库克斯港的水塔,德国 Water tower in Cuxhaven, Germany (© Andreas Vogel/Alamy)

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库克斯水塔德国 Water tower in Cuxhaven, Germany (© Andreas Vogel/Alamy)

一座历史古迹 A historical monument



日出时的羽扇豆田和教堂,斯奈山半岛,冰岛 Lupine fields and church at sunrise, Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

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日出时的羽扇豆田和教堂,斯奈半岛冰岛 Lupine fields and church at sunrise, Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

盛放的夏季 'Lupin' into summer




Lupine fields, Snæfellsnes, Iceland

As spring gives way to summer in Iceland, the rugged landscape bursts into color. Lupines were introduced here in the 1940s for their soil-binding properties, to reduce erosion. The plant flourishes in sandy and salty soils and spreads rapidly, bringing hues of purple, pink, and blue. Although some consider lupine to be a threat to native plants, it is welcomed by many as a cherished part of the summer landscape. You can find lupine fields in Reykjavík, near the Skógafoss waterfall, and lining the road to the Hellissandur Church in the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, as seen in today's image.

在纳扎雷冲浪的冲浪者,葡萄牙 Surfer riding a wave in Nazaré, Portugal (© Rui Caria/Getty Images)

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纳扎雷冲浪的冲浪者,葡萄牙 Surfer riding a wave in Nazaré, Portugal (© Rui Caria/Getty Images)

有志者事竟成 Where there's a will, there's a wave



International Surfing Day

Let's hit the waves for International Surfing Day! This event both celebrates the sport and promotes protecting the ocean for wildlife and surfers alike. Surfing has a long history; around 5,000 years ago in Peru, people used reed watercraft to surf the waves when they were out fishing. Polynesians are believed to have brought their version of surfing to Hawaii, where modern surfing was born. Here, people started to stand on their boards and to surf for fun. Historians believe that surfing made its way to the US in 1885, when three teenage Hawaiian princes surfed on redwood boards while on a break from boarding school in California.

Today's image shows an intrepid surfer riding a wave at Nazaré, Portugal. This town on the Atlantic coast is known for its giant waves, which can reach over 100 feet in height. Thanks to these impressive breakers, several surf records have been broken here, including the biggest wave ever surfed—an incredible 86 feet. So, wax down your surfboards and go out and catch some waves!

佩姬湾灯塔,新斯科舍省,加拿大 Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada (© Pugalenthi/Getty Images)

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佩姬灯塔新斯科舍省加拿大 Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada (© Pugalenthi/Getty Images)

孤独,但不寂寞 Alone but never lonely



雷吉斯坦广场的外立面马赛克,撒马尔罕,乌兹别克斯坦 Mosaic façade in Registan Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan (© da-kuk/Getty Images)

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雷吉斯坦广场的外立面马赛克,撒马尔罕,乌兹别克斯坦 Mosaic façade in Registan Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan (© da-kuk/Getty Images)

瓷砖的故事 Tile tales




Registan, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Welcome to the blue hues of the Registan, a public square at the heart of the city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Meaning 'sandy place' in Persian, Registan was a center of activity during the Timurid Renaissance, a period of cultural and intellectual revival in the Muslim world between the 14th and early 16th centuries.

In this grand square, citizens came together to hear royal proclamations, announced with resounding blasts from colossal copper pipes known as dzharchis. The square is encircled by three Islamic schools, namely the Ulugh Beg Madrasah, the Sher-Dor Madrasah, and the Tilya-Kori Madrasah, characterized by the Islamic architectural style, which typically features elaborate repetitive patterns and ornamental forms. Registan's architectural influence is seen far and wide, from the Safavid monuments of Persia and the Mughal buildings of India and Pakistan to the early 20th-century Saint Petersburg Mosque in Russia.

大弯国家公园上空的银河,得克萨斯州,美国 Milky Way over Big Bend National Park, Texas (© wisanuboonrawd/Adobe Stock)

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大弯国家公园上空的银河得克萨斯州,美国 Milky Way over Big Bend National Park, Texas (© wisanuboonrawd/Adobe Stock)

盛宴 A galactic gig




Big Bend National Park turns 80

Ready to channel your inner nature enthusiast? Let's explore Big Bend National Park in West Texas, which is celebrating its 80th birthday today. The park is the largest protected area in the Chihuahuan Desert, covering over 1,250 square miles. It was established on June 12, 1944, when the state of Texas transferred this land to the federal government.

Within the park lie landmarks like the Castolon Historic District, where US and Mexican cultures met in one rural border community, and the Hot Springs Historic District, developed in the early 1900s, but with evidence of human occupation dating back thousands of years. Here you can walk in the footprints of modern pioneers, ranchers, and miners. This land is also one of North America's premier destinations for stargazing. With little light pollution from the surrounding areas, it has some of the darkest night skies in the area. Bring your binoculars and enjoy an evening full of Milky Way vistas, meteor showers, and taking pictures of the stunning night sky.

巴尔德纳斯雷亚尔斯自然公园,巴德纳斯,纳瓦拉,西班牙 Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Bardenas, Navarra, Spain (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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巴尔德纳斯雷亚尔斯自然公园,巴德纳斯,纳瓦拉西班牙 Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Bardenas, Navarra, Spain (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

令人窒息的寂静 Breathtaking silence




Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Spain

The surreal landscape of the Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park in northern Spain has been sculpted by millennia of erosion. Featuring rocky plateaus, canyons, and whimsically shaped clay formations called cabezos, the park, in the province of Navarre, is a playground of geological wonders.

Designated as a natural park in 1999 and a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2000, Bardenas Reales is also a haven for animals and plants that can withstand its arid conditions. The park is home to a variety of wildlife including great bustards, golden eagles, vultures, mountain cats, wild boars, and numerous reptiles. Spread across around 104,000 acres, the park's semi-desert environment and unique geological formations make it an important site for scientific research and conservation efforts. If you wish to discover a place where natural beauty meets wild surprises around every bend, Bardenas Reales should be on your bucket list.

复活节溪和基利克河的交汇处,北极之门国家公园,阿拉斯加州,美国 Confluence of Easter Creek and Killik River, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

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复活节溪和基利克的交汇处,北极之门国家公园阿拉斯加州,美国 Confluence of Easter Creek and Killik River, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

河流的交汇 The meeting of the waters



National Rivers Month

The lush greenery of June is here, and so is National Rivers Month, a tribute to the veins of our planet, created by Canadian activist Mark Angelo. Just like the confluence featured here today, where Alaska's Easter Creek and Killik River unite in a beautiful display, we too come together every year to help preserve the nation's rivers. With increasing threats such as pollution, habitat destruction, and overuse, it's more important than ever to advocate for their protection. Whether you're paddling down a gentle stream, casting a fishing line, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the riverbank, there are countless ways to connect with our waterways. The US alone boasts a vast network of over 250,000 rivers, stretching more than 3 million miles. Which one are you heading to?

座头鲸家族,荷兰港,阿拉斯加州 Family of humpback whales, Dutch Harbor, Alaska (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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座头家族,荷兰阿拉斯加州 Family of humpback whales, Dutch Harbor, Alaska (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

希望的浪潮 Waves of hope




World Oceans Day

Today, let's embark on a watery adventure for World Oceans Day, a celebration of the critical role played by oceans in supporting life on Earth. These gargantuan water bodies teem with wonders, from the tiniest plankton to the grandest whales, like the humpbacks we see here. The oceans also produce almost half of the oxygen on our planet thanks to the photosynthesis of plankton—tiny plants, algae, and bacteria. Moreover, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Oceans, and the marine species they support, face many threats, including rising sea temperatures thanks to global warming, plastic pollution, and ocean acidification. The theme for this year's World Oceans Day is 'Awaken New Depths.' This motto encourages us to delve deeper into the ocean's complexities and ensure that fascinating, ocean-dwelling animals, like our homepage whales, continue to grace our planet for generations to come. Are you ready to take the plunge?

马达加斯加的马苏阿拉国家公园 Masoala National Park in Madagascar (© Dennis van de Water/Shutterstock)

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马达加斯加的马苏阿拉国家公园 Masoala National Park in Madagascar (© Dennis van de Water/Shutterstock)

世界环境日快乐! Happy b-earth-day!




World Environment Day

Happy World Environment Day! First celebrated back in 1973, this UN event is now celebrated in more than 143 countries. This year's theme focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.

Pictured here is Madagascar's Masoala National Park, part of the Rainforests of the Atsinanana UNESCO World Heritage Site. This park, which covers nearly 930 square miles, is a wildlife haven harboring hundreds of species including mammals like red ruffed lemurs and aye-ayes, birds like red owls and helmet vangas, reptiles like Madagascar day geckos and tomato frogs, and butterflies, coral species, fish, and sea turtles. The park has been at the forefront of conservation efforts to combat illegal logging, particularly of its rare rosewood trees. So, let's take inspiration from Masoala and champion the planet that cradles us all. After all, there is no planet B.

