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La Selva生物站热带雨林树冠上的黑嘴巨嘴鸟,哥斯达黎加 Black-mandibled toucan in the rainforest canopy of La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica (© Greg Basco/Minden Pictures)

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La Selva生物站热带雨林冠上的黑嘴巨嘴鸟,哥斯达黎加 Black-mandibled toucan in the rainforest canopy of La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica (© Greg Basco/Minden Pictures)

Bird's-eye view on World Environment Day

For World Environment Day today we're in northeastern Costa Rica, a nature lover's paradise. The UN established World Environment Day in 1974 to encourage awareness and action for the protection of the environment. It begins with research, which is exactly what happens in this pristine corner of the planet. The misty canopy of forest pictured here is part of La Selva Biological Station, an internationally renowned center for tropical forest research that's associated with universities and research institutions from the United States, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico.

The scientists chose a prime location to conduct their studies. Covering nearly 4,000 acres, this is one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world. Researchers and students here at La Selva Biological Station can study at least 2,000 species of plants, 125 species of mammals, 87 species of reptiles and tens of thousands of insects, arachnids, and other arthropods. And don't forget the 470 species of birds. Can you spot the black-mandibled toucan in our image?


今天是世界环境日,我们来到哥斯达黎加东北部,一个热爱自然的天堂。联合国在1974年设立了世界环境日,以鼓励保护环境的意识和行动。它从研究开始,这正是发生在地球这个原始角落的事情。这张薄密布的林冠照片是La Selva生物站的一部分,这是一个国际知名的热带森林研究中心,与美国、哥斯达黎加和波多黎各的大学和研究机构有联系。
