帕侬蓝寺,武里南府,泰国 Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Buriram province, Thailand (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

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帕侬蓝,武里南府,泰国 Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Buriram province, Thailand (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

通往过去的大门 Doorway to the past



这条500英尺高的长廊是这个公园里最引人注目的特色之一,长廊上面不仅有泥土露台,还布满了错综复杂的石雕。长廊的前方是一个叫“Phlab Phla”的地方,据说是皇室成员在进入寺庙前的沐浴区。旁边还有一条绵延500多英尺的通道,通道两侧是砂岩石柱,通向三座那伽(神话中的蛇)中的第一座,象征着从凡间到神界的过渡。而寺庙顶部保存完好的神殿则展示了丰富的宗教图案,以及与印度教故事有关的雕塑。每年四月举行的帕侬蓝节吸引许多人在此齐聚一堂,观看阳穿过寺庙上层圣殿的十五个门,照亮圣殿内部。

Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Thailand

Today, let us step into the Phanom Rung Historical Park in Buriram province, Thailand. Here, Khmer architecture and history come to life. Built between the 10th and 13th centuries, this remarkable site served as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Shiva. It is on the rim of an extinct volcano, offering views of the surrounding paddy fields and the towering Dongrek Mountains of Cambodia in the distance.

With its earthen terraces, the 500-foot promenade leading up to the main gate is one of the most striking features in the park. A long passage lined with sandstone pillars, it leads to the first of three bridges symbolizing the transition from the mortal realm to the divine. At the top, the shrine showcases a wealth of religious motifs, including Hindu sculptures. The annual festival of Phanom Rung, held in April, attracts many who gather to witness the sun's rays aligning with the 15 doorways of the temple and lighting up the inner sanctum.

海洋城日出时的鸟瞰图,马里兰州,美国 Aerial view of Ocean City, Maryland, at sunrise (© Kevin Olson/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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海洋日出时的鸟瞰图,马里兰州,美国 Aerial view of Ocean City, Maryland, at sunrise (© Kevin Olson/Amazing Aerial Agency)

晨曦之 The morning glow



Ocean City, Maryland, at sunrise

Here is a beautiful coastal getaway offering endless fun and adventure—welcome to Ocean City, Maryland. Ocean City was a quiet fishing village until 1875, when the Atlantic Hotel opened its doors, marking the town's transformation into a burgeoning resort destination. Today, it is a popular vacation spot, with an iconic 3-mile-long boardwalk lined with restaurants, shops, and amusement parks. Pristine sandy beaches stretching over 10 miles are perfect for sunbathing, beach volleyball, or building sandcastles, and the ocean waters beckon for a refreshing swim. Ocean City is a charming retreat that draws visitors back time and again.

大提顿国家公园日出, 怀俄明州, 美国 Sunrise at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Kurt Budliger/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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大提顿国家公园日出, 怀俄明州, 美国 Sunrise at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Kurt Budliger/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

鹿和羚羊嬉戏的地方 Where the deer and the antelope play




Sunrise at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Mind-blowing beauty is one reason people keep coming back to Wyoming and the Grand Teton National Park. Named 'les trois tétons' by early French trappers, the park was created in 1929 by conservationists including John D. Rockefeller Jr. It is home to a virtually untouched ecosystem of plants and animals, such as grizzly bears, wolves, bison, moose, and bald eagles.

Just 10 miles south of Yellowstone National Park, the park's 40-mile-long Teton Range is one of North America's youngest mountain ranges. At less than 10 million years old, erosion has not yet had time to smooth the edges of the mountains, hence the Tetons' jagged peaks. Many of the park's lakes, including 15-mile-long Jackson Lake, were carved out by glaciers hundreds of thousands of years ago. Towering over Jackson Hole and reflected in one of its many lakes, the Tetons and the park are a breathtaking sight to behold.

Bufadero de la Garita,大加那利岛,西班牙 Bufadero de la Garita, Gran Canaria, Spain (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

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Bufadero de la Garita,大加那利西班牙 Bufadero de la Garita, Gran Canaria, Spain (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

铿锵有力的打击乐 Splashy percussion!

Bufadero de la Garita,大加那利岛,西班牙

西班牙有一个令人惊叹的景点,名为Bufadero de la Garita,您听说过吗?它位于西班牙的大加那利岛,离非洲西北部的大西洋海岸不远。这是一个不容错过的自然奇观,位于该岛风景如画的东海岸,是个迷人的“海上喷水孔”,海水以强劲的力量涌入岩石中又喷涌出来,创造出令人印象深刻的奇观,就像我们今天在图片中看到的那样。


日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头,加利福尼亚州,美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头加利福尼亚州美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

一个无与伦比的码头 Pier today ...




Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset

In today's image, we see the sun disappearing below the pier at Huntington Beach, California. First built in 1902, the pier was damaged by a storm and had to be rebuilt just nine years later. During World War II, a submarine lookout post was installed on the pier to help with the war effort. These days, it's a popular spot for fishing and watching surfers ride the waves out in the Pacific Ocean.

Huntington Beach has been nicknamed Surf City, and it's not hard to see why. Its 9.5-mile-long sandy beach gets great waves all year round. And it is home to the International Surf Museum, where visitors can learn about the history of the sport and see historic surfboards. Whether you're hitting the waves or watching from the pier, Huntington Beach is a peerless destination.

阿尔凡齐纳灯塔,阿尔加维,葡萄牙 Alfanzina lighthouse, Algarve, Portugal (© Andreas Kunz/Getty Images)

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阿尔凡齐纳灯塔,阿尔加维,葡萄牙 Alfanzina lighthouse, Algarve, Portugal (© Andreas Kunz/Getty Images)

照亮前行之路 Where is this lighthouse?




International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend

The lighthouse featured in today's image stands in southern Portugal's popular Algarve region. Built in 1919, Alfanzina Lighthouse helps ships navigate dangerous waters near the town of Carvoeiro. A popular tourist destination, the lighthouse also has become a symbol of the region's deep links to the sea. If you're lucky enough to live near a lighthouse, this weekend is the perfect time to pay it a visit.

Today marks the start of International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend, celebrating this vital maritime infrastructure. Originally, lighthouses were powered by fires and oil lamps, requiring lighthouse keepers to maintain them. These days, however, most lighthouses have been automated and installed with electric light sources. In waters that are too deep or otherwise unsuitable to build a lighthouse, lightships—moored vessels outfitted with beacon lights—have often been used.

长岛温泉乐园的过山车,三重县,日本 Roller coaster in Nagashima Spa Land, Mie prefecture, Japan (© Japanese amateur photographer/Getty Images)

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长岛乐园的过山车,三重县,日本 Roller coaster in Nagashima Spa Land, Mie prefecture, Japan (© Japanese amateur photographer/Getty Images)

系好安全带! Buckle up!




International Roller Coaster Day

From single rails to virtual reality, roller coasters have been thrilling people for centuries. Their origins can be traced back to 17th-century Russia, where wooden slides—'Russian Mountains'—provided seasonal entertainment. The first roller coaster was built in early 19th-century Paris, France. Called 'Les Montagnes Russes à Belleville,' it featured wheeled carts securely attached to tracks. By the 1900s, coasters were looping the loop for the first time.

Pictured here is a hybrid coaster that combines wood and steel—Hakugei, the White Whale of Japan in Nagashima Spa Land. Once known as White Cyclone, this beast underwent a transformation in 2019. The ride's wooden track was replaced with steel. Its metamorphosis not only revved up its velocity and propelled it to new heights but also introduced gravity-defying inversions. So, if you find yourself in Japan, brave the Hakugei—buckle up and take the plunge, and emerge with a tale as epic as the ride itself.

韩松洞,风牙者榜国家公园,越南 Hang Sơn Đoòng cave, Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Vietnam (© Geng Xu/Getty Images)

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韩松,风牙者榜国家公园越南 Hang Sơn Đoòng cave, Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Vietnam (© Geng Xu/Getty Images)

“洞”之新世界 A 'hole' new world



Hang Sơn Đoòng Cave, Vietnam

In 1991, logger Hồ Khanh stumbled upon something big in what is now Vietnam's Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park. During a jungle expedition, he found the entrance to a cave with a roaring underground river. It was later named Hang Sơn Đoòng (cave of the mountain river) and in 2009, the British Cave Research Association led an expedition to explore it. They realized something incredible: It was the world's largest cave. Hang Sơn Đoòng's main passage is 3.1 miles long, 490 feet wide, and 660 feet high. That's tall enough to fit a 40-story skyscraper.

Inside the cave, there is a 200-foot calcite barrier called the 'Great Wall of Vietnam' and stalagmites stretching as tall as 260 feet. It even has its own weather system; clouds form inside due to temperature differences between the cave air and the outside air. Moreover, an underground river links Hang Sơn Đoòng to the nearby Hang Thung cave, suggesting undiscovered depths. Given its fragile ecosystem, strict regulations are in place to preserve Hang Sơn Đoòng's pristine condition. Tours of the cave are limited to 1,000 visitors per year.

特拉斯契卡自然公园悬崖,杜吉奥托克岛,克罗地亚 Cliffs of Telašćica Nature Park, Dugi Otok Island, Croatia (© Ilija Ascic/Shutterstock)

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特拉斯契卡自然公园悬崖,杜吉奥托克克罗地亚 Cliffs of Telašćica Nature Park, Dugi Otok Island, Croatia (© Ilija Ascic/Shutterstock)

亚得里亚海高地 Adriatic heights



Telašćica Nature Park, Dugi Otok, Croatia

Welcome to the slice of paradise that is Telašćica Nature Park, on the Croatian island of Dugi Otok. Pictured behind cliffs separating it from the Adriatic Sea is the park's Telašćica Bay, which stretches inland over 6 miles and is the largest natural harbor in the Adriatic. Dotted with islets and surrounded by small islands, its dramatic cliffs tower more than 520 feet above sea level and are known locally as the 'stene.' Other features of the park include 25 secluded beaches, as well as the therapeutic Mir salt lake known for its healing properties. So, the next time you're in the mood for island-hopping, come to Telašćica, where the land and sea play an endless game of tag.

通往肯尼迪湖的木板路,温哥华岛,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Wooden path to Kennedy Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada (© EB Adventure Photography/Shutterstock)

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通往肯尼迪的木板路,温哥华加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Wooden path to Kennedy Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada (© EB Adventure Photography/Shutterstock)

人迹罕至的路 The path less taken




Wooden path to Kennedy Lake, Vancouver Island, Canada

Discover the beauty of Vancouver Island, Canada. The wooden pathway in today's image, surrounded by ancient pine and cedar trees, leads to Kennedy Lake, the largest freshwater body on the island. The lake covers a surface area of 16,000 acres. It is part of the ancestral lands of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation where the Clayoquot and Kennedy Rivers meet. Tofino, over 24 miles away, has a real surf vibe. This small coastal town is a sanctuary for hikers, bird watchers, artists, and dreamers. Famous for its mild winters and pleasant summers, it has been a filming location for movies like 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' and 'One Week.'

