努沙佩尼达岛的破碎海滩, 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 Broken Beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia (© StockPhotoAstur/Shutterstock)

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努沙佩尼达的破碎海滩, 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 Broken Beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia (© StockPhotoAstur/Shutterstock)

大海的非凡造化 When the ocean breaks the rules

努沙佩尼达岛的破碎海滩, 巴厘岛, 印度尼西


岛上最具代表性的景点之一便是破碎海滩,当地人称其为“Pasih Uug”,如今日图片所示。这片奇景由海浪经过数千年的侵蚀,逐渐凿刻出一个圆形海湾,并在尽头形成一片小型白色沙滩。关于它的形成,当地流传着各种传说。有些人认为这是巨人的脚印,而另一些人则说它是愤怒的巫师制造的神秘遗迹。在这里探索时,你可能还会在海下方的清澈水域看到蝠鲼优雅地滑行,展示着这座岛屿丰富的海洋生物。站在悬崖之巅俯瞰,破碎海滩无与伦比的景色,这里成为摄影爱好者和寻求宁静之地的游客体验大自然神奇魅力的绝佳去处。

Broken Beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia

Let's be real—the beaches in Bali are beautiful, but the ones in Nusa Penida? That's a whole new vibe. This off-the-beaten-path island, part of the Bali province, is where nature gets a little wild, and the sights are nothing short of epic. With its rugged cliffs and clear waters, the island offers an escape from Bali's busier tourist hubs. The name 'Nusa Penida' translates to 'island of priests,' and historically, it served as a spiritual retreat, with temples and rituals that locals still honor today.

One of the island's most iconic attractions is Broken Beach, or 'Pasih Uug,' as locals call it, seen in today's image. This marvel features a circular bay in the cliff rocks, carved out by the relentless ocean waves, leading to a small white-sand beach. Some local legends claim the hollow bay was formed by a giant's footsteps, while others attribute it to an angry sorcerer. As you explore, you might spot manta rays gliding gracefully through the waters below, showcasing the island's marine life. The views from the top are unmatched, making this spot a haven for photographers and those seeking a peaceful escape.

标签: 印度尼西亚, 海滩


