艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

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艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

西班牙的小瑞士 Spain's little Switzerland

艾纳,阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙

说起西班牙,你脑海中首先浮现的可能不是,但从高耸入山峰到阳温暖的海滩,西班牙拥有各种地貌。图片中的小村庄艾纳坐落于由蒙多河冲刷而成的陡峭山谷中,周围环绕着塞古拉脉,人口不足1000人。季,这里白雪皑皑,因此人们常把这个小镇称为 “曼切根瑞士”。而这个名称中的“曼切根”则指的是艾纳所属的卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰自治区。艾纳距离西班牙首都马德里以南约150英里,是西班牙乡村生活的独特一瞥。

Aýna, Albacete, Spain

Welcome to the tiny Spanish village of Aýna, in a steep valley carved by the River Mundo in the Sierra del Segura range. This part of the Castile-La Mancha region is sometimes called Manchegan Switzerland, thanks to those snow-capped peaks during the winter months. The steep, rocky terrain here means the villagers, of whom there are less than 1,000, cultivate the land on terraces dug into the mountainside. To see Aýna from this perspective, you'll need to visit the Mirador del Diablo, or Devil's Viewpoint, one of several viewing areas dotted around this picturesque valley.

标签: 西班牙, 山脉,

