桉树,梅加龙谷,蓝山山脉国家公园,新南威尔士州,澳大利亚 Eucalyptus trees, Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains National Park, NSW, Australia (© Andrew Peacock/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
桉树奇景 A eucalyp-tastic view
今天,我们来到澳大利亚新南威尔士州的蓝山国家公园。这里以壮观的悬崖、茂密的雨林和飞泻的瀑布闻名,是联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的自然瑰宝,拥有丰富的生物多样性。蓝山地区最标志性的景观之一就是今日图片中展示的桉树。这里生长着 92 种桉树,游客可以近距离欣赏这些生命力顽强的树木,它们构成了澳大利亚野生生态系统的核心。桉树芳香的叶子是考拉的主要食物来源,而桉树的树皮和茂密的树冠则为无数鸟类和昆虫提供了栖息地。隐藏在山脉之间的还有梅加隆谷,这片宁静的世外桃源距离悉尼仅两小时车程,坐拥度假木屋、酒庄以及备受喜爱的梅加隆谷茶室。在这里,可以品尝新鲜出炉的司康饼,搭配当地果酱,享受惬意时光。此外,还可以探索六英尺步道,这条历史悠久的小径最早建于19世纪,最初是为骑马者开辟的通道。蓝山国家公园为游客带来一场深入澳大利亚原始自然之美的难忘旅程。
Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains National Park, Australia
Today, we are in New South Wales, Australia, amid the Blue Mountains National Park. Known for its dramatic cliffs, dense rainforests, and cascading waterfalls, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a treasure trove of natural beauty and biodiversity. Among the most iconic features of the Blue Mountains region are the eucalyptus trees, pictured here. Home to 92 species of eucalyptus, this area offers visitors a chance to marvel at these resilient trees, which are central to Australian wildlife. Their aromatic leaves provide food for koalas, while their bark and canopy create habitats for countless birds and insects.
Also nestled within the mountains is the Megalong Valley. Just a 2-hour drive from Sydney, this region is home to getaway cabins, wineries, and the Megalong Valley Tearooms, a charming retreat where you can enjoy freshly baked scones paired with local jams. Here, you can also explore the Six Foot Track, a historic trail originally carved in the 19th century for horseback riders. The Blue Mountains promise an unforgettable escape into the heart of Australia's wild beauty.