冰岛的史托克间歇泉 Strokkur geyser in Iceland (© John and Tina Reid/Getty Images)
冰岛的史托克间歇泉 Strokkur geyser in Iceland (© John and Tina Reid/Getty Images)
力量沸腾 Bubbling with power
图片中的斯特罗克尔间歇泉则以另一种方式温暖着冬天。它位于赫维塔河旁的地热区,每隔 6 至 10 分钟喷发一次,热水可喷射至49到66英尺的高空,自1963年以来持续活跃。其喷发原理是地壳下的岩浆加热地下水,压力逐渐增大,最终将热水爆发式喷射到地表。无论是索拉布洛特的庆典,还是斯特罗克尔间歇泉的喷发,它们都展现了冰岛顽强不屈的精神:一种体现在人民身上,另一种根植于土地之中。
Thorrablot: The Icelandic midwinter festival
What could be better than warming up winter with a feast that's a little wild and a lot of fun? Thorrablot, Iceland's midwinter festival, invites you to dive headfirst into tradition. This celebration of survival, culture, and community, which dates to the Viking Age, was once a way for Icelanders to honor Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Today, people celebrate by gathering to feast on an array of local delicacies, including fermented shark, smoked lamb, rye bread, and shots of Brennivín—often called 'black death' schnapps.
Strokkur geyser—featured in the image—warms up winter in a completely different way. Located in the geothermal area beside the Hvítá River, this geyser erupts every 6 to 10 minutes, shooting hot water 49 to 66 feet into the air. It has been consistently active since 1963. There is science behind its eruption—magma beneath the Earth's crust heats groundwater until the pressure builds up, forcing the water explosively to the surface. Both Thorrablot and Strokkur celebrate Iceland's resilience—one through its people and the other through its land.