米尔福德峡湾附近的徒步雨林,新西兰 Rainforest hike near Milford Sound/Piopiotahi in New Zealand (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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米尔福德峡湾附近的徒步雨林新西兰 Rainforest hike near Milford Sound/Piopiotahi in New Zealand (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

“第八大奇迹”? The ‘eighth wonder'?

Milford Sound/Piopiotahi rainforest in New Zealand

Today we're taking a tramping trip to New Zealand's South Island to visit the place Rudyard Kipling once called the eighth wonder of the world, Milford Sound and its surrounding rainforest. Tramping, New Zealand-speak for hiking, is incredibly popular at Milford Sound. Nearly a million tourists visit the area every year, despite its somewhat remote location. Originally overlooked by European explorers, the area is now known for its beauty and abundance of wildlife. It's not uncommon for visitors to spot dolphins, humpback whales, and native Fiordland penguins.

Since 1998, Milford Sound is one of about 90 places in New Zealand to now officially have a dual name, joining its former European name with the Indigenous Māori name. Now known as Milford Sound / Piopiotahi, the Māori named the area after the extinct piopio bird. According to myth, the Māori hero, Māui, died during his quest to win immortality for mankind. A single piopio flew into the fjord to mourn him. This bird was memorialized in the name, as the Māori word ‘tahi' means ‘one.' The Māori people first traveled to the area centuries ago to hunt and fish. They also collected the precious pounamu (aka greenstone) used for trade, carving, and weaponry.


今天,我们将徒步前往新西兰南,参观曾经被称为世界第八大奇迹的鲁迪亚德·吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling),米尔福德湾(Milford Sound)及其周围的雨林。“徒步旅行”是新西兰人对徒步旅行的称呼,在米尔福德湾非常受欢迎。尽管该地区有些偏远,但每年仍有近100万游客前来观。该地区最初被欧洲探险家所忽视,现在以其美丽和丰富的野生动物而闻名。游客看到海豚、座头和本地的峡湾企鹅并不罕见。


标签: 新西兰, 雨林

