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日出时的羽扇豆田和教堂,斯奈山半岛,冰岛 Lupine fields and church at sunrise, Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

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日出时的羽扇豆田和教堂,斯奈半岛冰岛 Lupine fields and church at sunrise, Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

盛放的夏季 'Lupin' into summer




Lupine fields, Snæfellsnes, Iceland

As spring gives way to summer in Iceland, the rugged landscape bursts into color. Lupines were introduced here in the 1940s for their soil-binding properties, to reduce erosion. The plant flourishes in sandy and salty soils and spreads rapidly, bringing hues of purple, pink, and blue. Although some consider lupine to be a threat to native plants, it is welcomed by many as a cherished part of the summer landscape. You can find lupine fields in Reykjavík, near the Skógafoss waterfall, and lining the road to the Hellissandur Church in the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, as seen in today's image.

加尔加诺半岛上的维埃斯特,阿普利亚,意大利 Vieste on the Gargano peninsula, Apulia, Italy (© Pilat666/Getty Images)

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加尔加诺半岛上的维埃斯特,阿普利亚,意大利 Vieste on the Gargano peninsula, Apulia, Italy (© Pilat666/Getty Images)

住在悬崖边的日子 Life on the edge



Vieste, Apulia, Italy

Vieste is a picturesque town on the eastern coast of Italy. With origins dating back thousands of years, its history is a tapestry woven by various civilizations, including the Normans, Byzantines, and Romans. The town's historic center is filled with charming narrow streets, ancient architecture, and a medieval Swabian castle overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Perched on dramatic limestone cliffs, its stunning natural landscape also boasts pristine beaches and clear waters that have Blue Flag certification for their quality. The famous Pizzomunno rock formation has various legends associated with it, often about a young man of the same name and his lover Cristalda. With its blend of history, natural wonders, and leisure pursuits, Vieste remains a captivating destination for those seeking an authentic Italian experience.

拉曼加,穆尔西亚,西班牙 (© SOMATUSCANI/Getty Images)

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拉曼加,穆尔西亚,西班牙 (© SOMATUSCANI/Getty Images)





瓜纳阿卡维韦斯半岛国家公园的红树林,古巴 Red mangrove tree seedlings in Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

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瓜纳阿卡维韦斯半岛国家公园红树林古巴 Red mangrove tree seedlings in Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

向伟大的红树林致敬! All hail the mighty mangrove!




Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba

Today we're admiring red mangrove seedlings at Guanahacabibes National Park in Cuba. Mangrove forests not only protect coastlines but are a crucial component of tropical coastal ecosystems and are uniquely suited to thrive in brackish or salty water. These hardy trees can withstand the force of tremendous waves and ferocious winds, fending off the damaging effects of storms and erosion.

Below the surface, they work just as hard: Their complex root systems filter out salt and provide shelter and protection for marine life, encouraging biodiversity. Here in Guanahacabibes, that marine life includes several species of turtles as well as red swamp crayfish and a slew of reptiles and amphibians.

Another reason to tip our hats to the mighty mangroves? They capture up to 10 times more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than tropical forests do. They're also incredible carbon sinks, storing much more carbon in their roots than their terrestrial counterparts.

伊豆半岛海岸附近的 Minokake-Iwa 奇岩群,日本 The Minokake-Iwa rocks off the coast of the Izu Peninsula, Japan (© Krzysztof Baranowski/Getty Images)

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伊豆半岛海岸附近的 Minokake-Iwa 奇岩群,日本 The Minokake-Iwa rocks off the coast of the Izu Peninsula, Japan (© Krzysztof Baranowski/Getty Images)

Singing praises of the oceans

In Japan, mid-July brings an excuse to head to the beach, as if we really needed one. That's because this time of year marks Marine Day (aka Ocean Day), an observance recognizing the close bond the island nation shares with the seas and ocean that surround it. Because Marine Day roughly coincides with the end of the rainy season, it has, over the years, become a sort of unofficial kick off to the hot summer season. One place sure to attract visitors is the picturesque Minokake-Iwa rock formation seen here, lying off the coast of Honshū's mountainous 31-mile-long Izu Peninsula.

Ordinarily Marine Day is observed on the third Monday in July, but this year the holiday was moved to immediately precede the start of the Summer Olympics in Tokyo. So, this is the day to hit the beach in Japan, just before the Olympics' opening ceremonies begin tomorrow.


在日本,七月中旬给我们带来了一个去海滩的借口,好像我们真的需要一个。这是因为每年的这个时候都是海洋日(又名海洋日),这是一个认可国与周围海洋紧密联系的节日。由于海洋日大致与雨季的结束相吻合,多年来,它已成为炎热夏季的一种非正式开端。一个肯定会吸引游客的地方是这里风景如画的Minokake Iwa岩层,位于本什岛31英里长的伊豆半岛的海岸线附近。
