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阿罗内镇的村落,意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)

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阿罗内镇的村落意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)

倒流...... Step back in time...

Arrone in Umbria, Italy

Close your eyes and picture a charming medieval Italian village, perched on a hill, church bells marking the hours, a hazy spread of patchwork fields fading into the distance. Well, that's the ancient village of Arrone. (On second thought, we probably didn't need the photo.) Arrone looks over the Valnerina, a valley carved by the river Nera, which twists its way through Italy's scenic Umbria region, known as the Green Heart of Italy.

When you stroll through the narrow alleys between 9th-century stone houses, it's like entering a time warp. Gaze out from the fortifications, imagining battles of the past. You'll easily spot the iconic square clock tower, with an ancient olive tree on top—it's what remains of the fortress built by the founders of the village, the Arroni family.

As you're walking through the past, make sure to visit both of Arrone's churches. Since you're at the top of the village—'la Terra,' to locals—explore the modest 13th-century San Giovanni Battista church and its stunning works of art. Check out the bell tower, too: The 'Campanari di Arrone' (bell ringers of Arrone) are guardians of traditional bell-ringing methods. In the village's lower section, you'll find the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which is filled with gorgeous frescoes dating to the early-16th and 17th centuries. And don't forget to marvel at the 16th-century glazed terra-cotta sculptures. So many ways to explore history in such a little village.




当你回顾过去时,一定要参观阿隆的两座教堂。既然你在“la Terra”村的顶端,当地人就可以探索13世纪的圣乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔教堂(San Giovanni Battista church)及其令人叹为观止的艺术品。也可以去看看钟楼:“坎帕纳里·迪·阿隆”(阿隆的敲钟者)是传统敲钟方法的守护者。在村庄的较低部分,你会发现圣玛利亚阿桑塔教堂,教堂内有16世纪和17世纪早期的华丽壁画。别忘了惊叹16世纪的釉面陶俑雕塑。在这样一个小村庄里,探索历史的方式有很多。