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蓝泉,蒂怀霍步道,新西兰 Blue Spring, Te Waihou Walkway, New Zealand (© Ian Beattie/Alamy Stock Photo)

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,蒂怀霍步道新西兰 Blue Spring, Te Waihou Walkway, New Zealand (© Ian Beattie/Alamy Stock Photo)

我们在庆祝“水”? 'Water' we celebrating?



World Water Day

It's World Water Day, a United Nations event that ripples across the globe, reminding us of the importance of this essential resource. Water quenches thirst and irrigates harvests, and its absence can derail prosperity and stability. The World Economic Forum lists the water crisis among the top global risks, with 2.2 billion people still lacking access to clean water. From educational forums to local cleanups, each action, big or small, contributes to the wave of change needed to address the crisis. This year's theme, 'Water for Peace,' invites us to reflect on water's power to foster unity. So, are you ready to dive into a current that flows deeper than New Zealand's Blue Spring at Te Waihou Walkway, pictured on our homepage? This clear spring is renowned for its purity, supplying about 70% of the country's bottled water. For those in regions without easy access to safe water, World Water Day is here to promote greater cooperation to help conserve this crucial resource, for everyone.

特卡波湖沿岸的鲁冰花,南岛,新西兰 Russell lupines along Lake Tekapo, South Island, New Zealand (© Jeffrey Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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特卡波沿岸的鲁,南新西兰 Russell lupines along Lake Tekapo, South Island, New Zealand (© Jeffrey Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

让人又爱又恨的花田 A beautiful nuisance



Russell lupines, Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Welcome to Lake Tekapo, on New Zealand's South Island, where the colorful spikes of flowering Russell lupines transform the landscape each November and December. The plants' blooming heads, made up of clusters of pea-like flowers, can reach up to 60 inches. While photographers flock here to capture the varied hues of purple, blue, and yellow, these striking plants are controversial. Native to North America, they are considered an invasive species here, growing in dense stands and boxing out other flora. While these plants might be appealing to tourists, they can create a negative imbalance in the region's ecosystem.

峡湾国家公园,新西兰南岛 Fiordland National Park in South Island, New Zealand (© WitR/Adobe Stock)

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峡湾国家公园新西兰 Fiordland National Park in South Island, New Zealand (© WitR/Adobe Stock)

国家公园 When landscape met wilderness



South Island, New Zealand

Waitangi Day holds a special place in all Kiwis' hearts as it is the day when New Zealand became a nation. It is celebrated every year on February 6, the date when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840 between 40 Māori chiefs and the British to make the nation of New Zealand. The founding document has inspired many to recognize the importance of cultural and political rights of the country, not just on this day, but every day. The festivities start typically early on the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, where celebrants take part in exceptional carving competitions and soak in the cultural performances to set the mood.

米尔福德峡湾附近的徒步雨林,新西兰 Rainforest hike near Milford Sound/Piopiotahi in New Zealand (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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米尔福德峡湾附近的徒步雨林新西兰 Rainforest hike near Milford Sound/Piopiotahi in New Zealand (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

“第八大奇迹”? The ‘eighth wonder'?

Milford Sound/Piopiotahi rainforest in New Zealand

Today we're taking a tramping trip to New Zealand's South Island to visit the place Rudyard Kipling once called the eighth wonder of the world, Milford Sound and its surrounding rainforest. Tramping, New Zealand-speak for hiking, is incredibly popular at Milford Sound. Nearly a million tourists visit the area every year, despite its somewhat remote location. Originally overlooked by European explorers, the area is now known for its beauty and abundance of wildlife. It's not uncommon for visitors to spot dolphins, humpback whales, and native Fiordland penguins.

Since 1998, Milford Sound is one of about 90 places in New Zealand to now officially have a dual name, joining its former European name with the Indigenous Māori name. Now known as Milford Sound / Piopiotahi, the Māori named the area after the extinct piopio bird. According to myth, the Māori hero, Māui, died during his quest to win immortality for mankind. A single piopio flew into the fjord to mourn him. This bird was memorialized in the name, as the Māori word ‘tahi' means ‘one.' The Māori people first traveled to the area centuries ago to hunt and fish. They also collected the precious pounamu (aka greenstone) used for trade, carving, and weaponry.


今天,我们将徒步前往新西兰南,参观曾经被称为世界第八大奇迹的鲁迪亚德·吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling),米尔福德湾(Milford Sound)及其周围的雨林。“徒步旅行”是新西兰人对徒步旅行的称呼,在米尔福德湾非常受欢迎。尽管该地区有些偏远,但每年仍有近100万游客前来观。该地区最初被欧洲探险家所忽视,现在以其美丽和丰富的野生动物而闻名。游客看到海豚、座头和本地的峡湾企鹅并不罕见。


旺阿雷自然保护区里的旺阿雷瀑布,新西兰北岛 Whangarei Falls located in Whangarei Scenic Reserve on North Island, New Zealand (© Nathan Kavumbura/Getty Images)

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旺阿雷自然保护区里的旺阿雷瀑布新西兰 Whangarei Falls located in Whangarei Scenic Reserve on North Island, New Zealand (© Nathan Kavumbura/Getty Images)

野餐的好去处 Pretty as a picnic

Whangarei Falls in New Zealand's North Island

This lush, Eden-esque location on New Zealand's North Island has been a popular spot to bring a blanket and basket and lay out lunch since at least the 1890s. Whangārei Falls is part of the Hātea River. At the falls, seen in our photo, the river drops 85 feet over a basalt lava flow. The surrounding park provides a loop trail ideal for a hike along the edge of the river.

English horology enthusiast Archibald Clapham purchased the land here, including the falls, during the 1920s to save the landscape from commercial exploitation. The North Island preserve was later purchased by the Whangārei Businessmen's Association, which turned the space into a public park. Thanks to their preservation work, this island paradise provides respite for visitors from nearby towns and around the globe.



英国钟表爱好者阿奇博尔德·克拉帕姆(Archibald Clapham)在20世纪20年代购买了这里的土地,包括瀑布,以避免商业开发。北岛保护区后来被黄ā赖商人协会收购,该协会将该保护区变成了一个公共公园。多亏了他们的保护工作,这个岛屿天堂为来自附近城镇和全球各地的游客提供了休憩之所。

以新西兰南岛奥拉基/库克山国家公园为背景的特卡波湖 Lake Tekapo with Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park in the background on New Zealand's South Island (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images) (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images)

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新西兰奥拉基/库克国家公园为背景的特卡波 Lake Tekapo with Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park in the background on New Zealand's South Island (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images) (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images)

蓝色新西兰 Blue Zealand

Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

The striking electric-blue waters of Lake Tekapo are caused by extremely finely ground rock particles suspended in the melted waters of glaciers in the nearby Southern Alps. Snowmelt from the range feeds two similarly stunning lakes in the Mackenzie Basin of New Zealand's South Island, Lake Pukaki and Lake Ohau, which share their neighbor's remarkable turquoise color and mountainous backdrops. New Zealand's highest peak, Aoraki/Mount Cook, reigns in Mount Cook National Park, seen in the background of this image.

The name Tekapo is a misspelling of the Māori word Takapō, which means 'to leave in haste at night.' But if you are one of the region's many visitors, you may find the nighttime even more mesmerizing than the day. Lake Tekapo is a certified Dark Sky Reserve, one of the world's largest. With night skies almost completely free of light pollution, stargazing doesn't get much more vibrant, and tours cater to manuhiri (visitors) interested in astro-tourism. If that's not reason enough to stay the night, the area's abundant skiing and fishing opportunities might be. There's certainly no need to leave in a rush.




华卡雷瓦雷瓦森林的红木纪念树林,新西兰北岛 Redwood Memorial Grove in Whakarewarewa Forest, North Island, New Zealand (© Michael Breitung/Huber/eStock Photo)

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华卡雷瓦雷瓦森林的红木纪念树林新西兰 Redwood Memorial Grove in Whakarewarewa Forest, North Island, New Zealand (© Michael Breitung/Huber/eStock Photo)

A walk among the giants

On the New Zealand's North Island, Whakarewarewa Forest is home to a diverse range of native plants and animals. There's also a series of lakes as well as hot springs, bubbling mud pools, and even active geysers. But Whakarewarewa Forest features something that no other forest in New Zealand can claim: a grove of majestic redwood trees called the Redwood Memorial Grove. The trees in the grove were introduced from their native California at the beginning of the 20th century.

Today, the Redwood Memorial Grove is a popular hotspot for tourists hoping to walk among the giants, with an elevated walkway that winds through the roughly 600 acres of redwoods. Some of the trees have grown as high as 230-feet in the century since they were planted. These California transplants seem to have taken to their new home quite well.




雕刻师在矿山湾创作的岩雕作品,新西兰北岛陶波湖 The Mine Bay Māori Rock Carving of Ngatoroirangi by Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell on the edge of Lake Taupo, North Island, New Zealand (© Evgueni Zverev/Alamy)

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雕刻师在矿创作的岩雕作品,新西兰陶波 The Mine Bay Māori Rock Carving of Ngatoroirangi by Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell on the edge of Lake Taupo, North Island, New Zealand (© Evgueni Zverev/Alamy)

A tribute to the ancestors

To celebrate International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we're on New Zealand's North Island, looking at the Ngatoroirangi rock carving in Mine Bay, by Māori artist Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell. This artwork is part of a larger collection of carvings on the edge of Lake Taupo and has become a big tourist attraction despite being accessible only by boat. Four years in the making, the work is a tribute to Māori ancestors and guardians, and the integral roles they play in the Indigenous Māori culture.

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples was created by the United Nations to draw attention to the distinct cultures of Indigenous peoples and to support measures that protect their rights. This year's theme is 'Leaving no one behind: Indigenous peoples and the call for a new social contract.' With this focus, the UN hopes to raise awareness about the unwritten rules, or 'social contracts,' that help communities function equitably. Historically, Indigenous peoples have been excluded from these social contracts, which were often meant only for dominant populations. This year's festivities hope to address that inequity and will include a virtual commemoration for guests to discuss how communities can redesign these contracts to be inclusive of the Indigenous and their ways of life.


为了庆祝世界土著人民国际日,我们来到新西兰北岛,观看由毛利人艺术家Matahi Whakataka Brightwell在Mine Bay创作的Ngatoroirangi岩雕。这件艺术品是陶波湖边缘更大的雕刻收藏的一部分,尽管只能乘前往,但它已成为一个巨大的旅游景点。经过四年的创作,这部作品向毛利人的祖先和监护人以及他们在土著毛利人文化中所起的不可或缺的作用致敬。


奥拉基库克山国家公园中的塞夫顿山,新西兰南岛 Mount Sefton in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, South Island, New Zealand (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

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奥拉基库克国家公园中的塞夫顿山,新西兰 Mount Sefton in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, South Island, New Zealand (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

Where is this gorgeous peak?

This spectacular landscape might just be the perfect place to celebrate Waitangi Day, New Zealand's national holiday. It commemorates the 1840 treaty between Britain and some 500 Māori chiefs that established British law in the island nation. The Treaty of Waitangi is considered New Zealand's founding document and a cornerstone in the country's history. Another important legacy of the treaty is that it provided the framework for political relations between New Zealand's government and the indigenous Māori people.

Perhaps nothing symbolizes negotiations between those two parties better than the land you see here, which has been preserved as a national park since 1953. Our image shows the glacier-capped peak of Mount Sefton, one of the many tall mountains here in the Southern Alps. Just a few miles away towers New Zealand's tallest peak, originally called Aoraki by the Māori, who named it after a mythological figure. The mountain was given its English name, Mount Cook, in 1851, in honor of Captain James Cook, the British explorer who circumnavigated and mapped the country in the 1770s. An agreement in 1998 between the government and Māori leaders officially renamed both the peak and the park to Aoraki/Mount Cook. It's one of the few renamed areas in New Zealand where the Māori name precedes the English.



也许没有什么比你在这里看到的这块土地更能代表两党之间的谈判了,这块土地自1953年以来一直被保留为国家公园。我们的图片显示了塞夫顿山冰川覆盖的山峰,它是阿尔卑斯山脉南部众多高山之一。就在几英里远的地方,矗立着新西兰最高的山峰,毛利人最初称之为Aoraki,以一个神话人物的名字命名。1851年,为了纪念英国探险家詹姆斯·库克上尉(James Cook),这座山被命名为库克山(Mount Cook),詹姆斯·库克上尉于1770年代环游并绘制了该国地图。1998年,政府与毛利人领导人达成协议,正式将山顶和公园更名为Aoraki/Mount Cook。这是新西兰为数不多的几个更名地区之一,毛利人的名字先于英语。

塔拉纳基山,新西兰艾格蒙特国家公园 Mount Taranaki, Egmont National Park, North Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/plainpicture)

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塔拉纳基新西兰艾格蒙特国家公园 Mount Taranaki, Egmont National Park, North Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/plainpicture)

New Zealand's loneliest mountain

According to the legends of New Zealand's aboriginal Māori people, the lonely Mount Taranaki wasn't always lonely. Taranaki, the story goes, once lived among other mountains in the North Island's center. But Taranaki feuded with the powerful volcano Tongariro over the love of the pretty peak Pīhanga. In their epic battle, the now flat-topped Tongariro lost his head but emerged victorious. The vanquished Taranaki wandered west, cutting trenches as he trudged to the shore and filling them with lovesick tears to create the region's rivers.

Now that Taranaki's settled in, the still-active stratovolcano's slopes and foothills comprise one of New Zealand's oldest national parks. Whether or not he's gotten over Pīhanga after untold millennia, Taranaki continues to compete with Tongariro even through modern myth: Taranaki had a star turn as Mount Fuji in background shots for 'The Last Samurai,' while the Tongariro area stood in for the cursed realm of Mordor in the 'Lord of the Rings' films.