雕刻师在矿山湾创作的岩雕作品,新西兰北岛陶波湖 The Mine Bay Māori Rock Carving of Ngatoroirangi by Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell on the edge of Lake Taupo, North Island, New Zealand (© Evgueni Zverev/Alamy)

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雕刻师在矿创作的岩雕作品,新西兰陶波 The Mine Bay Māori Rock Carving of Ngatoroirangi by Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell on the edge of Lake Taupo, North Island, New Zealand (© Evgueni Zverev/Alamy)

A tribute to the ancestors

To celebrate International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we're on New Zealand's North Island, looking at the Ngatoroirangi rock carving in Mine Bay, by Māori artist Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell. This artwork is part of a larger collection of carvings on the edge of Lake Taupo and has become a big tourist attraction despite being accessible only by boat. Four years in the making, the work is a tribute to Māori ancestors and guardians, and the integral roles they play in the Indigenous Māori culture.

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples was created by the United Nations to draw attention to the distinct cultures of Indigenous peoples and to support measures that protect their rights. This year's theme is 'Leaving no one behind: Indigenous peoples and the call for a new social contract.' With this focus, the UN hopes to raise awareness about the unwritten rules, or 'social contracts,' that help communities function equitably. Historically, Indigenous peoples have been excluded from these social contracts, which were often meant only for dominant populations. This year's festivities hope to address that inequity and will include a virtual commemoration for guests to discuss how communities can redesign these contracts to be inclusive of the Indigenous and their ways of life.


为了庆祝世界土著人民国际日,我们来到新西兰北岛,观看由毛利人艺术家Matahi Whakataka Brightwell在Mine Bay创作的Ngatoroirangi岩雕。这件艺术品是陶波湖边缘更大的雕刻收藏的一部分,尽管只能乘前往,但它已成为一个巨大的旅游景点。经过四年的创作,这部作品向毛利人的祖先和监护人以及他们在土著毛利人文化中所起的不可或缺的作用致敬。


标签: 新西兰

