
布满奇石的青海岛,日本北长门海岸国定公园 Omijima Island in Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, Japan (© Sean Pavone Photo/Adobe Stock)

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布满奇石的青海日本北长门海岸国定公园 Omijima Island in Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, Japan (© Sean Pavone Photo/Adobe Stock)

海上阿尔卑斯山 Alps of the sea

Marine Day in Japan

The striking coastline of Omijima Island has earned it the nickname 'The Alps of the Sea.' Its sheer cliffs and dramatic angles certainly echo the skyscraping peaks in that European mountain range. But a visit to Omijimi Island will take you to the other side of the world, to Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, in Yamaguchi, Japan. Year-round scuba diving adventures reveal a world under the waves just as beautiful as the one above the surface.



北狼丘里的"波浪谷",美国亚利桑那州 'The Wave' sandstone formation in Coyote Buttes North, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

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北狼丘里的"波浪谷",美国亚利桑那州 'The Wave' sandstone formation in Coyote Buttes North, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

乘风破浪 Ride the wave

The Wave at Coyote Buttes

By showing you this coveted sight, we're saving you a bit of an ordeal. For a close-up view like this of 'The Wave,' a whorled sandstone formation in the northern Arizona wilderness, you'd have to navigate a rugged and mostly trail-free hiking route in typically scorching temperatures. You'd also need to have a permit in your pocket. To protect the landscape, only a small number are available, offered through a daily lottery. But maybe for you the journey is at least as important as the destination? If so, this is just one hike of many in the expansive Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, which protects more than 100,000 acres of Arizona and Utah canyonland.


通过向你们展示这一令人垂涎的景象,我们为你们省去了一点磨难。要想近距离拍摄“The Wave”,这是亚利桑那州北部荒野中的一个螺纹砂岩地层,你必须在典型的酷热天气下,沿着崎岖不平、几乎没有足迹的徒步路线行走。你还需要口袋里有许可证。为了保护景观,只有少数人可以通过每日彩票获得。但也许对你来说,旅程至少和目的地一样重要?如果是这样的话,这只是帕里亚峡谷朱红色悬崖国家纪念碑中众多徒步旅行中的一次,该纪念碑保护着亚利桑那州和犹他州超过10万英亩的峡谷地。

阿罗内镇的村落,意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)

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阿罗内镇的村落意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)

倒流...... Step back in time...

Arrone in Umbria, Italy

Close your eyes and picture a charming medieval Italian village, perched on a hill, church bells marking the hours, a hazy spread of patchwork fields fading into the distance. Well, that's the ancient village of Arrone. (On second thought, we probably didn't need the photo.) Arrone looks over the Valnerina, a valley carved by the river Nera, which twists its way through Italy's scenic Umbria region, known as the Green Heart of Italy.

When you stroll through the narrow alleys between 9th-century stone houses, it's like entering a time warp. Gaze out from the fortifications, imagining battles of the past. You'll easily spot the iconic square clock tower, with an ancient olive tree on top—it's what remains of the fortress built by the founders of the village, the Arroni family.

As you're walking through the past, make sure to visit both of Arrone's churches. Since you're at the top of the village—'la Terra,' to locals—explore the modest 13th-century San Giovanni Battista church and its stunning works of art. Check out the bell tower, too: The 'Campanari di Arrone' (bell ringers of Arrone) are guardians of traditional bell-ringing methods. In the village's lower section, you'll find the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which is filled with gorgeous frescoes dating to the early-16th and 17th centuries. And don't forget to marvel at the 16th-century glazed terra-cotta sculptures. So many ways to explore history in such a little village.




当你回顾过去时,一定要参观阿隆的两座教堂。既然你在“la Terra”村的顶端,当地人就可以探索13世纪的圣乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔教堂(San Giovanni Battista church)及其令人叹为观止的艺术品。也可以去看看钟楼:“坎帕纳里·迪·阿隆”(阿隆的敲钟者)是传统敲钟方法的守护者。在村庄的较低部分,你会发现圣玛利亚阿桑塔教堂,教堂内有16世纪和17世纪早期的华丽壁画。别忘了惊叹16世纪的釉面陶俑雕塑。在这样一个小村庄里,探索历史的方式有很多。

巨人堤道上的玄武岩柱,英国北爱尔兰 Basalt columns of Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

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巨人堤道上的玄武岩柱,英国北爱尔兰 Basalt columns of Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

巨石中的巨石 Rocks rock!

International Rock Day

Today is International Rock Day and we're giving due respect to these geological wonders. It might seem odd to sing the praises of rock, but think about it. Rocks have been with humankind since the beginning. From tools to housing to weapons, they've been key to our survival. A period of our history was so reliant on rocks that it will be forever known as the Stone Age. We would not be where we are today without the many minerals found on our planet, so rock on!

To celebrate, we're going to focus on one marvelous rock in particular: basalt, the most abundant volcanic rock on Earth. Here at the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, there are roughly 40,000 interlocking hexagonal columns of basalt formed after an ancient eruption. According to one Gaelic legend, however, this was built as a battleground for two giants, Ireland's Finn MacCool and Scotland's Benandonner. Another legend suggests MacCool built the causeway to cross the North Channel to meet a Scottish lover.

Revered as one of the United Kingdom's greatest natural wonders, the Giant's Causeway is one of the most popular tourist spots in Northern Ireland. If you can't make the journey, thanks to the way basalt naturally forms these polygonal columns, you could find some to construct a walkway of cobblestones to battle your own giants. At the very least, you'd have a sturdy rock that lasts the test of time.





悉尼奥林匹克公园里的湾标瞭望台,澳大利亚 Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia (© ai_yoshi/Getty Images)

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悉尼奥林匹克公园里的标瞭望台,澳大利亚 Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia (© ai_yoshi/Getty Images)

螺旋上升…… Spiraling upward...

Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia

It's an easy, circular trail to the Bay Marker Lookout, but you have to make it under your own steam—sorry, no cars allowed. This is one of the five Sydney Olympic Park Markers, cone-shaped earth mounds installed for the 2000 Olympics in Australia. They are cleverly placed to look from the air like the Australian flag's Southern Cross. From the ground, the Bay Marker gives a stunning full-360-degree view of Wentworth Common—a large grassy park—and the larger Olympic Park and stadium. You can also look over Homebush Bay (the community and the body of water) to the north. It's a dramatic melding of urban landscape, the city skyline, the wetlands and greenery, rivers, and beaches.


这是一条通往海湾标志了望台的简单的环形小道,但你必须在自己的蒸汽下到达。对不起,不允许开车。这是悉尼奥林匹克公园为2000年澳大利亚奥运会安装的五个圆锥形土墩之一。它们被巧妙地放置在空中,看起来像澳大利亚国旗的南十字。从地面上看,海湾标志物可以360度全方位俯瞰温特沃斯公园(Wentworth Common),这是一个长满青草的大型公园,以及更大的奥林匹克公园和体育场。你也可以在北边俯瞰Homebush湾(社区和水体)。这是城市景观、城市天际线、湿地和绿化、河流海滩的戏剧性融合。

巴塞罗那城市上空,西班牙 Barcelona, Spain (© SW Photography/Getty Images)

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巴塞罗那城市上空,西班牙 Barcelona, Spain (© SW Photography/Getty Images)

城市规划永不停歇 Urban planning never stops

World Population Day

The bustling city streets of Barcelona seem as good a place as any to mark World Population Day. More and more of us are heading to the city. It's estimated that 2007 was the first year in which more people lived in cities than in rural areas. If current trends continue, by 2050 about two-thirds of the world population will be living in cities. City planners and government officials will need to account for this rapid increase as power grids, water supplies, public transit, and emergency services will all be stretched.

World Population Day was created by the United Nations in 1989 to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues. After hundreds of thousands of years, the world human population finally reached 1 billion around the year 1804. In just over 200 years since then it has exceeded 7.7 billion. It's expected to grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.9 billion in 2100. How many is too many? What standard of living can we expect for people when the population exceeds 10 billion? And how many people can the planet sustain while also allowing nature to thrive? These are among the questions policy makers will confront as they consider the future of our world.




鸟瞰视角下的彩色船只,土耳其欧鲁旦尼斯 Aerial view of colorful boats in the Mediterranean Sea in Ölüdeniz, Turkey (© den-belitsky/Getty Images)

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鸟瞰视角下的彩色只,土耳其欧鲁旦尼斯 Aerial view of colorful boats in the Mediterranean Sea in Ölüdeniz, Turkey (© den-belitsky/Getty Images)

绚丽多彩的海滩 A beach of many colors

Ölüdeniz, Turkey

Whether you love snorkeling, scuba-diving, swimming, paragliding, or simply soaking up some sun, Ölüdeniz on Turkey's Turquoise Coast will fit the bill. The village and beach resort are named for the Blue Lagoon that's set off from the ocean by a long sandbar. (The literal translation of Ölüdeniz is 'Dead Sea,' reflecting the calm water, but for marketing purposes, the gorgeous color is more complimentary.) Much of the area is protected inside a national park, and the Ölüdeniz beach proudly holds the Blue Flag certification by the Foundation for Environmental Education, which recognizes high environmental and quality standards.

When you're all beached out, head for the hills. Ölüdeniz is one of the best paragliding spots in the world, so launch yourself from the impressive Mount Babadağ—just 3 miles from the seaside—and enjoy spectacular views of the lagoon, the beach, the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, and the scenic hills and valleys fading into the distance. Once you're back on solid ground, take a trip to the marvelous Butterfly Valley—it's easy, just jump on a taxi boat or drive the lovely local road that hugs the coast. Hopefully you'll spot a variety of butterflies as you hike through the natural canyon. Whether you go by air, land, or sea, there are so many ways to celebrate nature and diversity in this gorgeous part of the world.




多洛米蒂山上空的银河,意大利 Dolomite Mountains at night with the Milky Way, Italy (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

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多洛米蒂山上空的银河意大利 Dolomite Mountains at night with the Milky Way, Italy (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

彩虹 The Rainbow Bridge


Few places in Europe offer the opportunity to take in the Milky Way like the Dolomites. Far from cities and light pollution, and thousands of feet above sea level, the Dolomites offer a stunning, vibrant night sky above shear, jagged peaks that cut the dark. Also known as the 'Pale Mountains,' the Dolomites are named for the carbonate rock they are composed of, which was in turn named after 18th-century French mineralogist Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu, the first scientist to describe the mineral.

The Dolomite region in northeastern Italy boasts more than 2,100 named mountains, including the 'Queen of the Dolomites,' Marmolada, whose Punta Penía is the highest peak of the range. Nature lovers, hikers, and climbers flock to the Dolomites in summer, and the slopes are dominated by skiers and snowboarders during the long winter months. One sure way to appreciate the Dolomites' impressive peaks is to take a hot air balloon over the range.

欧洲很少有地方像白云石那样有机会进入银系。远离城市和污染,海拔数千英尺,白云石在剪切、参差不齐的山峰上提供了一个令人惊叹的、充满活力的夜空,切断了黑暗。白云石也被称为“苍白山脉”,因其组成的碳酸盐岩而命名,而碳酸盐岩又是以18世纪法国矿物学家Déodat Gratte de Dolomieu的名字命名的,他是第一位描述这种矿物的科学家。

意大利东北部的白云石地区拥有2100多座被命名的脉,其中包括“白云石女王”马尔莫拉达(Marmolada),其蓬塔彭尼亚峰(Punta Penía)是该山脉的最高峰。夏季,热爱大自然的人、徒步旅行者和登山者成群结队地来到白云石,在漫长的季,山坡上主要是滑雪者和滑者。欣赏白云石令人印象深刻的山峰的一个可靠方法是乘坐热气球飞越这一范围。

普雷维利峡谷里的河流和棕榈树森林,希腊克里特岛 Preveli Gorge with river and palm tree forest, South Chania, Crete, Greece (© borchee/Getty Images)

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普雷维利峡谷里的河流和棕榈森林希腊克里特岛 Preveli Gorge with river and palm tree forest, South Chania, Crete, Greece (© borchee/Getty Images)

值得一去的魅力峡谷 A gorge-ous place to drop in

Prevali Gorge

Trojan War-era rest stop? Local legend has it that this striking and historic location in southern Crete was a stopover on Odysseus's long return to Ithica. Whatever credence you give to Homeric tales of island hopping, there's no denying the appeal of the palm-lined Preveli Gorge or the enchanting beach it pours out to. Preveli Beach, just out of the frame of this image, was a favorite spot for hippie travelers in the '60s and '70s and remains an idyllic tourist destination today.

Like most of the ancient, well-trodden Mediterranean islands, Crete—the largest of the many Greek isles—has a rich, epoch-spanning history. Here on Crete's southern coast, Preveli Gorge is home to an influential monastery with two building complexes: the Lower (Kato) Monastery of Saint John the Baptist and the Rear (Pisso) Monastery of Saint John the Theologian. The holy sites date back at least as far as the 16th century, and possibly had origins as far back as the 10th century.

During the long occupation of Crete by the Ottoman Empire, Preveli Monastery was a center of rebellion and patriotism, with monks often serving as leaders and warriors in the many revolts against the occupiers. After more than 250 years, Crete finally won its freedom and joined Greece in 1913. The monastery would again find itself at the center of world events when it provided shelter and supplies to Allied soldiers fighting German occupiers during World War II.





哈萨塔角灯塔,佛罗伦萨,俄勒冈州 Heceta Head Light, Florence, Oregon (© Tom Schwabel/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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哈萨塔角灯塔佛罗伦萨俄勒冈州 Heceta Head Light, Florence, Oregon (© Tom Schwabel/Tandem Stills + Motion)

黑夜海岸边的一盏灯 A light in the coastal darkness

Heceta Head Light, Florence, Oregon

Heceta Head Light is perched 205 feet above the Pacific Ocean on Oregon's central coast. The headland is named for Spanish Basque explorer Don Bruno de Heceta, who led a secret expedition in 1775 to bolster Spain's claim to the Pacific Coast of North America. Having sailed from Mexico, by the time the voyage reached these shores, the crew was ravaged by scurvy and Heceta made the call to turn back—but not before he became the first to map and record a written description of the mouth of the Columbia River as well as this rocky 1,000-foot-high headland that would eventually bear his name. By the 19th century, seafarers making their way up and down the coast made the call for a lighthouse to guide their way. Construction of the 56-foot-tall lighthouse was complicated by the steep bluffs and remote location, but the first light beam pierced through the darkness on March 30, 1894.

The first lightkeepers at Heceta Head found the location too isolated, prompting several of them to leave the job after just a short period. Staffing turnover persisted until the 1930's when nearby Oregon Coast Highway was put into service and the area received electricity. The lighthouse played a minor role in World War II when 75 members of the Coast Guard and their dogs were stationed here to guard the beaches. The lighthouse became fully automated in 1963, and by 1970 the lightkeeper's house entered a new era as a satellite campus for a nearby community college. These days the area is on the National Registry of Historic Places and the lightkeeper's cottages have a new life as rooms of a bed and breakfast.


