标签 冰岛 下的文章

斯卡夫塔山的瀑布,瓦特纳冰川国家公园,冰岛 Waterfall in Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland (© Nopasorn Kowathanakul/Getty Images)

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斯卡夫塔瀑布,瓦特纳冰川国家公园冰岛 Waterfall in Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland (© Nopasorn Kowathanakul/Getty Images)

你会相信这种观点吗? Falling for this view?



Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland

In Iceland's Skaftafell, fall isn't just a season—it's an experience. From glaciers to waterfalls, like the one featured here today, to northern lights, this area in Vatnajökull National Park is a showcase of nature's raw beauty. Skaftafell's dramatic landscape was formed over thousands of years by the fierce interplay of volcanic fire and glacial water. Here, the glacier Skaftafellsjökull, a branch of Iceland's largest ice cap, Vatnajökull, stretches out like a frozen river, inviting visitors for guided hikes. Then there's Svartifoss, another waterfall in the park, fed by glacial meltwater. Surrounded by dark lava columns resembling a heart from afar, this waterfall inspired the design of Iceland's National Theatre and the Hallgrímskirkja church in Reykjavík.

Skaftafell's hiking trails range from easy walks to challenging climbs, so there's something for everyone. While the daylight hours may be shorter in this season, there's a bright side—literally. As night falls, the auroras often appear, turning the sky into a swirling mix of green and pink.

日出时的羽扇豆田和教堂,斯奈山半岛,冰岛 Lupine fields and church at sunrise, Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

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日出时的羽扇豆田和教堂,斯奈半岛冰岛 Lupine fields and church at sunrise, Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

盛放的夏季 'Lupin' into summer




Lupine fields, Snæfellsnes, Iceland

As spring gives way to summer in Iceland, the rugged landscape bursts into color. Lupines were introduced here in the 1940s for their soil-binding properties, to reduce erosion. The plant flourishes in sandy and salty soils and spreads rapidly, bringing hues of purple, pink, and blue. Although some consider lupine to be a threat to native plants, it is welcomed by many as a cherished part of the summer landscape. You can find lupine fields in Reykjavík, near the Skógafoss waterfall, and lining the road to the Hellissandur Church in the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, as seen in today's image.

钻石冰沙滩,冰岛 Diamond Beach, Iceland (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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钻石沙滩冰岛 Diamond Beach, Iceland (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)

撒了一地的“钻石” Iced out, literally



Diamond Beach, Iceland

From fjords and lava fields to ice caves and black sand beaches, Iceland is a treasure trove of natural wonders. The volcanic black sand of Diamond Beach, pictured in today's image, sparkles with pieces of iceberg washed ashore from the nearby Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon. The contrast between the clear ice and black sand looks particularly surreal when sunlight hits the ice, making it a must-visit destination on Iceland's south coast.

教堂山,斯奈山半岛,冰岛 Kirkjufell, Snæfellsnes peninsula, Iceland (© Ratnakorn Piyasirisorost/Getty Images)

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教堂,斯奈山半岛冰岛 Kirkjufell, Snæfellsnes peninsula, Iceland (© Ratnakorn Piyasirisorost/Getty Images)

与火之地 The land of ice and fire



Kirkjufell, Iceland

From glaciers and waterfalls to volcanoes and black sand beaches, Iceland's Snæfellsnes peninsula has 'GoT' it all. Pictured here is the 1,519-foot-high Kirkjufell, a hill often called 'Church Mountain,' as it is said to resemble a steeple. In fact, it is a nunatak, a rock formation that protrudes through an ice sheet or glacier. You might recognize it from the 'Game of Thrones' series, where it featured in a scene set north of the colossal ice wall. When it's not starring on TV, it is popular with photographers thanks to its unusual shape, coastal location, and colors that shift with the seasons. And if you're lucky, and the weather conditions align, Kirkjufell offers a magnificent view of the northern lights.

斯科加瀑布,冰岛 Skógafoss waterfall, Iceland (© Maridav/Shutterstock)

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斯科加瀑布冰岛 Skógafoss waterfall, Iceland (© Maridav/Shutterstock)

溅起一潭水 Making a splash




Skógafoss waterfall, Iceland

Behold Skógafoss, one of Iceland’s largest waterfalls. This powerful cascade measures 82 feet across and drops 200 feet over what were once the sea cliffs of the country’s southern coast. The coastline receded seaward, but the cliffs remained, leaving behind this natural wonder, powered by water from two glaciers. Skógafoss, which translates as 'forest waterfall,' is frequently graced with single or double rainbows, formed by the refraction of sunlight through the mist. Legend has it that a treasure chest is hidden behind Skógafoss, left there by a Viking settler named Prasi Porolfsson.

The waterfall has appeared on the big screen, in 'Thor: The Dark World' and the Bollywood movie 'Dilwale,' as well as on TV in the final season of 'Game of Thrones.' The Skógar Museum, which offers insights into Iceland's cultural heritage, sits near the waterfall in Skógar village.

格林达维克的蓝湖,冰岛 Blue Lagoon, Grindavík, Iceland (© Westend61/Getty Images)

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格林达维克的蓝冰岛 Blue Lagoon, Grindavík, Iceland (© Westend61/Getty Images)

治愈身心的“废水” The healing powers of wastewater



Blue Lagoon spa, Grindavík, Iceland

Let's be frank here, the origin of today's beautiful picture is a pool of wastewater from a nearby geothermal plant. While that may not sound enticing, Iceland's Blue Lagoon is one of the country's most visited attractions. The trick is to not get stuck on the 'waste' part of wastewater. The water here is clean, always hovers around 100° F, and is enriched with tons of silica—which is what makes it blue—and sulfur thanks to the plant's processes. Those minerals, along with a little algae, are believed to combine into a highly beneficial tonic for skin and overall well-being.

在公路上吃草的绵羊,冰岛 Sheep graze along a road, Iceland (© Matthew Kuhns/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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公路上吃草的绵羊,冰岛 Sheep graze along a road, Iceland (© Matthew Kuhns/Tandem Stills + Motion)

今天人在庆祝什么? What are Icelanders celebrating today?

First day of summer

After long—very long—winter nights, it's not surprising that the First Day of Summer is cause for a big celebration in Iceland. The public holiday falls on the first Thursday after April 18, and launches Harpa, the first summer month of the old Norse calendar that was followed by the country's first inhabitants. The year was split into just two seasons back then—summer and winter—which explains why Sumardagurinn Fyrsti, the First Day of Summer, falls in chilly April. Indeed, folklore has it that if you put a dish of water outside the night before the holiday and it freezes, you'll have a good summer. Regardless of temperature, the holiday does herald the arrival of those famously long days with little darkness, a welcome relief after the light-deprived winter months.

So how do Icelanders celebrate the First Day of Summer? Well, they take part in flag-waving local parades, listen to marching bands, and enjoy outdoor games and sports with family and friends. There's a tradition of giving summer gifts ('sumargjafir'), and those are often connected to outdoor activities—maybe a bike or a soccer ball, or new clothes—to encourage children to play together in the fresh air after the long, frigid winter. And of course, what celebration would be complete without food? The holiday gets people cranking up the barbecue and gathering for 'summer' food, even though the average high temperature in April is in the 40s. Getting cold watching a parade? Icelandic crepes with thick cream and jam inside will warm you up. Feeling chilly but you're determined to think 'summer'? Join the hardy Icelanders who make ice cream a First Day of Summer must-have.


在漫长的夜之后,不足为奇的是,夏天的第一天是冰岛举行盛大庆祝活动的原因。公共假日在4月18日之后的第一个星期四,并推出了哈帕,这是古挪威历法中的第一个夏季月份,随后是该国的第一批居民。这一年分为两个季节,分别是夏季和冬季,这也解释了为什么Sumardagurinn Fyrsti,夏季的第一天,会在寒冷的四月降临。事实上,民间传说,如果你在假期前一天晚上把一盘水放在外面,水结冰了,你就会有一个美好的夏天。不管气温如何,这个节日确实预示着那些以漫长而黑暗少著称的日子的到来,在线不足的冬季几个月后,这是一种受欢迎的解脱。


北极光下的众神瀑布,冰岛 Goðafoss waterfall under the northern lights, Iceland (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

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北极光下的众神瀑布冰岛 Goðafoss waterfall under the northern lights, Iceland (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

之地 Land of fire and ice

Goðafoss waterfall, Iceland

Goðafoss is one of the hundreds of show-stopping waterfalls Iceland is blessed with. And though it isn't the island's highest waterfall—that would be Morsarfoss at over 240 meters—or most powerful (the thundering Dettifoss), Goðafoss, has, within its swirling waters, its own story to tell.

An Icelandic legend holds that in 1000 CE, a well-respected pagan priest and chieftain named Thorgeir Thorkelsson was tasked with deciding if Iceland was to become a Christian nation or if it would continue to worship the ancient Nordic gods. The peace of the island was at stake, with fierce advocates on each side. Thorgeir decided in favor of Christianity, but with the caveat that those who chose to continue to recognize the old gods would not be punished so long as they converted. This tale, likely created in the nineteenth century, says that after Thorgeir converted to Christianity he returned to his home near Goðafoss and hurled his statues of the Norse gods into the falls, which is said to have angered the old gods so much that they split the waterfall in two. Which might be enough to make one rethink angering them in the first place.



冰岛的一个传说认为,公元1000年,一位受人尊敬的异教徒牧师和酋长托尔盖尔·托克尔松(Thorgeir Thorkelsson)受命决定冰岛是要成为一个基督教国家,还是要继续崇拜古代北欧诸神。岛上的和平岌岌可危,双方都有强烈的支持者。索盖尔决定支持基督教,但有一条警告:那些选择继续承认旧神的人,只要他们皈依,就不会受到惩罚。这个故事可能是在19世纪创作的,故事中说,托尔盖尔皈依基督教后回到他在戈阿福斯附近的家中,将他的北欧诸神雕像扔进瀑布,据说这激怒了古神,以至于他们将瀑布一分为二。这可能足以让人重新思考一开始会激怒他们。

冰川洞穴里流动的河流,冰岛瓦特纳冰原 Flowing river inside a glacier cave, Vatnajökull, Iceland (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

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冰川洞穴里流动的河流冰岛瓦特纳冰原 Flowing river inside a glacier cave, Vatnajökull, Iceland (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

,冰,正在坍塌 Ice, ice, caving

Glacier cave in Iceland

The land of fire and ice is home to countless natural wonders, like these brilliant blue caves formed within the ice of a glacier. (Glacier caves are often called ice caves, but the latter term is properly used to describe bedrock caves that contain year-round ice.) The majority of these glacier caves are on the southeastern edge of Iceland in Vatnajökull glacier, which covers about 8% of the island nation and is one of the largest glaciers in Europe.

Vatnajökull's caves, formed by the flowing rivers underneath the glacier, are famous for their blue corridors and eerie atmosphere. The caves are only accessible from November until March when temperatures are cold enough to strengthen the ice. The caves vary in size and shape each year, so enjoy the beauty of this one while you can, because it may not be around next winter.


这片冰之地拥有无数自然奇观,比如这些在冰川冰中形成的明亮的蓝色洞穴。(冰川洞穴通常被称为冰洞,但后一个术语被恰当地用来描述含有全年冰的基岩洞穴。)这些冰川洞穴大多位于冰岛东南边缘的瓦特纳库尔冰川(Vatnajökull glacier),该冰川覆盖了该岛国约8%的面积,是欧洲最大的冰川之一。


跨年夜的篝火晚会,冰岛雷克雅未克 Bonfire to celebrate New Year's Eve in 2014 in Reykjavik, Iceland (© Ragnar Th Sigurdsson/Alamy)

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跨年夜的篝火晚会,冰岛雷克雅未克 Bonfire to celebrate New Year's Eve in 2014 in Reykjavik, Iceland (© Ragnar Th Sigurdsson/Alamy)

New Year's Eve

The 'land of fire and ice' earns its nickname from the unique landscape of volcanoes and glaciers here, but Iceland's white-hot celebrations in the dead of the Nordic midwinter also evoke the phrase. The tradition of New Year's Eve bonfires in Iceland is said to date from the 18th century, when a group of schoolboys heralded the new year by scrounging up and torching a huge pile of wood scraps. The unruly teenagers' celebration sparked the general public's interest, and annual fires—like this one in Reykjavik—became an internationally noted tradition for Icelanders. Huddle up to the fire and raise a toasty-warm toast to the new year!

