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镶嵌在巨石之间的石屋,葡萄牙 Casa do Penedo (House of the Rock) in Portugal (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

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镶嵌在巨石之间的石屋葡萄牙 Casa do Penedo (House of the Rock) in Portugal (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)


This rock-solid house in the Fafe mountains of northwest Portugal looks like it could be the home of a modern Stone Age family. Known locally as Casa do Penedo (House of the Rock), its prehistoric appearance has drawn comparisons to the Flintstones' dwelling from the fictional town of Bedrock. But the secluded stone structure on our homepage is very much real—it was built as a rural retreat in the Portuguese countryside in the 1970s. The building is sandwiched between four boulders that serve as the foundation, walls, and ceiling of the house, blending in as part of the beautiful natural landscape.

It may appear small on the outside, but inside there are two floors, comprising a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedrooms—just enough space for a family and their pet dinosaur. Many of the rustic fittings, including furniture, stairs, and handrails, are made of logs. There's no electricity, but there is a stone fireplace and even a small outdoor swimming pool carved out of one of the rocks. The quirkiness of the building has attracted plenty of curious visitors over the years, leaving the owners between a rock and a hard place. Due to an influx of tourists, Casa do Penedo can no longer be used as a peaceful getaway and has even been equipped with bulletproof windows and a steel door to fend off vandals. Today it functions as a small museum with relics and photographs from the house's history.


这座位于葡萄牙西北部法夫山脉的坚固岩石房子看起来像是一个现代石器时代家庭的家。它的史前外观在当地被称为“岩石之屋”(Casa do Penedo),与虚构的基岩镇上的弗林茨通家的住宅相比,它的史前外观更具吸引力。但我们主页上的隐蔽的石头结构非常真实,它是1970年代在葡萄牙农村作为一个乡村休养地建造的。该建筑被夹在四块巨石之间,作为房屋的基础、墙壁和天板,融入了美丽自然景观的一部分。
