威拉米特国家森林麦肯齐河步道上的桥,美国 Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail, Willamette National Forest, Oregon (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

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威拉米特国家森林麦肯齐步道上的美国 Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail, Willamette National Forest, Oregon (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

徒步旅行 Take a hike!


我们的照片显示俄勒冈州的麦肯齐河国家休闲步道,威拉米特国家森林的一部分。这条小径蜿蜒于泊、河流泉水之间,引导您穿过荫蔽的古老森林。其中一个亮点是可以俯瞰塔莫利奇蓝池(Tamolich Blue Pool),这是一个清澈见底的游泳池,由河水注入其中而成。

Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail

Our photo shows Oregon's McKenzie River National Recreation Trail, part of the Willamette National Forest. This trail winds by lakes, rivers, and springs, guiding you through shady old-growth forests. One highlight: the view overlooking Tamolich Blue Pool, a crystal-clear pool created by the river bubbling up into it.

标签: 美国, 森林,

