what you'll discover!

布罗德加环,奥克尼岛,苏格兰 The Ring of Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland (© Paul Williams - FunkyStock/Getty Images)

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布罗德加环,奥克尼苏格兰 The Ring of Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland (© Paul Williams - FunkyStock/Getty Images)

历史的轮回 History has come full circle



Ring of Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland

At the heart of the Orkney Islands, an archipelago in northern Scotland, lies an ancient riddle: the Ring of Brodgar. Dating back to sometime between 2500 and 2000 BCE, this Neolithic henge—a type of ancient circular earthwork—and stone circle measure about 340 feet across. Lying on a narrow strip of land between two lochs, the site initially comprised 60 stones, although today only 36 remain. The exact purpose of the structure is still unknown, despite an excavation project at the site in 2008. In 1999, the Heart of Neolithic Orkney group of monuments, which includes the Ring of Brodgar, was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you are planning a trip to Scotland, consider walking amid the echoes of history at the Ring of Brodgar while the crisp Scottish air embraces you.

斯托尔,斯凯岛上展露的岩石尖峰,苏格兰,英国 The Storr, a rock outcrop on the Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

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斯托尔,斯凯岛上展露的岩石尖峰,苏格兰英国 The Storr, a rock outcrop on the Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

守望的老人 The Old Man on his watch



Saint Andrew's Day

Scotland's fantastical landscapes are steeped in folklore and myths. The Old Man of Storr—a 164-foot rocky pinnacle on the Isle of Skye—is no exception. So named because it is said to resemble a craggy man when viewed from the right angle, it has long inspired tales of giants and magic. The Old Man towers over the Trotternish Ridge, a 20-mile-long landslip that is home to many stunning and strange rock formations, each with their own stories.

It is also a suitably stunning site to toast Saint Andrew, who was named as Scotland's patron saint when the country declared its independence in 1320. The celebration of St. Andrew's Day was popularized by Scottish people in the US who wanted to connect to their roots. However, Scotland is not the only country to celebrate the saint. From Romania to Barbados, many nations celebrate the historic figure, applying their own traditions. Are you celebrating today?

斯利加坎老桥,苏格兰斯凯岛 Sligachan Old Bridge, Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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斯利加坎老苏格兰斯凯岛 Sligachan Old Bridge, Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

魔法之深不见底 Enchanted waters run deep



Sligachan Old Bridge, Isle of Skye, Scotland

The enchanting Isle of Skye in Scotland is home to the Sligachan Old Bridge, built by Thomas Telford, a prolific Scottish civil engineer, in the early 1800s. The bridge arches over a river of the same name, and carries only cyclists and pedestrians, while a modern bridge downstream serves cars. From atop the bridge's weathered, mossy stones, travelers can take in the majestic Cuillin Mountains in the distance. According to local tradition, the Sligachan River's water contains a mysterious blessing provided by fairies. Those who dare to immerse their faces in these waters are said to be gifted with timeless beauty.

艾琳多南堡,苏格兰高地 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images)

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艾琳多南堡,苏格兰高地 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images)






位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 Statue of Robert Burns in the Birks of Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images)

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位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 Statue of Robert Burns in the Birks of Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images)

谁写下了友谊天长地久? Celebrating the Scottish Bard



Burns Night

Today we're wishing a very happy birthday to the man regarded as Scotland's national poet and a pioneer of the Romantic movement, Robert Burns. Perhaps you can celebrate by visiting his statue at the Birks of Aberfeldy in Perth and Kinross, as seen in today's photo. The birch trees here ('birks' in the Scots language) and a local waterfall inspired him to write a song lyric, 'The Birks of Aberfeldy,' in 1787.

You might also take part in Burns Night, a worldwide celebration that involves a lavish, multicourse dinner, a recital of Burns' 'Address to a Haggis,' and a serving of that poem's titular dish. After much discussion and several poetry readings, the night traditionally ends with guests singing the New Year's standard, 'Auld Lang Syne,' with words written by Burns himself in 1788.

斯托尔石山,天空之岛,苏格兰 (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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斯托尔石,天空之苏格兰 (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)






凯恩戈姆斯的奎奇河上的圆形凹地, 苏格兰阿伯丁郡凯恩戈姆斯 Punch Bowl on the River Quoich in the Cairngorms, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

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凯恩戈姆斯的奎奇上的圆形凹地, 苏格兰阿伯丁郡凯恩戈姆斯 Punch Bowl on the River Quoich in the Cairngorms, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

从大酒钵里喝一口 Take a sip from the Punchbowl



这一被称为“Punch Bowl”的自然景观已成为那些游览河流并沿着河岸徒步3英里的游客的明星景点。据传说,拥有这些森林的18世纪贵族马尔伯爵会在洞顶上放一个仪式用的冲头碗,在成功猎鹿后从中喝水。英国在位时间最长的君主维多利亚女王也经常光顾这些松林,并在瀑布附近建了一座现已废弃的小屋。虽然奎奇河的美丽适合女王,但你不必成为皇室成员就可以享受它。

River Quoich in Aberdeenshire, Scotland

In the eastern Highlands of Scotland, tucked into the forested plateaus of the Cairngorms mountain range is a small but beloved river that runs through a ravine. The River Quoich is frequented by nature lovers, hikers, and intrepid paddlers willing to brave its surprisingly swift currents and its several waterfalls, including the one featured here, the Linn of Quoich. These falls are famous for the bowl-shaped cavity in the rock that you see on the left side of this image.

Called the Punch Bowl, this natural feature has become the star attraction for those who visit the river and take the 3-mile hike along its banks. According to lore, the Earl of Mar, the 18th-century nobleman who owned these woods, would place a ceremonial punch bowl atop the hole and drank from it after a successful deer hunt. Queen Victoria, Britain's longest-reigning monarch, also frequented these pine woods and built a now derelict lodge near the falls. While the beauty of the River Quoich is fit for a queen, you don't have to be royalty to enjoy it.

阿赫雷湖畔的泰莫特罗萨克斯城堡酒店,苏格兰 Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland (© Fortunato Gatto/eStock Photo)

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阿赫雷畔的泰莫特罗萨克斯城堡酒店苏格兰 Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland (© Fortunato Gatto/eStock Photo)

重温往日辉煌 Reflecting its stylish past today

苏格兰Achray湖上的Tigh Mor Trossachs

童话城堡?检查迷人的苏格兰背景?检查平静,宁静的湖水?检查如果Tigh Mor在你看来像田园诗一样,你并不孤单。维多利亚女王在这里度过了全盛时期,尽管这座建于1849年的老酒店多年来衰落了,但耗资数百万美元的修复让它重新回到了昔日的辉煌。

Tigh Mor坐落在苏格兰特罗萨赫的Achray湖上方,这一地区的景色令人惊叹,让艺术家和画家如飞蛾扑火。作家们也受到了它的美丽的启发:早在19世纪初,沃尔特·斯科特爵士的诗歌《湖中的女士》和小说《罗布·罗伊》就激起了人们对游览这片被称为“特罗萨克斯”的森林峡谷、布雷斯和水道的兴趣


Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland

Fairy-tale castle? Check. Stunning Scottish backdrop? Check. Calm, tranquil loch? Check. If Tigh Mor looks idyllic to you, you're not alone. Queen Victoria spent time here in its heyday, and though the old hotel (it was built in 1849) declined over the years, a multimillion-dollar restoration has brought it right back to its former glory.

Tigh Mor sits above Loch Achray in Scotland's Trossachs, a region with scenery so stunning it draws artists and painters like moths to a flame. Writers are also inspired by its beauty: Way back in the early 1800s Sir Walter Scott's poem 'The Lady of the Lake' and novel 'Rob Roy' stirred interest in visiting this area of wooded glens, braes, and waterways called 'Trossachs.'

Today many visitors hike or bike the Trossachs Trail, a beautiful 40-mile route that starts at Loch Lomond and winds along rivers and through woods, offering family-friendly adventures as well as challenges for mountain bikers and rock-climbers. More of a water person? The Trossachs are also great for canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, sailing, swimming, and fishing on rivers and lochs aplenty.