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冰川洞穴里流动的河流,冰岛瓦特纳冰原 Flowing river inside a glacier cave, Vatnajökull, Iceland (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

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冰川洞穴里流动的河流冰岛瓦特纳冰原 Flowing river inside a glacier cave, Vatnajökull, Iceland (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

,冰,正在坍塌 Ice, ice, caving

Glacier cave in Iceland

The land of fire and ice is home to countless natural wonders, like these brilliant blue caves formed within the ice of a glacier. (Glacier caves are often called ice caves, but the latter term is properly used to describe bedrock caves that contain year-round ice.) The majority of these glacier caves are on the southeastern edge of Iceland in Vatnajökull glacier, which covers about 8% of the island nation and is one of the largest glaciers in Europe.

Vatnajökull's caves, formed by the flowing rivers underneath the glacier, are famous for their blue corridors and eerie atmosphere. The caves are only accessible from November until March when temperatures are cold enough to strengthen the ice. The caves vary in size and shape each year, so enjoy the beauty of this one while you can, because it may not be around next winter.


这片冰之地拥有无数自然奇观,比如这些在冰川冰中形成的明亮的蓝色洞穴。(冰川洞穴通常被称为冰洞,但后一个术语被恰当地用来描述含有全年冰的基岩洞穴。)这些冰川洞穴大多位于冰岛东南边缘的瓦特纳库尔冰川(Vatnajökull glacier),该冰川覆盖了该岛国约8%的面积,是欧洲最大的冰川之一。
