拱门群岛,瓦拉里基海滩,南岛,新西兰 Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/AWL/plainpicture)

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拱门群岛,瓦拉里基海滩,南新西兰 Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/AWL/plainpicture)

对国家遗产的思考 Reflections of a nation's legacy



庆祝新西兰历史的最佳方式是什么?就是在如同明信片般美丽的地方度过这一天。今日图片展示的拱门岛位于瓦拉瑞基海滩,这些岩石群从塔斯曼海中拔地而起,外形崎岖壮丽。2015年,这些岩石因出现在Windows 10桌面屏保中而闻名全球。退潮时,游客可以探索洞穴和潮汐岩池,还常常能看到悠闲晒太阳的海豹。怀唐伊日不仅纪念历史,更是对文化与自然的庆典!

Waitangi Day in New Zealand

What do you get when you bring together more than 500 Māori chiefs, representatives of the British Crown, and a treaty signed in 1840? A day that New Zealanders still commemorate: Waitangi Day. On this date, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, establishing the principles for how the two cultures would coexist. Ceremonies are held at Waitangi Treaty Grounds—where the document was signed—featuring traditional Māori performances, speeches, and the ever-dramatic waka (canoe) races. From festivals and concerts in cities like Auckland and Wellington to low-key community gatherings, the spirit of the day is about connection and culture.

What's better than celebrating New Zealand's history on Waitangi Day? Doing it in a place that looks straight out of a postcard. Enter the Archway Islands, a group of four rock stacks at Wharariki Beach, as seen in today's image. Rising from the waters of the Tasman Sea, these rugged islets became well known around the world after they were featured in a Windows 10 desktop screensaver in 2015. At low tide, curious wanderers can explore caves and rock pools and often spot lounging seals.

标签: 新西兰, 海滩, 群岛

