黄石国家公园的美洲野牛,怀俄明州,美国 American bison in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Ian Shive/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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黄石国家公园的美洲野牛,怀俄明州,美国 American bison in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Ian Shive/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

从濒临灭绝到成为国家的象征 From near extinction to national icon




National Bison Day

Once upon a time, in the boundless grasslands of North America, there roamed creatures of great strength and majesty—the American bison. These animals were a key part of life for many Native American tribes, providing food, clothing, and tools. Their population dwindled perilously low in the late 1800s, falling from as many as 60 million to fewer than 1,000 due to excessive hunting and disease. Enter a group of conservationists, ranchers, and Native Americans who stepped in to save the species. Now, over 500,000 bison roam again, many in protected areas like Yellowstone National Park, featured in today's image. Today, on National Bison Day, observed every first Saturday in November, we honor these noble creatures—a testament to the American spirit and the monumental conservation efforts to save them.

It's no wonder the bison was officially named the national mammal in 2016. From the buffalo nickel to state flags, they are a deeply embedded symbol in American culture. Bison are North America's largest mammals, and they have been introduced as far away as Russia. While the bison has made a heroic recovery, the story isn't over. These animals still face challenges, including habitat loss and hunting.

标签: 美国, 怀俄明, 黄石

