北狼丘里的"波浪谷",美国亚利桑那州 'The Wave' sandstone formation in Coyote Buttes North, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

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北狼丘里的"波浪谷",美国亚利桑那州 'The Wave' sandstone formation in Coyote Buttes North, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

乘风破浪 Ride the wave

The Wave at Coyote Buttes

By showing you this coveted sight, we're saving you a bit of an ordeal. For a close-up view like this of 'The Wave,' a whorled sandstone formation in the northern Arizona wilderness, you'd have to navigate a rugged and mostly trail-free hiking route in typically scorching temperatures. You'd also need to have a permit in your pocket. To protect the landscape, only a small number are available, offered through a daily lottery. But maybe for you the journey is at least as important as the destination? If so, this is just one hike of many in the expansive Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, which protects more than 100,000 acres of Arizona and Utah canyonland.


通过向你们展示这一令人垂涎的景象,我们为你们省去了一点磨难。要想近距离拍摄“The Wave”,这是亚利桑那州北部荒野中的一个螺纹砂岩地层,你必须在典型的酷热天气下,沿着崎岖不平、几乎没有足迹的徒步路线行走。你还需要口袋里有许可证。为了保护景观,只有少数人可以通过每日彩票获得。但也许对你来说,旅程至少和目的地一样重要?如果是这样的话,这只是帕里亚峡谷朱红色悬崖国家纪念碑中众多徒步旅行中的一次,该纪念碑保护着亚利桑那州和犹他州超过10万英亩的峡谷地。

标签: 美国, 亚利桑那, 波浪谷

