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阿根廷和巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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阿根廷巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

“大水”中的彩虹波 Rainbow waves in 'big water'




Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil

Welcome to Iguazu Falls, the largest waterfall system in the world. The name 'Iguazu' has its origins in the regional languages Guarani or Tupi, meaning 'big water.' These epic waterfalls are formed by the Iguazu River, on the border of Argentina's Misiones province and Brazil's Paraná state.

The Iguazu Falls have long attracted admirers. Spanish explorer Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca is thought to have been the first European to see them in 1541. In 1907, businessman Domingo Ayarragaray saw their potential and built a hotel and roads nearby. The falls became such a sensation that they were designated as national parks in both countries—Argentina's Iguazu National Park in 1934 and Brazil's Iguaçu National Park in 1939. UNESCO made the parks World Heritage Sites in 1984 and 1986, respectively. Surrounded by the rainforest, the falls are made up of hundreds of cascades and channels carved over millions of years by the Iguazu River, the tallest of which is the U-shaped Devil's Throat, at 269 feet high.

阿根廷拉里奥哈省塔兰帕亚国家公园 Talampaya National Park, La Rioja province, Argentina (© Gonzalo Azumendi/Getty Images)

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阿根廷拉里奥哈省塔兰帕亚国家公园 Talampaya National Park, La Rioja province, Argentina (© Gonzalo Azumendi/Getty Images)

千仞高壁 Feeling 'sedimental'?



Talampaya National Park, Argentina

As Argentina celebrates Independence Day, Talampaya National Park invites us to venture into the country's ancient heart. Here, towering red rock formations reach skyward, and cliffs and caves feature petroglyphs created by the Ciénaga, Diaguita, and other Indigenous cultures more than 1,000 years ago. This 830-square-mile park in La Rioja province is also home to some of the oldest dinosaur remains ever found. Moreover, nature's beauty is shown in the local flora, like xeric shrubs and cactus, and fauna. Guanacos, hares, and foxes roam free, while condors, white-throated cacholotes, and sandy gallitos grace the skies above this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

布宜诺斯艾利斯哥伦布剧院,阿根廷 Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Argentina (© Wei Hao Ho/Alamy Stock Photo)

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布宜诺斯艾利斯哥伦布剧院阿根廷 Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Argentina (© Wei Hao Ho/Alamy Stock Photo)

戏剧成为关注的焦点 Theater takes center stage



World Theater Day

Today, all the world's a stage. Every year on March 27, the curtains rise to thunderous applause in celebration of World Theater Day—an ode to an art form that has influenced the masses for centuries. The day aims to promote theater and raise awareness of how it has preserved ancient cultures, provided social commentary throughout history, and even helped form our language. Seen in the image today is the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, a symbol of Argentina's rich theatrical heritage. Built in 1908, the theater is renowned for its grand architecture and exceptional acoustics, making it one of the world's premier opera houses. Over the years, it has hosted performances by legendary figures such as Enrico Caruso, Richard Strauss, Lily Pons, Marina de Gabaráin, Joss Stone, Branford Marsalis, and many more. On this day dedicated to drama, let's appreciate this art form that continues to narrate stories in the most spectacular way!

原驼,冰川国家公园,阿根廷 Guanacos in Los Glaciares National Park, Patagonia, Argentina (© Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott/Minden Pictures)

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原驼,冰川国家公园阿根廷 Guanacos in Los Glaciares National Park, Patagonia, Argentina (© Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott/Minden Pictures)

出逃的美洲鸵 Llamas on the loose




National Llama Day

Strap on your hiking boots because it's National Llama Day! December 9 is a designated day to appreciate these intelligent and trainable creatures. You'll need to visit the Andes Mountains to see their wild cousins, guanacos. Guanacos are believed to have originated in the central plains of North America 40 million years ago, but they gradually migrated to South America. Scientists think llamas descended from guanacos and were first domesticated around 4500 BCE.

As seen in today's image, guanacos are often spotted roaming free in Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina, sporting dark cinnamon-colored wool and cartoonish-looking faces. Cute as they are, they can be a bit rude: Both guanacos and llamas defend themselves by spitting to assert dominance within their herd or to keep intrusive peers at bay. Don't let this deter you from going on an organized llama trek though—they can make for great pack animal companions!

在新湾潜水的南露脊鲸,阿根廷瓦尔德斯半岛 Southern right whale diving in the Golfo Nuevo near the Valdes Peninsula, Argentina (© Gabriel Rojo/Minden Pictures)

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在新潜水的南露脊阿根廷瓦尔德斯半岛 Southern right whale diving in the Golfo Nuevo near the Valdes Peninsula, Argentina (© Gabriel Rojo/Minden Pictures)

洋里的巨鲸 Giants of the Southern Ocean

Southern right whale

The end of September in the Southern Hemisphere means warming weather and the nearing of summer. For southern right whales like this one off the coast of Argentina, this means a transit southward toward Antarctica and rich feeding grounds. Southern right whales are a subspecies of right whale that inhabit the oceans below the equator. They feed on krill at the surface of the water, holding their mouths open as they swim through clouds of the tiny crustaceans.

Right whales got their names because they were the 'right' whale to hunt, desirable to whalers because they were relatively slow and floated when they died. Right whales are easily identifiable by the thick white calluses on their heads. They tend to be social and curious creatures and have been known to have close encounters with humans. They spend winters in warmer waters closer to the equator. The whale featured today surfaced off the Valdes Peninsula, home to the largest breeding population in the world, and a fitting location for the Southern Whale Natural Monument, created in 1984. In these protected waters, thousands of whales will mate and give birth, staying until October or November, when they will begin their great migration south.




阿根廷圣克鲁斯的洛斯马诺斯洞穴 Cueva de las Manos (Cave of the Hands) in Santa Cruz, Argentina (© Adwo/Alamy)

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阿根廷圣克鲁斯的洛斯马诺斯洞穴 Cueva de las Manos (Cave of the Hands) in Santa Cruz, Argentina (© Adwo/Alamy)

9000年前的手印 9,000-year-old handprints

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

What at first glance appears to be graffiti tagged on a rock wall is, in fact, artwork created by the first human settlers of this remote region deep in Argentine Patagonia. It's thought that the cave paintings were made between 13,000 and 9,500 years ago. The archaeological site is known in Spanish as the Cueva de las Manos (Cave of the Hands). It's the largest display of prehistoric handprints in the world, made all those years ago by people holding a hand against the rock wall and blowing pigments through tubes made of bone. Of the 829 black, white, red, and ochre prints, most are of young male hands. One print has six fingers, and only 31 are of right hands.

The cave paintings were created in at least three waves over thousands of years by ancestors of the Tehuelche people. Archaeologists have hypothesized that the artists were hunter-gatherers. This theory is supported by the fact that even older than the handprints are depictions of guanacos (a relative of the llama, and the main source of food at the time); rheas (large flightless birds); and hunting scenes.

Today, more than 370 million Indigenous people live in various regions of the world, like the Teheulche, who continue to live in Patagonia near the southern border between Argentina and Chile. To honor and protect the rights of the world's current Indigenous populations, the UN marks each August 7 as International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. We'll raise our hands in support of that.


乍一看,岩壁上的涂鸦标记实际上是阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚这个偏远地区的第一批人类定居者创作的艺术品。据认为,这些穴壁画是在13000年至9500年前绘制的。该考古遗址西班牙语中被称为Cueva de las Manos(手洞)。这是世界上最大规模的史前手印展示会,多年前,人们用手抵着岩壁,用骨头制成的管子吹颜料。在829张黑、白、红和赭色的照片中,大多数是年轻男性的手。一个指纹有六个手指,只有31个是右手的。



冰川国家公园中的佩里托莫雷诺冰川,阿根廷 Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia's Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina (© Juergen Schonnop/Getty Images)

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冰川国家公园中的佩里托莫雷诺川,阿根廷 Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia's Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina (© Juergen Schonnop/Getty Images)

The persistence of Perito Moreno

Yes, it's true that glaciers are shrinking, but not all of them. Perito Moreno, a low-lying glacier in southern Argentina, accumulates ice at about the same rate that it melts into chilly Argentino Lake. This equilibrium makes it one of the few glaciers worldwide that aren't losing mass to climate change.

Perito Moreno is an Argentine icon, partly for its unusual accessibility via the lake, the largest within the nation. Visitors to Los Glaciares National Park can boat or kayak out on ice-blue water for a better look—but they need to keep a safe distance as icebergs constantly calve from the glacier's face, creating huge splashes and waves.


是的,冰川确实在缩小,但不是全部。阿根廷南部的一座低洼冰川佩里托莫雷诺(Perito Moreno)积冰的速度与它融化到寒冷的阿根廷的速度差不多。这种平衡使它成为全球为数不多的不会因气候变化而失去质量的冰川之一。


圣克鲁斯河,阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚 Santa Cruz River, Patagonia, Argentina (© Coolbiere Photograph/Getty Images)

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圣克鲁斯河阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚 Santa Cruz River, Patagonia, Argentina (© Coolbiere Photograph/Getty Images)

Meandering through Patagonia

Squiggling east from the Andes mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, the mighty Santa Cruz river in Argentina's Patagonia region flows over some of South America's sparsest terrain. Over the centuries, some of history's most notable explorers have been drawn to the winding waterway: Ferdinand Magellan's 1520 expedition discovered its coastal delta, and Charles Darwin (on the same voyage that took him to the Galápagos Islands) studied the area's ecosystem during a grueling 1834 side-trip up the river. Even now, very few settlements exist along the 240-mile course of the Santa Cruz, considered the last major free-flowing river in Patagonia.

The river's many U-shaped bends, called meanders, are carved out gradually: When flow pressure isn't equal on both banks of a river, erosion tends to warp small bends into dramatic, sweeping curves over long periods of time. But the prospect of much swifter change looms over the Santa Cruz: A controversial hydroelectric dam project already underway downstream will potentially have a drastic impact on the entire river's hydrology and ecosystem.