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斯卡夫塔山的瀑布,瓦特纳冰川国家公园,冰岛 Waterfall in Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland (© Nopasorn Kowathanakul/Getty Images)

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斯卡夫塔瀑布,瓦特纳冰川国家公园冰岛 Waterfall in Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland (© Nopasorn Kowathanakul/Getty Images)

你会相信这种观点吗? Falling for this view?



Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland

In Iceland's Skaftafell, fall isn't just a season—it's an experience. From glaciers to waterfalls, like the one featured here today, to northern lights, this area in Vatnajökull National Park is a showcase of nature's raw beauty. Skaftafell's dramatic landscape was formed over thousands of years by the fierce interplay of volcanic fire and glacial water. Here, the glacier Skaftafellsjökull, a branch of Iceland's largest ice cap, Vatnajökull, stretches out like a frozen river, inviting visitors for guided hikes. Then there's Svartifoss, another waterfall in the park, fed by glacial meltwater. Surrounded by dark lava columns resembling a heart from afar, this waterfall inspired the design of Iceland's National Theatre and the Hallgrímskirkja church in Reykjavík.

Skaftafell's hiking trails range from easy walks to challenging climbs, so there's something for everyone. While the daylight hours may be shorter in this season, there's a bright side—literally. As night falls, the auroras often appear, turning the sky into a swirling mix of green and pink.

勃朗峰上的冰海,夏慕尼,法国 (© Hagenmuller Jean-François/Hemis/Alamy)

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勃朗峰上的海,夏慕尼,法国 (© Hagenmuller Jean-François/Hemis/Alamy)





原驼,冰川国家公园,阿根廷 Guanacos in Los Glaciares National Park, Patagonia, Argentina (© Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott/Minden Pictures)

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原驼,冰川国家公园阿根廷 Guanacos in Los Glaciares National Park, Patagonia, Argentina (© Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott/Minden Pictures)

出逃的美洲鸵 Llamas on the loose




National Llama Day

Strap on your hiking boots because it's National Llama Day! December 9 is a designated day to appreciate these intelligent and trainable creatures. You'll need to visit the Andes Mountains to see their wild cousins, guanacos. Guanacos are believed to have originated in the central plains of North America 40 million years ago, but they gradually migrated to South America. Scientists think llamas descended from guanacos and were first domesticated around 4500 BCE.

As seen in today's image, guanacos are often spotted roaming free in Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina, sporting dark cinnamon-colored wool and cartoonish-looking faces. Cute as they are, they can be a bit rude: Both guanacos and llamas defend themselves by spitting to assert dominance within their herd or to keep intrusive peers at bay. Don't let this deter you from going on an organized llama trek though—they can make for great pack animal companions!

冰川湾国家公园里的兰普鲁冰川,美国阿拉斯加州 Lamplugh Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (© Andrew Peacock/Getty Images)

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 冰川国家公园里的兰普鲁川,美国阿拉斯加州 Lamplugh Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (© Andrew Peacock/Getty Images)

古老的冰川与大海相遇的地方 Where ancient ice meets the sea

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

Think of this special spot as the place where two different Alaskas meet—its vast icy north and its verdant maritime south. Glacier Bay is named for this area's dominant feature, the rivers of ice that carve the landscape and periodically calve icebergs into the sea. On February 26, 1925, President Calvin Coolidge declared much of the land around the bay a national monument. But the protected area was greatly expanded in 1980, when a 3.3-million-acre expanse of glaciers, fjords, rainforest, coastline, and mountain peaks was named a national park and preserve.

Pictured here is Lamplugh Glacier, one of the relatively few tidewater glaciers in the park; the vast majority are found inland. Lamplugh is known for its intense blue color—ice and water absorb the red wavelength of white light and transmit blue light, which is what we end up seeing. The thicker and more pure the ice, the more blue it appears.




冰川洞穴里流动的河流,冰岛瓦特纳冰原 Flowing river inside a glacier cave, Vatnajökull, Iceland (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

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冰川洞穴里流动的河流冰岛瓦特纳冰原 Flowing river inside a glacier cave, Vatnajökull, Iceland (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

,冰,正在坍塌 Ice, ice, caving

Glacier cave in Iceland

The land of fire and ice is home to countless natural wonders, like these brilliant blue caves formed within the ice of a glacier. (Glacier caves are often called ice caves, but the latter term is properly used to describe bedrock caves that contain year-round ice.) The majority of these glacier caves are on the southeastern edge of Iceland in Vatnajökull glacier, which covers about 8% of the island nation and is one of the largest glaciers in Europe.

Vatnajökull's caves, formed by the flowing rivers underneath the glacier, are famous for their blue corridors and eerie atmosphere. The caves are only accessible from November until March when temperatures are cold enough to strengthen the ice. The caves vary in size and shape each year, so enjoy the beauty of this one while you can, because it may not be around next winter.


这片冰之地拥有无数自然奇观,比如这些在冰川冰中形成的明亮的蓝色洞穴。(冰川洞穴通常被称为冰洞,但后一个术语被恰当地用来描述含有全年冰的基岩洞穴。)这些冰川洞穴大多位于冰岛东南边缘的瓦特纳库尔冰川(Vatnajökull glacier),该冰川覆盖了该岛国约8%的面积,是欧洲最大的冰川之一。


克卢恩国家公园保护区的山脉和冰川,加拿大育空地区 Saint Elias Mountains and Kaskawulsh Glacier in Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon, Canada (© Design Pics Inc/Alamy)

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克卢恩国家公园保护区的山脉冰川加拿大育空地区 Saint Elias Mountains and Kaskawulsh Glacier in Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon, Canada (© Design Pics Inc/Alamy)

Kluane National Park

What looks here like an ice road for 50-foot-tall truckers is really Kaskawulsh Glacier in Canada's Kluane National Park. This corner of the Yukon is home to the largest ice field on Earth outside of the poles, with the slow, steady flow of more than 2,000 glaciers continually carving these vast canyons amid the peaks.

Speaking of peaks, glance up and you'll see the Yukon is also paradise for mountain lovers. And Kluane is its pinnacle, literally: Located within the park is Mount Logan, the highest mountain in Canada (and second-highest on the continent after Alaska's Denali).




格林内尔湖,蒙大拿州冰川国家公园 Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana (© Pung/Shutterstock)

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格林内尔蒙大拿冰川国家公园 Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana (© Pung/Shutterstock)

'The Crown of the Continent'

With one million acres of rugged, northwestern Montana wilderness to explore, a trip to Glacier National Park could fill up an entire summer and more. But let's just take one day and virtually visit Grinnell Lake. A 7-mile loop trail, a relatively easy one in this rugged country, takes you to the shores of the lake turned emerald-green by glacial silt. Grinnell Lake—as well as Mount Grinnell and Grinnell Glacier—is named for the naturalist and Audubon Society founder George Bird Grinnell. For two decades, he lobbied for the creation of the park, and on May 11, 1910, the 'Crown of the Continent,' as Grinnell dubbed this area, became the nation's 10th national park.



冰川国家公园中的佩里托莫雷诺冰川,阿根廷 Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia's Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina (© Juergen Schonnop/Getty Images)

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冰川国家公园中的佩里托莫雷诺川,阿根廷 Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia's Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina (© Juergen Schonnop/Getty Images)

The persistence of Perito Moreno

Yes, it's true that glaciers are shrinking, but not all of them. Perito Moreno, a low-lying glacier in southern Argentina, accumulates ice at about the same rate that it melts into chilly Argentino Lake. This equilibrium makes it one of the few glaciers worldwide that aren't losing mass to climate change.

Perito Moreno is an Argentine icon, partly for its unusual accessibility via the lake, the largest within the nation. Visitors to Los Glaciares National Park can boat or kayak out on ice-blue water for a better look—but they need to keep a safe distance as icebergs constantly calve from the glacier's face, creating huge splashes and waves.


是的,冰川确实在缩小,但不是全部。阿根廷南部的一座低洼冰川佩里托莫雷诺(Perito Moreno)积冰的速度与它融化到寒冷的阿根廷的速度差不多。这种平衡使它成为全球为数不多的不会因气候变化而失去质量的冰川之一。
